Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.


Actually, you are lying about what your own link says.

Tony Ornato has not gone on public record, let alone under oath, denying anything

Your article claims an unnamed anonymous source is claiming that Tony Ornato is denying it.

CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz reported that “a Secret Service official familiar with the matter told CNN that Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.”
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Why weren't you in DC stopping the riot that happened?

1. I live in Atlanta

2. I didn't know your plan was to attack the Capitol...should I have known that was your plan?

3. It seems like you knew that was the plan but you kept it from everyone...which implicates you in 1/6

If I knew your plan was to do that, I would have gone to DC, bought a couple guns, and gunned down some fuckin' Nazis like my grandparents did.
I seriously doubt a single person here respects you.

I don't really care what a bunch of fucking inbred Nazis think.

I don't want your respect...I don't want anything from you other than a credible explanation for why your chickenshit ass hid out on JPP on 1/6 instead of following through on the allegations you were making for two straight months.
I mean, you might be able to find a toothless sociopath that will agree to hang out with you long enough for them to eat a happy meal, but otherwise, you got nada.

Well it's a good thing I don't base my entire life or personality on whether a bunch of fat, disgusting, long-haul COVIDiots want to hang out.

I would never hang out with people like you because I know none of you are any fun.
"Secret Service agents willing to testify Trump did not lunge at steering wheel during Capitol riot: source"

So this says a SOURCE says that SS agents are willing to testify, not the SS themselves.

So who is this SOURCE?
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1. No posting private information without consent. We will delete the posts and you will likely not have access for at least a couple of days, if not permanently. Private information would be information that could be used to find out who you are and/or where you live, how to contact you and/or information about a person's life that was not made public by posting it on this board. Using personal information, in a non-explicit way, in order to harass another user will result in a likely permanent ban depending on the level of disruption and type of information. Some information it is illegal to release (for example: HIPAA, if you happen to find out about somebody's health records it would be illegal to tell people here about it unless they have given you written permission to do so), therefore if you happen to know it, don't release it or we'll be forced to take action to end such release. If you post your own information it is the same thing as giving permission for others to use that information, please be careful what you post so you do not give information that you do not want public. This is a public forum that guests can read, any information you post is available to the public.

So I didn't share any personal information...all I shared was that CFM punked out.
I don't really care what a bunch of fucking inbred Nazis think.

I don't want your respect...I don't want anything from you other than a credible explanation for why your chickenshit ass hid out on JPP on 1/6 instead of following through on the allegations you were making for two straight months.

you misunderstood shit head. nobody - not on the left. not on the right. I imagine your own mom is fucking ashamed of what you have become
you misunderstood shit head. nobody - not on the left. not on the right. I imagine your own mom is fucking ashamed of what you have become

Still no answer for why you were running your big mouth for two months, but stopped short of actually showing up in person to do anything about the fraud you were alleging.

Why won't you explain yourself?

Did you just not believe the lies you were telling and that's why you didn't go?

What else have you said here that you don't actually believe?
CFM was the one who backed out the day before we were supposed to meet.

He PM'd me and told me he wasn't going to show.

I knew he was going to back out because that's what every Conservative does...runs their big mouth until there's even a hint of scrutiny or conflict, which makes them run away in terror.

How about this? How about you find the rule you think I violated, and then we can go to Damo and see what he says?

The rule doesn't say I can't talk about PM's...it just says I can't post them...which I didn't do.

How is CFM chickening out my fault?

And where is CFM today?

I believe CFM was permantely banned a ways back.
She is a coward.

I didn't know your plan was to attack the Capitol, but it sure sounds like you knew that was the plan.

So maybe I should call over to the FBI about you and your Nazi buddy there since you apparently had advance knowledge of what was going to happen.
Still no answer for why you were running your big mouth for two months, but stopped short of actually showing up in person to do anything about the fraud you were alleging.

Why won't you explain yourself?

Did you just not believe the lies you were telling and that's why you didn't go?

What else have you said here that you don't actually believe?

still no actual proof of me running my mouth - because you are a lying sack of shit. you make stuff up because you can't debate reality. what a shit show you continue to be :laugh:
Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.


Tony Ornato has not publicly denied SHIT! Tony Ornato has not testified under oath! YET! :laugh:

Tony Ornato is welcome to come down to the Jan.6 hearings and deny under oath that he had that conversation with Hutchinson and accuse her of making it up and lying about it under oath! KNOCK YOURSELF OUT!

I am sure he may want to also answer questions of how a SS agent who is supposed to be A-political- ACCEPTED A HIGHLY POLITICAL JOB AS DONALD TRUMP'S WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF OPERATIONS ON DECEMBER 7th, 2021 after Dan Walsh had enough of DOnald Trump's Bullshit and abruptly quit his post on November 25th 2020. And then answer questions as to how he suddenly became NON-POLITICAL AGAIN and was hired back by the SS to train other officers after TRUMP was fired by the VOCAL AND VOTING MAJORITY OF AMERICANS!

YES! YES! YES! Let's hear his testimony before the nation live and on TV.

Let's also note that Bobby Engel has previously already testified to the Jan. 6th commission and that his testimony will also be aired to the public. He was the driver of the President's SUV that was allegedly attacked by the president while driving Trump back to the West Wing after Trump's Coup Rally!

And if Engel never bothered to mention this to the Commission in his previous testimony- HE WILL CERTAINLY HAVE THE CHANCE TO UPDATE HIS TESTIMONY NOW!

So, yes, let's hear both of them testify live and on TV.

First, one has to ask themself why Hutchinson would make up such a story under oath- risking 7 years in prison and a hefty fine for telling such a lie to Congress?

I trust that the Jan. 6th Commission will get to the truth.

We'll see who is lying, if anyone is, as there were other witnesses to the conversation than just Engel and Ornato that have also already previously testified. RUT ROW! :laugh:
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still no actual proof of me running my mouth

Oh, so then you agree that Biden is the legitimate President, there was no fraud in the 2020 election, and the attack on 1/6 was an attempted coup based on a lie.

If so, then I apologize for getting you wrong.