The Democrats' star witness has been proven to be a liar, a perjurer.

These clowns can't conduct an honest hearing.

Political theater at its worst.
I will never stop talking about how you spent months convincing people to do something you were too chickenshit to do yourself.

Nothing you say can be taken seriously or truthfully because you didn't act on any of what you were saying for two months.

So what gives?

Is it just in your nature to have a big, fat, fuckin' mouth that you will never back up with action? Cuz that's the persona you're creating for yourself among everyone here.

You are getting as bad as Mr. Tiny Penis,
We all need a link.

BTW, just how many keyboards have you gone through in the last two days?
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Lurch and LV, don't even bother trying......I'm done listening to you idiots telling everyone they are nazis........I'm not going to be your tutor any more.......
No exculpatory evidence allowed, no cross examination by Republicans. Two Republican Trump haters.

Indeed a clown show that has failed.
That makes it hearsay you moron!

Hey idiot, did you read the first sentence of my post, or did you sloppily and hurriedly rush through it like the reckless bullshit artist you are?

No, not all of it was hearsay, just this part about Trump trying to take the wheel, and that was her recounting a story someone told to her.

Your problem is that you think you're right all the time simply because you're an arrogant asshole about it, but the facts are that you're not right all the time, you're always wrong, you steal shit from other people and try to pass it off as your own, and then when confronted on all that, you fucking abandon the thread.

You're just a fucking asshole, but one who thinks he's a lot smarter than he actually is.

You need to be taken down a few pegs because you are not exceptional at all.

What isn't hearsay, hasn't been confirmed or corroborated by others.

Incorrect. Everything she testified to publicly was already corroborated by what the committee found in its non-public sessions.

That's why they had her testify publicly...because everything she said was corroborated by the non-public sessions.

You got hoodwinked by Trump AGAIN because you're not a smart person...you're incredibly dumb. And I know you'll whine about that being an ad hominem attack, and it might be that...but it's not untruthful.

In fact, some of what she said has been directly contradicted by others--like the steering wheel claim.

Not by others under oath, in public testimony.

By "a source close to the Secret Service", but not the Secret Service themselves, or any one in it, and the source isn't named.

It's not Engel who said he would publicly testify, it was "a source close to the Secret Service" who said that.

She's a poor witness and the committee should have known that

She's not a poor witness at all, she was in the room since she was an EA, and she's also the only one who is willing to testify publicly about this.

So until anyone who says otherwise agrees to under oath, Hutchinson is the only one who is telling the truth.

but they've been more interested in the politics than the legality or accuracy of what they've put out from the start.

So what is painfully obvious here is that you didn't watch any of the testimony...you did here on this thread the same thing you did on that thread about HR1...you stole an analysis from someone else, tried to pass it off as your own, but have been caught flat footed because you didn't watch one second of that testimony.

What you did was rush to your favored online sources, copied what their analysis was, didn't hold it to any scrutiny, and then repeated it while trying to pass it off as your own original thought.
Two, count them, two people say she lied... Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.

And the Secret Service who is willing to testify that President Trump did NOT try to grab the steering wheel.


Oh hell yes.
Will this exculpatory evidence be allowed in the clown show?

When donkeys fly.

I expect Hannity will air it.
It's a show trial.

You think it's a show trial because it's showing how terrible Trump is, after you spent all your board capital defending him the last 6 years.

So you whine about a show trial, but then won't challenge anything in it because it will blowback onto you since you're the one who was simping for Trump.

There are no rules of evidence. There is no cross-examination of the witnesses. There is no defense of those accused. It is absolutely a show trial in every sense of the definition of a show trial.

All of that would require Donald Trump and his allies to testify under oath, which they all refuse to do.

So since they refuse to testify under oath, they don't get the chance to make themselves look better for trying to overthrow the government based on a lie.

A lie that YOU personally repeated on JPP, but then lacked the balls to follow through on when the time came for you to actually do something about it.

Because you sat your fat ass here on JPP that day, you didn't believe a single fucking lie Trump was telling.

The lies that formed the basis of the attempted coup...lies you repeated and indulged, which is why you're also responsible for 1/6.
this retard repeats this retarded line so often.

Because it's effective in shutting you Nazis the fuck up.

None of you can account for why you all acted like fucking pussies on 1/6 after spending the prior months spreading Trump's lies.

You, like all your "very fine people" Nazi pals, hid out here on JPP and egged the whole thing on from the safety of the shadow of anonymity JPP provides.

As it stands, NONE OF YOU truly believe the 2020 election was stolen.
Are the hearings (AKA the Clown Show) over?

Will the Democrats call another "star witness."

I certainly hope so.
Speaking of "sin huevos,"...

I thought you had me on Ignore, Earl? Or was that just another in a long, long line of bullshit lies?

CFM called you out and you flinched, covbarde.

First of all, CFM was kicked off the boards.

Secondly, HE chickened out, not me. I was totally ready and willing to confront him but HE PM'd ME and told me he wasn't going to show up.

If this is true, you are releasing PM information which is a violation of the TOS of JPP.

No, it's not because the rules clearly state not to post PM's...but you can still talk about them.

You don't seem to know the rules here.
Because it's effective in shutting you Nazis the fuck up.

None of you can account for why you all acted like fucking pussies on 1/6 after spending the prior months spreading Trump's lies.

You, like all your "very fine people" Nazi pals, hid out here on JPP and egged the whole thing on from the safety of the shadow of anonymity JPP provides.

As it stands, NONE OF YOU truly believe the 2020 election was stolen.
if is effective, why do you repeat the tired line so often

cuckoo cuckoo :laugh: