While all the MAGAs are saying Hutchinson is a liar, you know who hasn’t said a word? Her former boss Mark Meadows.

does he even have to?........nobody believes anything she said anymore.....its like whatsherface that made up the shit about Kavanaugh in high school.......once you lose credibility you just close the file, pack your bags and get a job working in a small town library......
I seriously doubt the Insane asylum would have given you a day pass. They don't give seriously mentally ill like you day passes .

You lied about the election being stolen, but you lacked the balls to follow through.

But I wager you chickened out not because you lacked the balls, but because you didn't believe the lie you were telling and you didn't want to go to jail over something so fucking stupid and obvious.
This isn't a show trial, but I think it's interesting that you think it is because of how damaging all of this is to Donald Trump, who you previously defended.

So you're calling it a show trial because it's making Trump look bad, which makes YOU look bad by association since YOU simp for him.

It's a show trial. It's the classic definition of a show trial

show tri·al
[SHō ˈtrī(ə)l]
a judicial trial held in public with the intention of influencing or satisfying public opinion, rather than of ensuring justice.

Definition of show trial
: a trial (as of political opponents) in which the verdict is rigged and a public confession is often extracted
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/show trial

show trial
noun [ C ]
US /ˈʃoʊ ˌtraɪəl/ UK /ˈʃəʊ ˌtraɪəl/

a trial organized by a government in order to have an effect on public opinion and reduce political opposition, and not in order to find the truth

There are no rules of evidence. There is no cross-examination of the witnesses. There is no defense of those accused. It is absolutely a show trial in every sense of the definition of a show trial.
You lied about the election being stolen, but you lacked the balls to follow through.

But I wager you chickened out not because you lacked the balls, but because you didn't believe the lie you were telling and you didn't want to go to jail over something so fucking stupid and obvious.

this retard repeats this retarded line so often. picture a monkey in a cage flinging shit at those watching - that is basically what we see here. :laugh:
Do you understand you are nothing more than a broken record repeating yourself in literally every post? That my friend is the mark of a bot.

I will never stop talking about how you spent months convincing people to do something you were too chickenshit to do yourself.

Nothing you say can be taken seriously or truthfully because you didn't act on any of what you were saying for two months.

So what gives?

Is it just in your nature to have a big, fat, fuckin' mouth that you will never back up with action? Cuz that's the persona you're creating for yourself among everyone here.
You lied about the election being stolen, but you lacked the balls to follow through.

But I wager you chickened out not because you lacked the balls, but because you didn't believe the lie you were telling and you didn't want to go to jail over something so fucking stupid and obvious.

Speaking of "sin huevos,"...

CFM called you out and you flinched, covbarde.

Quote Originally Posted by LV426 View Post

“It happened all over PM, Earl. We set a time, then he PM'd me to say he wasn't going to show up. Since then, I've ignored him because he and I both know that he was the one who didn't follow through.”

Earl posted:
If this is true, you are releasing PM information which is a violation of the TOS of JPP.

So, you are either a liar or in violation of the TOS of JPP., cobarde. Checkmate.