Yes, they have and need to now. If people are making claims in their name, they need to go on records.

Not that it really matters whether Trump grabbed the wheel and wanted to go to the Capitol. He did tell the crowd he would "be there with them."
The Committee is the one who benefit from her lies.


How does the committee benefit from her lies?

Do you just say any stupid shit that pops into your head?

Is that why you kept saying the election was stolen, but then chickened out when it came time for you to actually do something about it?
Not that it really matters whether Trump grabbed the wheel and wanted to go to the Capitol. He did tell the crowd he would "be there with them."
It’s the least important thing about her testimony, that’s why the distractors are focusing on it.
Tucker again

“According to a source,” and secondly, saying they are willing to testify and actually testifying are not the same, Jordan and Meadows both said they would testify, and we know how that turned out

Dipshit again.

What we do know is that the lying assholes on this clown show committee wont want the testimony of anyone who would expose their "witnesses" as liars.

I wish you weren't a shrill caricature of ignorance, stupidity and dishonesty. But it is apparent that its who you are.

How does the committee benefit from her lies?

Do you just say any stupid shit that pops into your head?

Is that why you kept saying the election was stolen, but then chickened out when it came time for you to actually do something about it?
You are a retard. :magagrin:

While all the MAGAs are saying Hutchinson is a liar, you know who hasn’t said a word? Her former boss Mark Meadows.
Trump White House attorney disputes Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony about handwritten note
Hutchinson testified before the House Jan. 6 committee on Tuesday.
ormer Trump White House lawyer Eric Herschmann is claiming that a handwritten note regarding a potential statement for then-President Donald Trump to release during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was written by him during a meeting at the White House that afternoon, and not by White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.

At Tuesday's Jan. 6 committee hearing, Rep. Liz Cheney displayed a handwritten note which Hutchinson testified she wrote after Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows handed her a note card and pen to take his dictation.

Sources familiar with the matter said that Herschmann had previously told the committee that he had penned the note.
Trump White House attorney disputes Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony about handwritten note
Hutchinson testified before the House Jan. 6 committee on Tuesday.
ormer Trump White House lawyer Eric Herschmann is claiming that a handwritten note regarding a potential statement for then-President Donald Trump to release during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was written by him during a meeting at the White House that afternoon, and not by White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.

At Tuesday's Jan. 6 committee hearing, Rep. Liz Cheney displayed a handwritten note which Hutchinson testified she wrote after Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows handed her a note card and pen to take his dictation.

Sources familiar with the matter said that Herschmann had previously told the committee that he had penned the note.

Otherwise, you're fine with Trump leading a violent coup.
Not that it really matters whether Trump grabbed the wheel and wanted to go to the Capitol. He did tell the crowd he would "be there with them."
it matters greatly. Trump wanting to go to Capitol - even an irate Trump was overruled.

But that's not the purpose of her testimony -her testimony about throwing plates, grabbing steering wheels
(and her lying about the note)was for shock value and to make Trump look violently unhinged

The Committee has a narrative and she was there to support it
Trump White House attorney disputes Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony about handwritten note

Great! Have him testify under oath, in public, to the 1/6 committee and we can sort this whole thing out.

But lobbing accusations like this while refusing to testify publicly indicates you're lying.
Not a “moment,” a lot of what she testified is supported by others testimony, Emails, and phone records describing the events in the White House on January 6th, and probability exists the Committee has further evidence to reveal that will confirm it further

NONE of what she said is supported by anyone in the room with Trump, or in the car with Trump. She's been exposed as a liar much like Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Pete Aguilar, Adam Kinzinger, Zoe Lofgren, Stephanie Murphy, Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney. These are the liars in the room that are attempting to dupe and gaslight the American people that Trump somehow planned, instigated and coopted the protest that got out of hand at the Capital.

These are the liars that brought us the Russia Collusion Hoax. The Mueller Hoax. Need I go on? No need to, the history of these liars and delusional clowns speak for itself.
Your source does not say Ornato denied it himself, only that some unnamed agent said Ornato denied it. Third hand hearsay.

"UPDATE: A Secret Service official familiar with the matter told CNN that Tony Ornato denies telling Cassidy Hutchinson that the former president grabbed the steering wheel or an agent on his detail."


\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person
Sources familiar with the matter said that Herschmann had previously told the committee that he had penned the note.[/B]

Who are these sources? Why are they not named? Why are they not going on the record?

The answer is because it's bullshit and no one wants to go to jail for lying on behalf of Donald Trump.

All of this could be cleared up very easily and quickly if these people would just agree to testify under oath, publicly.

So far, only Hutchinson has been willing to do that.
She only related what she was told, you piece of shit scumbag.

So her "testimony" was hearsay making it both irrelevant and inadmissible in a court. If so, what was the point of having her testify at all other than possibly as an attempt to embarrass Trump politically? That would just be another example of how this whole committee hearing is nothing but a show trial.
So her "testimony" was hearsay making it both irrelevant and inadmissible in a court. If so, what was the point of having her testify at all other than possibly as an attempt to embarrass Trump politically? That would just be another example of how this whole committee hearing is nothing but a show trial.

I think you flunked high school. A hearing is not a trial. boring reading your stupid shit