What's a Preacher to do?

So what you're saying is, a Christian could theoretically kill a million people and still make it to heaven? Fascinating. Don't you think there are some things a true Christian simply wouldn't do to begin with? Like marrying a gay couple, for example. This very clearly conflicts with Christian morality. I don't think Christ ever taught that Christians can do whatever they want and still be saved.

I am speaking as one who considers himself a skeptical Christian. As for gay couples, they can do whatever they want, so long as they don't interfere in my life. Same goes for everyone else.

I just think you're being a pansy, that's all. Man up to what you really believe and stand by it.

No, I am saying that there is forgiveness in Christ. Maybe you missed that in my post?

Yes, homosexuality is a sin... is it the unforgivable sin?

Murder is a sin... again, is it the unforgivable sin?

Would Christ forgive a minister for marrying a gay couple? I believe he will. Will Christ forgive that gay couple? I believe he will.

If Christ won't forgive certain sins, how can I be sure that one of the sins I have committed in not one of those kinds of sins?

Why is slavery verboten now? WHy are women allowed positions of authority in society and in the church now? The new testament authors spoke pretty clearly about those issues, yet now, society - and the church itself - views them differently. how do you justify that?

Again, giving people freedom has never been a sin, yet homosexuality always has been.
Not at all. I can see that you're still dodging the question though. Some preacher you are. :cof1:

what do you mean, "not at all"? Why is slavery now unacceptable in the 21st century when the new testament authors clearly state that it is? Are those authors only infallible when it suits your purposes, yet completely irrelevant when they do not?
If slavery is acceptable, then wouldn't freeing the slave be the same as stealing? Which is a sin.

how is allowing a form of servitude analogous to calling something a sin? it is a complete red herring to even bring up slavery. slavery in the bible is nothing like the slavery in the early history of this country. it is dishonest to claim the bible approved of that exact slavery.....

do you agree the bible says homosexuality is a sin?
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Can I sacrifice myself for maineman? Would you all be happy and drop it? I have reasons to leave this world now, so if I do, will you leave him alone? Will he really be what he positions himself to be, from this point on? I hope so.
what do you mean, "not at all"? Why is slavery now unacceptable in the 21st century when the new testament authors clearly state that it is? Are those authors only infallible when it suits your purposes, yet completely irrelevant when they do not?
Why can't you just answer the question instead of continuing to deflect? How does the UCC justify that homosexuality is not a sin?
Can I sacrifice myself for maineman? Would you all be happy and drop it? I have reasons to leave this world now, so if I do, will you leave him alone? Will he really be what he positions himself to be, from this point on? I hope so.
No, you can not rescue him from the jaws of hell.
Shine your light, maineman! Tell us the Good News how homosexuality is no longer a sin, because 'it's the 21st century'. :cof1:
Hell. What a funny and archaic sales tool of the religiously indoctrinated. Use fear to brainwash children and naive adults into being too afraid to not become a slave to your belief system.

Amazingly transparent, yet so blindly followed.
Hell. What a funny and archaic sales tool of the religiously indoctrinated. Use fear to brainwash children and naive adults into being too afraid to not become a slave to your belief system.

Amazingly transparent, yet so blindly followed.
Yet I've seen Christ, and have a witness of this. What will you do when you find out it's all real? :)
my answer was phrased in the form of a question.

deal with it.

Clearly, you consider new testament authors infallible, except when you don't, of course.:pke:
So your answer is what, that homosexuality isn't a sin in the 21st century because its fashionable?