What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

You are. Since you like the mince words, you'll note that I never said "only". :)

"You are also making the arrogant mistake of blaming it ALL on religion instead of public education."

Nothing more pathetic than a lying pussy who can't admit when he's wrong.

Now go and say that you said "all" not "only." :laugh:
The Slippery Slope is the control freaks' strategy. Take a little bit now, then a little bit later when the loss of the first bit has become "normal". They depend on people like you dismissing it as "the Slippery Slope fallacy".

It's only the Slippery Slope fallacy when there is no evidence that something like gun control will lead to a full ban on all guns.
I do agree that moving the Overton Window is a thing. But that doesn't mean the next step will happen or that people are secretly trying to make it happen. And it doesn't mean the public doesn't have a limit to how far the window can go. Gay marriage is now recognized, but as you can see, bestiality is still illegal.
Yes, it's an atheist whose understanding of Christianity is limited to what they think they know about fundamentalist protestants. The urban dictionary used to define fundamentalist atheists as "assholes".

Well in that case, this meme is completely true.

"You are also making the arrogant mistake of blaming it ALL on religion instead of public education."

Nothing more pathetic than a lying pussy who can't admit when he's wrong.

Now go and say that you said "all" not "only." :laugh:
Agreed, but it's fairly common among racists, anti-Americans, anti-religion atheists and, in general, arrogant assholes who think their opinion should dominate the opinions of everyone else. You, Stalin and Mao would have gotten along very well.

Everyone who has read your anti-Christian forum posts knows that you blame religion for society's ills just as you've done on this thread.

The OP is a typical example:
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian values like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?
Agreed, but it's fairly common among racists, anti-Americans, anti-religion atheists and, in general, arrogant assholes who think their opinion should dominate the opinions of everyone else. You, Stalin and Mao would have gotten along very well.

Yes. Because thinking religion is harmful to society is the same as wanting to kill anyone who disagrees with you. :laugh:

Everyone who has read your anti-Christian forum posts knows that you blame religion for society's ills just as you've done on this thread.

Sure, but I never blamed it ALL on religion. That's what you're lying about and don't have the balls to admit.
Disagreed. I will agree that too many Televangelists are all about the money, but you can go into any church within 10 miles of yourself and not find any that are "all about the money" unless it's one of those televangelist assholes.

Sent from the Krusty Krab using air bubbles

Most Christians -- and their churches -- are good folk. It's the rotten apples that spoil the whole barrel.

This place, sadly, is infested with the rotten apples.
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian values like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?

The values that are mentioned in the Holy Bible.
Agreed, but it's fairly common among racists, anti-Americans, anti-religion atheists and, in general, arrogant assholes who think their opinion should dominate the opinions of everyone else. You, Stalin and Mao would have gotten along very well.

Everyone who has read your anti-Christian forum posts knows that you blame religion for society's ills just as you've done on this thread.

The OP is a typical example:

Oh please, StoneByStone is far more calm & collective than you are.

You are the one who always Trolls, and thinks they're so much better than people over opinions, you have stunning arrogance & ignorance.

StoneByStone is definitely one of the best posters here, she doesn't always Chimp out, and actually thinks things through, unlike you.
It's a little complicated. Biblical philosophy is generally liberal in the way we would use the term "liberal" today.
However, all religion makes people susceptible to Fascism because it teaches people to put feels over reals. It tells people that logic and facts don't matter, what matters is feeling and what you want to be true. It's no surprise that Fake News exploded in societies where even Atheists will say it's ok to be religious. If someone grows up thinking it's ok to believe whatever they want, of course they're going to believe Fake News and worship politicians that make them feel good.
Sure, there have been Christians that support commune-living and social justice. Not every Theist is a Fascist. But Theists are more likely to support Fascism than Atheists and that includes even these hippy commune Christians.

I do not agree that "all religion" leads to a tendency to eschew logic and submission to fascism. I would have to see data and evidence supporting that assertion.

The Quakers I know would be surprised to hear about their susceptibility to fascism..

There are engineers, scientists, teachers in my family who are devout Orthodox, and they have never struck me as the types to eschew reason and logic in their day to day lives.

I have always understood that religious fundamentalism can lead to authoritarianism, theocracy, and disregard for science. It is a matter of historical fact that Calvinist strains of Protestantism held secular knowledge and education in lower regard with respect to the focus on personal salvation