Whats worse: A self righteous disillusioned Michelle or a Junky thieving Cindy

I wont name names, SuperCandy, but there are some hypocrates who would be ALL OVER SENATOR CLINTON when her husband was running for president had she previously been caught stealing drugs from a charity! Those same people, Supercandy, are not giving Candy McCain a pass.

Where oh where Alice did I suggest you should give her a pass? You are beginning to sound like you have taken Gumbys Strawman creation class.

Just because you are a whiny elitist piece of shit who thinks he is above the law doesn't make your strawmen any more resilient. Still straw dumbass.
No. I believe that someone suffering from a drug addiction that steals drugs to feed that addiction, who gets caught, fights the addiction and repays the charity is far better than an elitist asshole who files a complaint against a cop for doing his job then bitching about it as if it is a great injustice that the law actually applied to him.

Now look what you did Jarod. You got our resident leg humping stalker all excited. You have to clean up his mess.

Yeah, I knew your dateless, celibate ass would resort to this. So I took you off IA, and I'm still willing to to put you in for dental reconstruction.

Supertool, you're a late 30-something, never married, dateless, celibate doofus with an anger management problem. I have an awesome GF, at least 5 women have wanted to marry me, and I have an awesome and active life. So fuck off you little pissant geek.
Yeah, I knew your dateless, celibate ass would resort to this. So I took you off IA, and I'm still willing to to put you in for dental reconstruction.

Supertool, you're a late 30-something, never married, dateless, celibate doofus with an anger management problem. I have an awesome GF, at least 5 women have wanted to marry me, and I have an awesome and active life. So fuck off you little pissant geek.
Translation: I'm very cool when I'm on the internet, people even believe me when I say I got laid without paying for it by the hour.

There's even a country song dedicated to me...

Brad Paisley - Online

I pretend to be open minded but still use "homo" as an insult because I can't think of anything better.

Fuck off damo. I'm ranting at the dateless and celibate supertool. No one asked you to step in and defend your boyfriend.
Yeah, I knew your dateless, celibate ass would resort to this. So I took you off IA, and I'm still willing to to put you in for dental reconstruction.

Supertool, you're a late 30-something, never married, dateless, celibate doofus with an anger management problem. I have an awesome GF, at least 5 women have wanted to marry me, and I have an awesome and active life. So fuck off you little pissant geek.

I tell you what Gumby, ya little leg humping stalker, I know you get pissy when someone lets others know exactly how pathetic you really are. Your fault. Next time don't be such a pathetic little leg humper.

As for your violent tendencies, please do try to maintain your composure. It will be better for your health.

As for your women... I have four GF's and 27 women have wanted to marry me and I am the most awesomeist guy like in forever.

Fuck off damo. I'm ranting at the dateless and celibate supertool. No one asked you to step in and defend your boyfriend.

That one hurt, so now I'll cuss and call you a "homo" again, because that is all I can think of.

(This is becoming fun! It is true that truth makes humor all the more funny!)
Fuck off damo. I'm ranting at the dateless and celibate supertool. No one asked you to step in and defend your boyfriend.

You know what Gumby, you sound like you are getting angry. You really shouldn't let the rage get to you. Rage tends to make stalkers do bad things.
Translation: I'm very cool when I'm on the internet, people even believe me when I say I got laid without paying for it by the hour.

There's even a country song dedicated to me...

Brad Paisley - Online

That song is totally about me. Look at all the men here I have fooled into having thinking I’m not ugly. They’re slobbering over me Damo, slobbering. And in real life, I’ve only ever had 2 dates. I’m like an Emo, but older. I so rule at this online thing!

That one hurt, so now I'll cuss and call you a "homo" again, because that is all I can think of.

(This is becoming fun!)

Ten to one he runs to get some "friends" (translated: people who tolerate me on the internet, but would never want to meet my weird ass in public) to help him.
That song is totally about me. Look at all the men here I have fooled into having thinking I’m not ugly. They’re slobbering over me Damo, slobbering. And in real life, I’ve only ever had 2 dates. I’m like an Emo, but older. I so rule at this online thing!
I tell you what Gumby, ya little leg humping stalker, I know you get pissy when someone lets others know exactly how pathetic you really are. Your fault. Next time don't be such a pathetic little leg humper.

As for your violent tendencies, please do try to maintain your composure. It will be better for your health.

As for your women... I have four GF's and 27 women have wanted to marry me and I am the most awesomeist guy like in forever.


When's the last time you had a date supertool? (besides the one with Damo.
That song is totally about me. Look at all the men here I have fooled into having thinking I’m not ugly. They’re slobbering over me Damo, slobbering. And in real life, I’ve only ever had 2 dates. I’m like an Emo, but older. I so rule at this online thing!

Don't get cocky... you haven't fooled toppy.

That one hurt, so now I'll cuss and call you a "homo" again, because that is all I can think of.

(This is becoming fun! It is true that truth makes humor all the more funny!)

This is getting way too mean. Why is this kind of thing necessary with you men?