it matters greatly. Trump wanting to go to Capitol - even an irate Trump was overruled.

I'm old enough to remember that you were spreading lies about the 2020 election being stolen, but then when the time came to act on what you were saying, you chose to hide out here on JPP that day and post this:

BLM/ANTIFA rioted all summer for their political reasons.
we storm the Peoples House - and LW goes nuts, while accepting ANTIFA/BLM
riots as needed for WTF reasons

our institutions are ossified, corrupt and non-responsive.
Court refuse to hear for standing or because not "dispositive"
Secretary of State usurp Constitutional authority,backed by partisan state supreme courts

They've had enough, and this is popular redress because they have no other recourse.
I certainly understand the frustration of not being heard - well they hear it now

So the sad truth is that even you didn't believe the shit you wrote here, which is why you avoided going to DC on 1/6 because you didn't want to go to jail because of Trump's lies.
Getting tired of the “partisan committee” excuse

McCarthy and Mitch blew it, Pelosi was willing to meet all their demands for an investigation, even went beyond offering them full subpoena power for the minority members, a rarity, and both McCarthy and Mitch turned it down. They want the day forgotten, even though on that day they publicly condemned and blamed Trump

When Pelosi went ahead on her own, Kevin appointed two blowhards, both who were part of the investigation, thusly Pelosi said no and McCarthy pulled out thinking he could demagogue the Committee as “partisan.” Big mistake on his part, the evidence is so revealing no one an refute it

And as far as the GOP members, no one could be more conservative than Cheney, both of them put country above party politics, a rarity on the right

garbage. when is the last time a Congressional committee was appointed soley by one party>
You can call them blowhards, but in fact they were going to ask why security kept turning down the Guard
That would mean questioning Pelosi's motives,as she directs the Sargent at arms
who kept turning down request from the Capitol police

All of this was inconvenient to the narrative -why this Committee is a pig circus (among other things)
You're a liar and a coward.

For two months, you lied about the election being stolen.

Then when the time came to act on the lies you were spreading, you chose to hide out here on JPP instead.

Like a little fuckin' bitch.
And you were too cowardly to defend the country from this "coup" attempt :magagrin:
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Great! Have him testify under oath, in public, to the 1/6 committee and we can sort this whole thing out.

But lobbing accusations like this while refusing to testify publicly indicates you're lying.
he testified to being the author of the note Tues you fucking nimrod, STFU and read the link
Yet teh Committe STILL had her repeat the same
Getting tired of the “partisan committee” excuse

^Lying partisan hack doesn't think this committee is partisan. And you wonder why we call you dishonest and stupid.

McCarthy and Mitch blew it, Pelosi was willing to meet all their demands for an investigation, even went beyond offering them full subpoena power for the minority members, a rarity, and both McCarthy and Mitch turned it down. They want the day forgotten, even though on that day they publicly condemned and blamed Trump

Another moronic and dumb lie fed to you by Pelosi. Yet here you go again, parroting it without any factual substance.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has vetoed two Republican nominees to the panel set to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

"The unprecedented nature of January 6th demands this unprecedented decision," Pelosi said.

Key words, UNPRECEDENTED decision. Dumbass.

When Pelosi went ahead on her own, Kevin appointed two blowhards, both who were part of the investigation, thusly Pelosi said no and McCarthy pulled out thinking he could demagogue the Committee as “partisan.” Big mistake on his part, the evidence is so revealing no one an refute it

This is why no one takes yours, the PHONY media, or the Democrats for that matter, seriously. Yeah, they are two blowhards because they speak to the facts and the truth. We wouldn't want that on this clown show panel.

You really are too stupid for mere words.

And as far as the GOP members, no one could be more conservative than Cheney, both of them put country above party politics, a rarity on the right

Wrong, both of them put their own Trump hating issues ahead of their voters. That is why Kinzinger is gone next election as will be Cheney. But it is cute watching a dishonest leftist hack tell us who is more conservative. That's priceless.

What a fucking bonehead you are.
So her "testimony" was hearsay making it both irrelevant and inadmissible in a court.

No, not all of it was hearsay, just this part about Trump trying to take the wheel, and that was her recounting a story someone told to her.

Everything else is not hearsay because she was in the room and a party to the conversations because her boss dragged her into all of these meetings.

If so, what was the point of having her testify at all other than possibly as an attempt to embarrass Trump politically?

The point of having Hutchinson testify publicly is that she's a credible witness whose testimony has already been corroborated by the non-public interviews, depositions, and others' testimony.

Calling her a liar while refusing to sit down under oath to testify publicly is consciousness of guilt.
Somebody said something…

Why won’t they testify under oath? That would definitely clear things up, until they do, Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony is under oath, their statement isn’t.

