What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Deepak Chopra is dumb as shit. So, yeah, not a good guy to quote.

But even ignoring the person, this quote is ridiculous. What "Militant Atheism" is he talking about? When was the last time a person was persecuted in the name of Atheism? Name some "Militant Atheists" who commit hate crimes against Theists.
Even calling it "bigotry" is retarded. People laughing at you for your stupid beliefs is not bigotry. And I'm not surprised he can't even spell "bigotry," as he spells it incorrectly twice.

This is another example of Moderates and their False Equivalence fallacy. Extremist Theists will murder you. Extremist Atheists will mock you. These two things are the same.
ROFLMAO He was quoting Einstein you dumb ass.

The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer. — Albert Einstein

Another lie from you is that Stalin and Mao weren't atheists and/or extreme. You're a socialist too, aren't you? Is that why you won't bad mouth them?
ROFLMAO He was quoting Einstein you dumb ass.

The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer. — Albert Einstein

Where do I even begin? :laugh:

First of all, have you ever wondered why you never see this quote cited? How about the fact that this quote often appears in English, but never German, despite that being the language Einstein spoke?
It's because he likely never said this. A lot of religious bullshit is attributed to people like Einstein. Another thing is the famous story where the religious child outwits the Atheist professor. The story, in all its incarnations, usually reveals that the child was a young Albert Einstein. But, nope, no evidence that ever happened either.

Secondly, if we are to assume Einstein said this, "bigotry" likely would have been translated from the German word "Bigotterie." However, "Bigotterie" doesn't mean "bigotry" the way Chopra is using it. Bigotterie refers to narrow-mindedness, not hatred of people for not being like you. So definitely not "Militant Atheism," whatever that is.

Finally, Chopra is dumb as shit.

Another lie from you is that Stalin and Mao weren't atheists and/or extreme.

Oh, really? Name just one comment where I denied that Stalin and Mao were Atheists and/or Extremists. Go ahead, I'll wait. ;)

You're a socialist too, aren't you? Is that why you won't bad mouth them?

Social Democrat, but I guess a "Socialist" is anyone who cares about the working-class these days.
On this very thread, I said Stalin and Mao were mass murderers. This is how stupid you are.
You didn't reply to anything else I said because you can't. :laugh:

You were ranting claiming Einstein never said it and there was no evidence he said it, but there is evidence:

Just another fact you'll never admit to being wrong about. Admit it or not, I think most people can see you are an immature hater like the TD twins, Text Driver, etc. The only difference is they hate Lefties and you hate the faithful. Both of you hate and despise those who disagree with you.

Evidence of Einstein's quote: https://www.einsteinandreligion.com/atheism.html

https://books.google.com/books?id=3...ry of the believer. — Albert Einstein&f=false

“The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer.” -- Einstein and the Poet (1983)
Just another fact you'll never admit to being wrong about. Admit it or not, I think most people can see you are an immature hater like the TD twins, Text Driver, etc. The only difference is they hate Lefties and you hate the faithful. Both of you hate and despise those who disagree with you.

I don't hate religious people. Unlike the Trumpcucks, I don't insult people for disagreeing with me, and I've chatted with religious people here without any insults.
I simply called you out for lying about the things I've said, so now you're trying to #deflect.
You also lied about me refusing to say anything negative about Stalin and Mao. You lied about me blaming Fascism all on religion. You're a pathological liar and you don't like that I'm calling you on it.

Evidence of Einstein's quote: https://www.einsteinandreligion.com/atheism.html

https://books.google.com/books?id=3...ry of the believer. — Albert Einstein&f=false

“The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer.” -- Einstein and the Poet (1983)

So the "evidence" of Einstein's quote were books that other people wrote about him. In other worse, second hand information, not a work that Einstein wrote himself.
And as I already said, if the "quote" was originally said in German, then it doesn't mean what you think it means.
No, they just don't want government hands inside of their pocketbooks. They're perfectly fine with charitable giving to help the poor.

Open borders is bad policy. It doesn't allow for any control over who goes in or out of the country.

But not wanting to use taxes to help the poor is very unchristian. Especially when they're using those taxes for war and to make the rich even richer.

I agree that open borders is bad policy, but I'm not a Christian. According to Christianity, we're supposed to accept and help all immigrants.
That's just a way to justify letting people suffer in America.

Who? Except for Appalachia, I can't think of anywhere else in America that comes close to the poverty in India, for example. But the people in Appalachia are mostly white so I'm sure they don't matter to you.
Oh please, StoneByStone is far more calm & collective than you are.

You are the one who always Trolls, and thinks they're so much better than people over opinions, you have stunning arrogance & ignorance.

StoneByStone is definitely one of the best posters here, she doesn't always Chimp out, and actually thinks things through, unlike you.

StonebyStone is opinionated and factually challenged.
If gun control worked, countries with strict gun control laws would have less gun crime. There are many examples otherwise. OTOH, there are states like Vermont, with almost no gun laws and very little gun crime.

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The Mid-West tends to have more Blacks die by gun homicides, while the South tends to have more Whites die by gun homicides.

It could just be that White Southerners are the worst of the Whites, and that Mid-Western Blacks are the worst of the Blacks.

You were ranting claiming Einstein never said it and there was no evidence he said it, but there is evidence:

Just another fact you'll never admit to being wrong about. Admit it or not, I think most people can see you are an immature hater like the TD twins, Text Driver, etc. The only difference is they hate Lefties and you hate the faithful. Both of you hate and despise those who disagree with you.

Evidence of Einstein's quote: https://www.einsteinandreligion.com/atheism.html

https://books.google.com/books?id=3...ry of the believer. — Albert Einstein&f=false

“The bigotry of the nonbeliever is for me nearly as funny as the bigotry of the believer.” -- Einstein and the Poet (1983)

Everybody's immature but Dutch Uncle, LMFAO.

You come off like an obnoxious low IQ troll.

Nothing mature about that.