In 10 years, if you try to explain to Trump supporters how many flaming hoops they had to unicycle through to try to make excuses for their savior - they literally won't believe it. They'll deny ever making these arguments.
This phony hearing is based on lies, hearsay and no cross examination of witnesses.

The Democrats' star witness has lied under oath...perjury.

A political side show designed to divert attention from Biden's failures.

Poll-Country on Wrong Track




June 23-27
Guilty of what?

Attempting a coup.

Are you OK? Do you have the same CTE Herschel Walker has, and that's why you are the way you are?

I totally believe that you've had repeated head trauma.

Over 500 days and this clown show has nothing to show for it.

What are you talking about? Hundreds of the people you tricked into going to DC have already been arrested and charged, particularly your Proud Boy friends who face seditious conspiracy charges.

What are you gonna do when they call your bluff? Probably the same thing you did on 1/6...hide out somewhere.
How is it doing that when you're the one who said the election was stolen, but then was too chickenshit to go to DC to do anything about it?

But you weren't too chickenshit enough to get other people to go and do the thing you were too scared to do yourself.

So do you always write shit you don't believe?

Do you understand you are nothing more than a broken record repeating yourself in literally every post? That my friend is the mark of a bot.
If you weren't a caricature of ignorance and stupidity, you wouldn't make yourself look like an ass clown every post.

You said the election was stolen for two straight months, but were conspicuously absent in DC on 1/6.

Did you not believe the shit you were saying? Why else would you have ran and hid on JPP that day?
No, not all of it was hearsay, just this part about Trump trying to take the wheel, and that was her recounting a story someone told to her.

That makes it hearsay you moron!

information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor:
"according to hearsay, Bob had managed to break his arm"
rumor · gossip · tittle-tattle · tattle · idle chatter · idle talk · mere talk · report · stories · tales · tidbits · bavardage · on dit · Kaffeeklatsch · labrish · shu-shu · bruit

Everything else is not hearsay because she was in the room and a party to the conversations because her boss dragged her into all of these meetings.

The point of having Hutchinson testify publicly is that she's a credible witness whose testimony has already been corroborated by the non-public interviews, depositions, and others' testimony.

Calling her a liar while refusing to sit down under oath to testify publicly is consciousness of guilt.

What isn't hearsay, hasn't been confirmed or corroborated by others. In fact, some of what she said has been directly contradicted by others--like the steering wheel claim.

She's a poor witness and the committee should have known that, but they've been more interested in the politics than the legality or accuracy of what they've put out from the start.
Yes, they have and need to now. If people are making claims in their name, they need to go on records.

do you seriously think the committee will let them speak publicly?........never going to happen........they'll adjourn for four weeks and pretend yesterday never happened......
There you go lying your dumb, ignorant, lunatic ass off again. Find one post where I stated the election was stolen.

Ah, so then you believe Joe Biden is the legitimate President, and that the coup attempt on 1/6 was based on a lie.

Good to know.

Hey everyone, Truth Detector thinks Biden is the legitimate President, there was no fraud in the 2020 election, and Trump is guilty of inciting a riot over a lie.