You're either rally stupid or very dishonest. They can't just walk into the hearing and testify., The clown show panel has to invite them to testify under oath. They won't because their testimony makes a mockery out of their clown show. :palm:
Who are these sources? Why are they not named? Why are they not going on the record?

The answer is because it's bullshit and no one wants to go to jail for lying on behalf of Donald Trump.

All of this could be cleared up very easily and quickly if these people would just agree to testify under oath, publicly.

So far, only Hutchinson has been willing to do that.

A show trial isn't a trial either.

This isn't a show trial, but I think it's interesting that you think it is because of how damaging all of this is to Donald Trump, who you previously defended.

So you're calling it a show trial because it's making Trump look bad, which makes YOU look bad by association since YOU simp for him.
garbage. when is the last time a Congressional committee was appointed soley by one party>

Republicans had every opportunity to join but refused, just like how they all refuse to publicly testify under oath.

A 26 year old woman has more balls than you, Trump, and the entire GOP.

You can call them blowhards, but in fact they were going to ask why security kept turning down the Guard

Because Trump wanted the Nazis to kill his VP and Democrats in Congress.

That would mean questioning Pelosi's motives,as she directs the Sargent at arms

So it's Pelosi's fault that Trump and Roger Stone colluded with the Proud Boys to attack the Capitol while denying the Capitol police the equipment and personnel they would need?

I wager that it's actually YOUR FAULT because you lied about the election being stolen, a bunch of Nazis believed you, and then they attacked the Capitol over it while you sat here on JPP and egged the whole thing on.
And you were too cowardly to defend the country from this coup attempt

Ah, so it WAS a coup attempt, you DID have knowledge of it ahead of time, and you KNEW that it was based on a lie.

If I had known all that, you can be damn well sure I would have showed up to DC to kill a bunch of you Nazis and defend the country.

But that doesn't explain why you pussied out and hid here on JPP that day.

How come you were a pussy on 1/6? It's because you actually don't believe the election was stolen.

If you did, you would have been there that day.

So you're just lying about it.
NONE of what she said is supported by anyone in the room with Trump, or in the car with Trump. She's been exposed as a liar much like Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Pete Aguilar, Adam Kinzinger, Zoe Lofgren, Stephanie Murphy, Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney. These are the liars in the room that are attempting to dupe and gaslight the American people that Trump somehow planned, instigated and coopted the protest that got out of hand at the Capital.

These are the liars that brought us the Russia Collusion Hoax. The Mueller Hoax. Need I go on? No need to, the history of these liars and delusional clowns speak for itself.

Look, the sane portion of American workers sees right through this yet another hoax by the democrats. They have not one accomplishment to hold up to the American people over the past two years.
It is comical to watch them try and prevent Trump from running again because Trump is far from the strongest candidate. Personally, I hope they are successful.
......because of how damaging all of this is to Donald Trump, who you previously defended.

None of this clown show is damaging to Trump. It is destroying the Democrat brand. I am good with that. November is going to be awesome. Trump doesn't need defending. He hasn't broken any laws which is why over 500 days of this clown show has resulted in ZERO charges or criminal referrals. :palm:

So you're calling it a show trial because it's making Trump look bad, which makes YOU look bad by association since YOU simp for him.

I am amused that you don't realize, due to your extreme mental retardation, that this is making Democrats look like morons. But alas, dumbasses like you are their prime audience. Everyone else with half a brain are watching anything BUT. :palm:
he testified to being the author of the note Tues

Great! So Trump's guilty and you're guilty too because you spread the lie that brought those Nazis to the Capitol, even though you didn't join them because you didn't want to go to jail for the lie.

That's why you were here on JPP that day, wasn't it?

Because you didn't even believe the lies you were spreading, and thought it would be pointless to go to jail over them.

Admit it, that's what happened, wasn't it?

You lied and lied and lied, and then when it came time for you to back up those lies, you totally pussied out.
Republicans had every opportunity to join but refused, just like how they all refuse to publicly testify under oath.

That is a lie fed to you by Pelosi dumbfuck. :palm:

A 26 year old woman has more balls than you, Trump, and the entire GOP.

It never takes long for a lying leftist buffoon to devolve into child like rants. :palm:

Because Trump wanted the Nazis to kill his VP and Democrats in Congress.

And now you devolve from child like to lunatic. Bravo! :clap:

So it's Pelosi's fault that Trump and Roger Stone colluded with the Proud Boys to attack the Capitol while denying the Capitol police the equipment and personnel they would need?

It's so cute when lying, repugnant, worthless leftist pieces of filth have to resort to outright fabrications to make their points. :palm:

I wager that it's actually YOUR FAULT because you lied about the election being stolen, a bunch of Nazis believed you, and then they attacked the Capitol over it while you sat here on JPP and egged the whole thing on.

More shrill lunatic ranting again. I don't think you can post without looking like a repugnant, ignorant, dishonest, worthless piece of human filth.

You kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. The world's collective IQ would go up.