What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

I do not know anything about Anabasis, but the weight of evidence clearly points the to actual historicity of Socrates. Sophocles, or one of the other Greek playwrights, also wrote a play that lampooned Socrates. It defies belief that Plato would have invented Socrates out of thin air.

I agree it strains credibility that people as influential as Jesus, Socrates, Muhammad, or Confucius were invented out of whole cloth. I maintain there is zero percent doubt there is a historicity behind those individuals

We agree completely. I'd forgotten about Aristophanes.
I get the distinct impression that other than being vaguely aware of the name Homer, you actually knew nothing substantive about the significance of Homer, his works, or the profound significance of his canon to the Greeks of antiquity.

In fact, without frantically googling, I doubt you could have said anything intelligent about the Homeric canon prior to 3 microseconds before I mentioned Homer.

I will give you this history lesson for free: the Greeks of antiquity considered the Homeric canon to be a faithful rendering and testimony of actual historic and religious events of a bygone heroic age with profound ethical and moral lessons.

Which is fundamentally exactly how how early Christians viewed the synoptic Gospels of Mark, Mathew, and Luke

So even though you were chuckling and yucking it up that it was preposterous to make any analogy between the Homeric canon and the gospel NT canon, all you suceeded in demonstrating is that you should refrain from making declarative statements about subjects you know nothing about
So now you are contradicting what you yourself stated earlier. Now, all of a sudden, Homer's writings are primarily religious.

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So now you are contradicting what you yourself stated earlier. Now, all of a sudden, Homer's writings are primarily religious.

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Now you are just lying about what I said.

Point to where I wrote the word "primarily".

The Greeks views the Homeric canon as both historical and religious

The bottom line is you ran your mouth about topics you actually knew nothing about: the Homeric canon, the historicity of Jesus, the history of 1st century Judea.

When I don't know something, I admit it. As here for example:

That's just not going to happen. We're not going to let people get rushed to the hospital, find out they have no insurance, and then let them die in the waiting room.

Open borders is the only position that benefits corporations and that's why the Republicans are in favor of it too. Other than that, the media isn't pushing any left-wing ideas, rather they will try to make money off of things that have already become normal. Broflakes are losing their minds that women are being more represented in comic books and video games now. The especially crazy among them are calling this Cultural Marxism. What's actually happening is the number of girls reading comic books and playing video games has been exploding during the past two decades. So now, companies are trying to capitalize on that by making more heroes and villains that look like the people buying comics and games. Don't blame the Left, blame Capitalism.
I've also heard the show "Modern Family" get called Cultural Marxist because it has a gay married couple with two adopted kids. But what's more likely? That this is a Cultural Marxist plot to turn people gay or something, or this is just a corporation trying to make money off of gay people who watch sitcoms?

I was referring more to certain feminist talking points that the media pushes and the trans agenda.
Now you are just lying about what I said.

Point to where I wrote the word "primarily".

The Greeks views the Homeric canon as both historical and religious

The bottom line is you ran your mouth about topics you actually knew nothing about: the Homeric canon, the historicity of Jesus, the history of 1st century Judea.

When I don't know something, I admit it. As here for example:


I think it's important that everyone does: it makes them feel more human and also helps discussion. I. similarly, couldn't remember who the hell wrote the Anabasis, am too idle to look it up, and although my Wife gave me an answer, I'm still nervous of making a fool of myself. Anyway, the author knew Socrates, and created a much 'safer' version than Plato's, then went of to be General of a hired Greek army supporting a claimant to the throne of Persia. They won the key battle, but their man died, and they had to fight their way home through long, long miles of hostile territory. The big moment is when they're marching over a mountain after unbelievably gruesome struggles, and suddenly up in front the soldiers begin to shout something. The leaders are thinking, Oh God, what now! Then suddenly they hear what is being shouted - 'Thalatta! Thalatta!, the Sea! the Sea! - and where there's sea. there'll be Greeks, and ships, and a way home. Great stuff, that I do remember. :)
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I think it's important that everyone does: it makes them feel more human and also helps discussion. I. similarly, couldn't remember who the hell wrote the Anabasis, am too idle to look it up, and although my Wife gave me an answer, I'm still nervous of making a fool of myself. Anyway, the author knew Socrates, and created a much 'safer' version tham Plato's, then went of to be General of a hired Greek army supporting a claimant to the throne of Persia. They won the key battle, but their man died, and they had to fight their way home through long, long miles of hostile territory. The big moment is when they're marching over a mountain after unbelievably gruesome struggles, and suddenly up in front the soldiers begin to shout something. The leaders are thinking, Oh God, what now! Then suddenly they hear what is being shouted - 'Thalatta! Thalatta!, the Sea! the Sea! - and where there's sea. there'll be Greeks, and ships, and a way home. Great stuff, that I do remember. :)

An epic story. A fighting retreat all the way from the Euphrates valley to the Black Sea, was it not?

One could spend a lifetime studying Clasical Greece and the Hellenistic age, and it would be a life well spent. I believe our debt to the classical Greeks is so deep; we are so deeply infused with it, that we are generally not even aware of it - like fish swimming in water are generally not consciously aware of water.
An epic story. A fighting retreat all the way from the Euphrates valley to the Black Sea, was it not?

One could spend a lifetime studying Clasical Greece and the Hellenistic age, and it would be a life well spent. I believe our debt to the classical Greeks is so deep; we are so deeply infused with it, that we are generally not even aware of it - like fish swimming in water are generally not consciously aware of water.

I don't see where Greece cultures reveling in sodomy has helped modern society.
The expense of HIV drugs alone for Earl is a burden!
I don't see where Greece cultures reveling in sodomy has helped modern society.

The matter might be just a little more complicated than that, you know! I do think it would help you enormously to become more human if you learned something about what other cultures had achieved, and how varied they were. You think in stereotypes and clichés, and it makes you tedious.
The matter might be just a little more complicated than that, you know! I do think it would help you enormously to become more human if you learned something about what other cultures had achieved, and how varied they were. You think in stereotypes and clichés, and it makes you tedious.

That you enjoy sodomy is remarkable
An epic story. A fighting retreat all the way from the Euphrates valley to the Black Sea, was it not?

One could spend a lifetime studying Clasical Greece and the Hellenistic age, and it would be a life well spent. I believe our debt to the classical Greeks is so deep; we are so deeply infused with it, that we are generally not even aware of it - like fish swimming in water are generally not consciously aware of water.

Every time we vote, we're paying tribute to Classical Greece.
Every time we vote, we're paying tribute to Classical Greece.

Democracy, logic, ethics, political science, rhetoric, art, theater, natural philosophy, science, architecture, medicine, all manner of intellectual inquiry.

The legacy bequeathed to us by some small greek city states really cannot be overestimated