Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail.


The floor is open if any of those guys wish to go on the record. Unfortunately, until they do, it's all bullshit. She has more balls than they do so I'm going with her word.

And so should you, troll.

Also, "Daily Wire"? Suck our collective dicks with your propaganda.
Ah, so it WAS a coup attempt, you DID have knowledge of it ahead of time, and you KNEW that it was based on a lie.

If I had known all that, you can be damn well sure I would have showed up to DC to kill a bunch of you Nazis and defend the country.

But that doesn't explain why you pussied out and hid here on JPP that day.

How come you were a pussy on 1/6? It's because you actually don't believe the election was stolen.

If you did, you would have been there that day.

So you're just lying about it.

Look, the sane portion of American workers sees right through this yet another hoax by the democrats. They have not one accomplishment to hold up to the American people over the past two years.
It is comical to watch them try and prevent Trump from running again because Trump is far from the strongest candidate. Personally, I hope they are successful.

Spot on. November is going to be harsh for these dimwits. :laugh:
The floor is open if any of those guys wish to go on the record. Unfortunately, until they do, it's all bullshit. She has more balls than they do so I'm going with her word.

And so should you, troll.

Also, "Daily Wire"? Suck our collective dicks with your propaganda.

Notice the cowardly right wing on this forum thinks someone who can be prosecuted for perjury is not credible. But unnamed sources for people who refuse to testify is legitimate.
Great! So Trump's guilty

Guilty of what? Over 500 days and this clown show has nothing to show for it. No criminal referrals. No DOJ investigations. If you weren't a caricature of ignorance and stupidity, you wouldn't make yourself look like an ass clown every post. :palm:
You're a liar too because you lied about the 2020 election being stolen, but then hid out here on JPP the one day you could have done something about it.

There you go lying your dumb, ignorant, lunatic ass off again. Find one post where I stated the election was stolen. Just one loony tune. :palm:

She's telling the truth. Those other guys are too much of a pussy to testify. They're obviously being threatened are are scared. She's got more balls than any of the men in the twump administration.

Oh, and I almost forgot, troll. What time is it?

How'd that Duham report go? Did you capture any deep staters? LOL ;)

None of this clown show is damaging to Trump.

So is that why you've been posting on overtime, trying to convince people what they see and hear isn't real?

How come on 1/6, your fat ass was hiding out here on JPP instead of stopping the "steal" in DC?

What gives?
November is going to be awesome

Like how November 2020 was supposed to be awesome?

You predicted Trump would win in a landslide.

Then you said Biden only won because of fraud.

But then on 1/6, you hid out here on JPP and ran your big mouth and DIDN'T save the country from the fraud you alleged.

So what fucking good are you to anyone?