What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Agreed. How does that nullify what I wrote? How does that prove you know best and that religion should be destroyed?
The entire history of religion demonstrates the damage that it does. And there doesn't appear to be any need to destroy it. It looks like it will die out without any effort required.

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The "Militant Atheist" is a myth just like God. I've never seen an Atheist actually try to disprove the historical Jesus.
And if an average person feels they have enough evidence to say a historical figure doesn't exist, what's wrong with talking about it?

Bullshit. You and several others are militant atheists. The fact you deny it exists is as logical as Trump denying COVID-19 is worse than the flu. Call it "New Atheism", old atheism or whatever you like but the fact remains anyone who declares religions evil and subject to eradication are militant atheists.

Your friends the Soviets had it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Militant_Atheists

Richard Dawkins and the other three horsemen of New Atheism advocated it. although often advocated using another term in order to slip it into society. In short, they advocated deceit.


Roy E. Brown, Europe Supports Secular Education," in Religion.
"Atheism which is actively hostile to religion I would call militant. To be hostile in this sense requires more than just strong disagreement with religion — it requires something verging on hatred and is characterized by a desire to wipe out all forms of religious belief."

All you've got are reports by illiterate peasants that were recorded by your "trained historians of antiquity".

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I maintain that the consensus of trained historians of antquity is that there is a sufficent collective weight of evidence that a man known as Jesus of Nazareth lived in early 1st century Judea.

If you have data, evidence, and a compelling case he never existed and was created out of thin air as a hoax, you should submit your findings to a peer reviewed scholarly historical research journal.

I am not the one you need to convince. You need to overturn the consensus opinion of highly trained scholars of antiquity
The entire history of religion demonstrates the damage that it does. And there doesn't appear to be any need to destroy it. It looks like it will die out without any effort required.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Get a grip, RJ. Human beings demonstrate the damage they can do. You bitch, whine and moan about fucking religion but you don't have a single bad word about Stalin and Mao's mass murder of their own people in an effort to stamp out religion. Why? What is your final solution for the religion question?

Within just weeks of the October revolution, the People’s Commissariat for Enlightenment was established to remove all references to religion from school curriculums. In the years that followed, churches and monasteries were destroyed or turned into public toilets. Their land and property was appropriated. Thousands of bishops, monks and clergy were systematically murdered by the security services. Specialist propaganda units were formed, like the League of the Godless. Christian intellectuals were rounded up and sent to camps.

The Soviets had originally believed that when the church had been deprived of its power, religion would quickly wither away. When this did not happen, they redoubled their efforts. In Stalin’s purges of 1936 and 1937 tens of thousands of clergy were rounded up and shot. Under Khrushchev it became illegal to teach religion to your own children. From 1917 to the perestroika period of the 1980s, the more religion persisted, the more the Soviets would seek new and inventive ways to eradicate it. Today the Russian Orthodox churches are packed full. Once the grip of oppression had been released, the faithful returned to church in their millions.

Thank you for once again proving you lack the intellectual capacity to discuss this topic like an adult. Lemme guess, you're 30ish, some bullshit college degree , in a lower middle-class job and you support anarchism and/or socialism but feel the world owes you something. Doesn't that sum up the common demographic for militant atheists?
Considering Jesus was basically an itinerant peasant, the fact that multiple independent testimonies in the NT (Pauline epistles, Mathew, Mark, Luke, John), the Jewish historian Josephus, the Roman historian Tacitus all make reference to Jesus is actually pretty remarkable.

No one from antiquity who was basically a peasant of the lower social class has any kind of documentation attesting to their existence. Unless one assumes its all a hoax, the fact that significant testimony exists in the historical record about a peasant from Nazareth is fairly extraordinary

It's likely that most or all of those testimonies outside of the NT were inserted later.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

So apparently you accuse anyone of hate and bigotry if they don't support religion.

Wrong again. You are deliberately forgetting that I go after the Bible-thumpers with equal vigor. How convenient and deceitful of you. If you weren't such a whiny jackass, maybe you'd open your eyes to the bigger picture. Instead, all you do is act like Trump and believe the world revolves around you.
Wrong again. You are deliberately forgetting that I go after the Bible-thumpers with equal vigor.

Well yeah, it's part of your "Militantly Moderate" bullshit. If you disagree with anyone who takes a strong stand on something, you call them a hater and a bigot. Very childish on your part.
Thank you for once again proving you lack the intellectual capacity to discuss this topic like an adult. Lemme guess, you're 30ish, some bullshit college degree , in a lower middle-class job and you support anarchism and/or socialism but feel the world owes you something. Doesn't that sum up the common demographic for militant atheists?

This is a caricature that doesn't exist. I'm surprised you didn't also assume I majored in gender studies. :laugh:
Bullshit. You and several others are militant atheists. The fact you deny it exists is as logical as Trump denying COVID-19 is worse than the flu. Call it "New Atheism", old atheism or whatever you like but the fact remains anyone who declares religions evil and subject to eradication are militant atheists.

