What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

What makes you think that they had "a clean shot at the perp"?

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Irrelevant to what you claimed.

You claimed "good guys with a gun" would not attempt to stop a slaughter for fear they might be charged with a crime.

Clean shot or not wasn't part of your formulation.

My formulation is that if a clean shot was available to the "good guy with a gun" fear of legal consequences should hopefully take a backseat to stopping a schoolhouse slaughter.
There are engineers, scientists, teachers in my family who are devout Orthodox, and they have never struck me as the types to eschew reason and logic in their day to day lives.

Yeah, most Theists don't. However, Theists are ok with eschewing logic when they think it's beneficial. Once you accept that it's ok to do that, you become more vulnerable to Fake News and other things that prey on emotion and desperation. Even if you don't ignore logic in your day to day life.
And don't get me wrong, there are Atheists who do this too. Atheists who convince themselves that karma is real are doing the same thing.
Well in that case, this meme is completely true.


LOL. BTW, David Niose is a sleazebag lawyer....yeah, I know, calling him that is redundant.

...he's also wrong:
Irrelevant to what you claimed.

You claimed "good guys with a gun" would not attempt to stop a slaughter for fear they might be charged with a crime.

Clean shot or not wasn't part of your formulation.

My formulation is that if a clean shot was available to the "good guy with a gun" fear of legal consequences should hopefully take a backseat to stopping a schoolhouse slaughter.
I can see why many people, unless it's a family member or friend, would hesitate to shoot into an unknown situation for fear of legal reprisal. Concealed carry is for self-defense, not to be a reserve police force. There is no "Good Samaritan" law for an armed person to shoot into a situation.

Here's the bad news, even cops shoot the wrong person. In at least two situations, police shot "the armed black man" who turned out to be "the good guy with a gun". Smart carriers will holster or put down their gun as soon as the shooting stops and before the cops show up to avoid being shot themselves.

Police are protected from shooting the wrong person, but armed citizens are not. Therefore, they would probably hesitate.
Yes. Because thinking religion is harmful to society is the same as wanting to kill anyone who disagrees with you. :laugh:

Sure, but I never blamed it ALL on religion. That's what you're lying about and don't have the balls to admit.
Again, dude, you're mincing words. You named yourself when you wrote this earlier: "Nothing more pathetic than a lying pussy who can't admit when he's wrong."

That fact remains, like your OP falsely claiming homophobia and anti-abortionism are "Christian values", you love to denigrate and bash believers and you have a particular fondness for attacking all Christians. Why do you enjoy doing so? Why are you so fond of bashing over two billion of your fellow human beings?
The Right often talks about how things would be so great if America just embraced Christian values like we supposedly did in the past. I know two Christian values they want to bring back are homophobia and a ban on abortion, but is that it? What else do you guys want to do to make America more Christian?
I do not agree that "all religion" leads to a tendency to eschew logic and submission to fascism. I would have to see data and evidence supporting that assertion.

The Quakers I know would be surprised to hear about their susceptibility to fascism..

There are engineers, scientists, teachers in my family who are devout Orthodox, and they have never struck me as the types to eschew reason and logic in their day to day lives.

I have always understood that religious fundamentalism can lead to authoritarianism, theocracy, and disregard for science. It is a matter of historical fact that Calvinist strains of Protestantism held secular knowledge and education in lower regard with respect to the focus on personal salvation
The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of humanity are separate areas and rarely overlap therefore there is no reason why a person can't be an engineer, scientist or teacher and be very religious. The only time would be a conflict between the two is when someone asserts something in a religious text is true even when proved to be impossible in the physical universe.
Again, dude, you're mincing words. You named yourself when you wrote this earlier: "Nothing more pathetic than a lying pussy who can't admit when he's wrong."

That fact remains, like your OP falsely claiming homophobia and anti-abortionism are "Christian values", you love to denigrate and bash believers and you have a particular fondness for attacking all Christians. Why do you enjoy doing so? Why are you so fond of bashing over two billion of your fellow human beings?

Yes. Because thinking religion is harmful to society is the same as wanting to kill anyone who disagrees with you. :laugh:

Sure, but I never blamed it ALL on religion. That's what you're lying about and don't have the balls to admit.
Stalin and Mao, like you are now, were atheists. Like you they sought to impose their views upon everyone else. Unlike you, they had the power to do it and used it by killing up to 100M of their own people. Again, your own posts prove you are anti-religion.

Mince away. Besides bitching about religion, it's something you obviously like to do.
Stalin and Mao, like you are now, were atheists. Like you they sought to impose their views upon everyone else. Unlike you, they had the power to do it and used it by killing up to 100M of their own people. Again, your own posts prove you are anti-religion.

So anyone who thinks their ideas are correct and wants others to accept those ideas are like mass murderers? Fascinating.
First of all, I just asked a question. Calm down.

Secondly, Theists are Atheists in denial.

First, I made a simple comment and you exploited into a full-blown hissy-fit. Get a grip. Do you nails or something.

Second, in your opinion. It's not a fact nor have you offered factual evidence supporting your beliefs.
Stalin and Mao, like you are now, were atheists. Like you they sought to impose their views upon everyone else. Unlike you, they had the power to do it and used it by killing up to 100M of their own people. Again, your own posts prove you are anti-religion.

Mince away. Besides bitching about religion, it's something you obviously like to do.
So anyone who thinks their ideas are correct and wants others to accept those ideas are like mass murderers? Fascinating.
No, but the fact you are leaping to such a thought is, indeed, fascinating.
Most Christians -- and their churches -- are good folk. It's the rotten apples that spoil the whole barrel.

This place, sadly, is infested with the rotten apples.

That's because anyone who stays at JPP for long is an admitted nutjob....some much worse than others. :)

Deepak Chopra is dumb as shit. So, yeah, not a good guy to quote.

But even ignoring the person, this quote is ridiculous. What "Militant Atheism" is he talking about? When was the last time a person was persecuted in the name of Atheism? Name some "Militant Atheists" who commit hate crimes against Theists.
Even calling it "bigotry" is retarded. People laughing at you for your stupid beliefs is not bigotry. And I'm not surprised he can't even spell "bigotry," as he spells it incorrectly twice.

This is another example of Moderates and their False Equivalence fallacy. Extremist Theists will murder you. Extremist Atheists will mock you. These two things are the same.
I thought you were a atheist?

Just one of the many things you've fucked up in your life. Maybe you should listen and read more, talk and write less.

Did I tell you about the time Mason's mom blew me at a hockey game? My balls were so blue from the cold I thought they'd turned Democrat.

Mason owes me an apology and a retraction. Since he's not man enough to do it, his mom is working it off every day until he does.