What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

The entire history of religion demonstrates the damage that it does. And there doesn't appear to be any need to destroy it. It looks like it will die out without any effort required.

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You confuse organized religion with God,not at all the same thing!
How much poverty? Just what you can see from your front door? How much have you gotten around, or do you believe what the scandal sheets tell uou?

I can see that you dont have a calculator. UBI and the so-called "Medicare for all" are pipe dreams.

Universal health care is the norm in developed countries except the USA
Have you ever actually seen or met someone who does this, though?

Yes, there are militant aetheists on message boards, including this thread, who eschew reason and deny scholarly consensus, and are driven by ego and emotion to just really, really, really wish that a historical person named Jesus of Nazareth did not actually exist and was invented out of whole cloth.

I do not think you are like that.

But let's just fess up that there are some atheists who are nearly as bad as fundamentalist bible thumpers - they disregard reason and reputable scholarship, and are driven to by ego and emotion to dubious conclusions and unsupportable articles of faith
Yes, there are militant aetheists on message boards, including this thread, who eschew reason and deny scholarly consensus, and are driven by ego and emotion to just really, really, really wish that a historical person named Jesus of Nazareth did not actually exist and was invented out of whole cloth.

I do not think you are like that.

But let's just fess up that there are some atheists who are nearly as bad as fundamentalist bible thumpers - they disregard reason and reputable scholarship, and are driven to by ego and emotion to dubious conclusions and unsupportable articles of faith

I've literally never seen an Atheist on this message board or anywhere else that fits this description. I'm sure they exist, but they must be extremely rare.
And really, even if these Atheists do exist, they're not stoning women to death for practicing witchcraft. Maybe some Atheists are annoying. I think TJ Kirk is really cringe. But comparing annoying Atheists to fundamentalist Christians who literally kill gay people as soon as they get the chance, that's just objectively wrong. The most an Atheist will do is not stfu.
I've literally never seen an Atheist on this message board or anywhere else that fits this description. I'm sure they exist, but they must be extremely rare.
And really, even if these Atheists do exist, they're not stoning women to death for practicing witchcraft. Maybe some Atheists are annoying. I think TJ Kirk is really cringe. But comparing annoying Atheists to fundamentalist Christians who literally kill gay people as soon as they get the chance, that's just objectively wrong. The most an Atheist will do is not stfu.

There is literally someone in this thread who goes out of their way to deny consensus scholarship to suggest the man Jesus never existed - that the historical jesus must have been a hoax.

This board has a plethora of intentionally belligerent insults about "sky daddy", "zombie Jesus" et al. which can only be written with premeditated cruelty. I am amazed you claim to have missed them.

I do not even consider myself particularly pious, but I am not going to deny my Orthodox heritage - and even I cringe when I see militant atheists chuckling and yucking it up about Sky Daddy and Zombie Jesus.
There is literally someone in this thread who goes out of their way to deny consensus scholarship to suggest the man Jesus never existed - that the historical jesus must have been a hoax.

This board has a plethora of intentionally belligerent insults about "sky daddy", "zombie Jesus" et al. which can only be written with premeditated cruelty. I am amazed you claim to have missed them.

I do not even consider myself particularly pious, but I am not going to deny my Orthodox heritage - and even I cringe when I see militant atheists chuckling and yucking it up about Sky Daddy and Zombie Jesus.

Atheist claim they don't believe in the God they loath,but haunt religious threads!
Why is that?
There is literally someone in this thread who goes out of their way to deny consensus scholarship to suggest the man Jesus never existed - that the historical jesus must have been a hoax.

This board has a plethora of intentionally belligerent insults about "sky daddy", "zombie Jesus" et al. which can only be written with premeditated cruelty. I am amazed you claim to have missed them.

I do not even consider myself particularly pious, but I am not going to deny my Orthodox heritage - and even I cringe when I see militant atheists chuckling and yucking it up about Sky Daddy and Zombie Jesus.

Atheist claim they don't believe in the God they loath,but haunt religious threads!
Why is that?
Atheist claim they don't believe in the God they loath,but haunt religious threads!
Why is that?

My theory is this:

Agnostics are the truly principled, disinterested secular observers. And they typically do not let their emotions and ego drive them to relentlessly "debate" people of faith.

Many atheists are not disinterested observers, they are emotionally invested in their atheism in an almost quasi- religious way, and it relentlessly drives them to seek out and "debate" those they see as religious
My theory is this:

Agnostics are the truly principled, disinterested secular observers. And they typically do not let their emotions and ego drive them to relentlessly "debate" people of faith.

Many atheists are not disinterested observers, they are emotionally invested in their atheism in an almost quasi- religious way, and it relentlessly drives them to seek out and "debate" those they see as religious

It's a waste of time debating religion with atheist.
There is literally someone in this thread who goes out of their way to deny consensus scholarship to suggest the man Jesus never existed - that the historical jesus must have been a hoax.

This board has a plethora of intentionally belligerent insults about "sky daddy", "zombie Jesus" et al. which can only be written with premeditated cruelty. I am amazed you claim to have missed them.

I do not even consider myself particularly pious, but I am not going to deny my Orthodox heritage - and even I cringe when I see militant atheists chuckling and yucking it up about Sky Daddy and Zombie Jesus.

Personally, I think Jesus existed as a regular person. But I don't think you have to "eschew reason" or be "driven by ego" in order to not believe he existed. We're talking about a guy whose life is barely recorded. If someone was to say Pope Francis doesn't exist, that would totally be eschewing reason. But a guy who lived two thousand years ago who we know almost nothing about, questioning his existence shouldn't be so uncommon.

I've seen people get mocked for being religious, as they should. We should have a society that shames people for choosing to believe lies, especially when those lies harm society. We mock people who believe vaccines cause autism or that the Earth is flat, why not people who believe in a god?
Again, this isn't eschewing reason or being driven by ego.
It seems to me that a lot of message board atheists are emotionally invested in the denial of a historical Jesus.

I have been agnostic for periods of my life, but I was always willing to submit to reason, and to trained scholarly consensus on the historicity of Jesus. I never got my ego tied to the premise that the historical Jesus was a hoax.

While some militant atheists claim to honor reason and disinterested rational scholarship, the fact is some of them cling to a quasi religious faith that guides their emotional hostility to even the most benign historical rendering of the life of the human Jesus of Nazareth

Agreed about the online trend. In reality, despite the bitching and moaning from both sides, most people talk far less about religion at work than they do politics. Here? It's a lot of pent up emotions from the militant atheists and the Bible thumpers. When discussing religion online, more so than in politics, taking a moderate stance will see a person heavily shot at from both sides.

Most atheists, like most theists, mind their own business. I've only rarely known the religious leanings of my coworkers, and even less among my fellow servicemen. Here, as alluded to above, you are correct that atheism is akin to a religion for the militant atheists.

Among them, one of their top leaders is Richard Dawkins:

Personally, I think Jesus existed as a regular person. But I don't think you have to "eschew reason" or be "driven by ego" in order to not believe he existed. We're talking about a guy whose life is barely recorded. If someone was to say Pope Francis doesn't exist, that would totally be eschewing reason. But a guy who lived two thousand years ago who we know almost nothing about, questioning his existence shouldn't be so uncommon.

I've seen people get mocked for being religious, as they should. We should have a society that shames people for choosing to believe lies, especially when those lies harm society. We mock people who believe vaccines cause autism or that the Earth is flat, why not people who believe in a god?
Again, this isn't eschewing reason or being driven by ego.

I would question if Jesus had existed,if the Holy Spirit hadn't come upon me and brought me to Jesus .