Getting tired of the “partisan committee” excuse

McCarthy and Mitch blew it, Pelosi was willing to meet all their demands for an investigation, even went beyond offering them full subpoena power for the minority members, a rarity, and both McCarthy and Mitch turned it down. They want the day forgotten, even though on that day they publicly condemned and blamed Trump

When Pelosi went ahead on her own, Kevin appointed two blowhards, both who were part of the investigation, thusly Pelosi said no and McCarthy pulled out thinking he could demagogue the Committee as “partisan.” Big mistake on his part, the evidence is so revealing no one an refute it

And as far as the GOP members, no one could be more conservative than Cheney, both of them put country above party politics, a rarity on the right

the "evidence" is opinions and lies.

another witch hunt collapsing before the eyes of the world.
Somebody said something…

Why won’t they testify under oath? That would definitely clear things up, until they do, Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony is under oath, their statement isn’t.

The Secret Service tries to stay above these partisan political squabbles although they have testified under subpoena before.
The Secret Service tries to stay above these partisan political squabbles although they have testified under subpoena before.
Yes, they have and need to now. If people are making claims in their name, they need to go on records.
How many people now have to be lying for Trump to be telling the truth? How many conservatives have Trump supporters had to trash as liars, RINOs, NeverTrumpers et al. to protect their guy?

It's a huge list.

gib•ber•ish (ˈdʒɪb ər ɪʃ, ˈgɪb-)
1. meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing; nonsense.
2. talk or writing containing many obscure, pretentious, or technical words.

mental case
: a crazy person
That guy is a complete mental case.
Tucker again

“According to a source,” and secondly, saying they are willing to testify and actually testifying are not the same, Jordan and Meadows both said they would testify, and we know how that turned out

Poor anchovies.
When brought before the comittee, Meadows never said what his "assistant" said
Do you really think Lizzy is going to bring in a couple of witnesses that would contradict the story she is concocting?
Russia, Russia, Russia.