For starters, she said she heard that part 2nd hand. But why is SHE lying, and they're telling the truth?

Regardless, it was the least damning part of the testimony. Trump is an unhinged lunatic. Congrats.

She went under oath. They have not. Until they do, hers is the truth.
Ah, so it WAS a coup attempt, you DID have knowledge of it ahead of time, and you KNEW that it was based on a lie.

If I had known all that, you can be damn well sure I would have showed up to DC to kill a bunch of you Nazis and defend the country.

But that doesn't explain why you pussied out and hid here on JPP that day.

How come you were a pussy on 1/6? It's because you actually don't believe the election was stolen.

If you did, you would have been there that day.

So you're just lying about it.
I seriously doubt the Insane asylum would have given you a day pass. They don't give seriously mentally ill like you day passes .
Trump doesn't need defending. He hasn't broken any laws which is why over 500 days of this clown show has resulted in ZERO charges or criminal referrals.

He says Trump doesn't need defending, then proceeds to defend Trump in the next fucking sentence.

This is why you didn't go to DC on 1/6, because you're full of shit; you know you're full of shit, and you didn't want to go to jail for being full of shit.

That's why you hid out here on JPP all day on 1/6...you didn't even believe the lies you were spreading cuz you're a fuckin' phony.
what does that have to do with the undeniable fact that your surprise witness from yesterday's hearing has been contradicted by the very person she claims provided her with the hearsay testimony she wouldn't have been allowed to testify to in a real hearing......

She went under oath. If Tony or the other guy has a different story, the floor is open.

Why are you such a lying troll?
So now we can allow 2nd hand testimony

I heard Biden...flashes kids

I heard Biden...supplied Hunter with Meth and had a orgy with him

I heard Biden... this that etc etc

I heard Biden told Russia A-OK to invade

Come in handy during his impeachment

LOL.. troll says "what"?
I am amused that you don't realize, due to your extreme mental retardation, that this is making Democrats look like morons.

How is it doing that when you're the one who said the election was stolen, but then was too chickenshit to go to DC to do anything about it?

But you weren't too chickenshit enough to get other people to go and do the thing you were too scared to do yourself.

So do you always write shit you don't believe?
[size=-20]So is that why you've been posting on overtime, trying to convince people what they see and hear isn't real?

How come on 1/6, your fat ass was hiding out here on JPP instead of stopping the "steal" in DC?

What gives?[/size]

[size=-20]How so?[/size]

[size=-20]Like how November 2020 was supposed to be awesome?

You predicted Trump would win in a landslide.

Then you said Biden only won because of fraud.

But then on 1/6, you hid out here on JPP and ran your big mouth and DIDN'T save the country from the fraud you alleged.

So what fucking good are you to anyone?[/size]

[size=-20]He says Trump doesn't need defending, then proceeds to defend Trump in the next fucking sentence.

This is why you didn't go to DC on 1/6, because you're full of shit; you know you're full of shit, and you didn't want to go to jail for being full of shit.

That's why you hid out here on JPP all day on 1/6...you didn't even believe the lies you were spreading.[/size]

trig·gered | \ ˈtri-gər \
occurring in response to a stimulus typically perceived as negative or harmful
caused to feel an intense and usually negative emotional reaction : affected by an emotional trigger

mental case
: a crazy person
That guy is a complete mental case.

flail (flāl)
To wave or swing vigorously; thrash: flailed my arms to get their attention.
To move vigorously or erratically; thrash about: arms flailing helplessly in the water.
To strike or lash out violently
That is a lie fed to you by Pelosi dumbfuck.

Nope...you all didn't want to participate, so now you get to scramble and try to make yourselves look better.

But that doesn't explain why on 1/6, your ass was here on JPP and wasn't in DC stopping "the steal" you had alleged occurred for two months.