Your friends the Soviets had it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Militant_Atheists

Richard Dawkins and the other three horsemen of New Atheism advocated it. although often advocated using another term in order to slip it into society. In short, they advocated deceit.


Roy E. Brown, Europe Supports Secular Education," in Religion.
"Atheism which is actively hostile to religion I would call militant. To be hostile in this sense requires more than just strong disagreement with religion — it requires something verging on hatred and is characterized by a desire to wipe out all forms of religious belief."


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The "Militant Atheist" is a myth just like God. I've never seen an Atheist actually try to disprove the historical Jesus.
And if an average person feels they have enough evidence to say a historical figure doesn't exist, what's wrong with talking about it?

Repeating- The truly disinterested, secular, reasonable person would not invest their ego and emotions into attempts to prove a man known as Jesus of Nazareth never existed. The secular and disinterested person would leave it to the scholarly consensus of trained historians of antiquity

It reminds me of the faith-based hostility of climate deniers.

Rather than take a disinterested approach and defer to the expert consensus opinion of trained scholars, they invest their ego and emotions in a Jihad to prove the historical person known as Jesus of Nazareth was a clever and remarkably successful hoax created out of of thin air by a group of illiterate peasants living in Galilee
I maintain that the consensus of trained historians of antquity is that there is a sufficent collective weight of evidence that a man known as Jesus of Nazareth lived in early 1st century Judea.

If you have data, evidence, and a compelling case he never existed and was created out of thin air as a hoax, you should submit your findings to a peer reviewed scholarly historical research journal.

I am not the one you need to convince. You need to overturn the consensus opinion of highly trained scholars of antiquity
It's likely that all of that 'evidence' was inserted later.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Get a grip, RJ. Human beings demonstrate the damage they can do. You bitch, whine and moan about fucking religion but you don't have a single bad word about Stalin and Mao's mass murder of their own people in an effort to stamp out religion. Why? What is your final solution for the religion question?

Within just weeks of the October revolution, the People’s Commissariat for Enlightenment was established to remove all references to religion from school curriculums. In the years that followed, churches and monasteries were destroyed or turned into public toilets. Their land and property was appropriated. Thousands of bishops, monks and clergy were systematically murdered by the security services. Specialist propaganda units were formed, like the League of the Godless. Christian intellectuals were rounded up and sent to camps.

The Soviets had originally believed that when the church had been deprived of its power, religion would quickly wither away. When this did not happen, they redoubled their efforts. In Stalin’s purges of 1936 and 1937 tens of thousands of clergy were rounded up and shot. Under Khrushchev it became illegal to teach religion to your own children. From 1917 to the perestroika period of the 1980s, the more religion persisted, the more the Soviets would seek new and inventive ways to eradicate it. Today the Russian Orthodox churches are packed full. Once the grip of oppression had been released, the faithful returned to church in their millions.
There is no need for a "final solution". Religion will die out on its own.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Repeating- The truly disinterested, secular, reasonable person would not invest their ego and emotions into attempts to prove a man known as Jesus of Nazareth never existed. The secular and disinterested person would leave it to the scholarly consensus of trained historians of antiquity

It reminds me of the faith-based hostility of climate deniers.

Rather than take a disinterested approach and defer to the expert consensus opinion of trained scholars, they invest their ego and emotions in a Jihad to prove the historical person known as Jesus of Nazareth was a clever and remarkably successful hoax created out of of thin air by a group of illiterate peasants living in Galilee

Have you ever actually seen or met someone who does this, though?
My "hate and bigotry" are your delusions. I am a rationalist. I don't do "hate and bigotry". I also don't do religion. It is the opposite of rational.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Your posts prove otherwise.

The fact you deliberately misconstrue the truth and twist logic, again like Trump, proves you are not rational nor unbigoted. You believe in something that can't be proved yet you are advocating hate and bigotry toward those who believe differently than you. Your ideology to blame the world's ills on religion is both misguided and biased.

Sent from Alexander Graham Bell's photophone using light beams
There is no need for a "final solution". Religion will die out on its own.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Of course it wil. All humanity will one day die out on its own. That's just rational thinking. You are not saying anything new or wise.

Sent from my laptop using the Internet
It's likely that all of that 'evidence' was inserted later.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Common ground. Agreed there was embellishment. It's a natural trait of human beings. Kill all the humans and you will stop religion completely....will you be happy then?

What matters to you more: Killing religion or seeking a way for all humanity to survive in peace and mutual respect?

Sent from the jungle using a reflective mirror.
Your posts prove otherwise.

The fact you deliberately misconstrue the truth and twist logic, again like Trump, proves you are not rational nor unbigoted. You believe in something that can't be proved yet you are advocating hate and bigotry toward those who believe differently than you. Your ideology to blame the world's ills on religion is both misguided and biased.

Sent from Alexander Graham Bell's photophone using light beams
Completely delusional. Rather than believing in something that can't be proved, the truth is simply that I don't believe in something that can't be proved. And I'm not advocating hate and bigotry towards anyone. That's what you want me to be doing. It's not what I'm actually doing.

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