Why do Christians believe in Jesus when He's NOWHERE in the Hebrew Bible?

Why would it? It's in the Bible. "A time to love and a time to hate."

Why are you sticking up for a bigoted racist? Because he's part of your pussy posse and kisses your ass?

Another example of a RW bigot and racist using the OT to violate Christ's commandments and justify their hatred of other people.

Note how the RW haters disregard this scripture "in the Bible" in favor of spreading their anger and hatred of others:

Matthew 5:39
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Nah, I wouldn't murder you....:)

But you would gleefully violate Christ's commandments because, let's be honest, you're not really a Christian.

You're exactly what I claimed you were: a spiteful, angry, violent person who uses Christianity as a mask to hide your true self.
He didn't say anything new as it is in Torah and he just repeated it

Does this mean you are violating the Torah when you attack RB for things beyond his control?

FWIW, while there are genetic factors in a person's disposition, most of their personality is formed by nuture.
I don't understand why you bothered making a sock and naming him Perry.......your posts are still obviously identical......

Perry Phd is a 30something who lives on Mount Stupid. Sure, he probably has an engineering PhD, but the kid doesn't have a lick of sense nor an ounce of adult maturity.

I can't change your mind if you want to believe he's me. I do know that you are not a Christian and that you are a sadistic, immature elderly male who is spreading pain onto others because you're too weak to suck it up like a man.
Perry Phd is a 30something who lives on Mount Stupid. Sure, he probably has an engineering PhD, but the kid doesn't have a lick of sense nor an ounce of adult maturity.

I can't change your mind if you want to believe he's me. I do know that you are not a Christian and that you are a sadistic, immature elderly male who is spreading pain onto others because you're too weak to suck it up like a man.

you are indistinguishable......you even use the same meme generator.....
Does this mean you are violating the Torah when you attack RB for things beyond his control?

FWIW, while there are genetic factors in a person's disposition, most of their personality is formed by nuture.

just going back at him, and nurturing is a big part of his personality
just going back at him, and nurturing is a big part of his personality

While I agree he's weak, a blowhard and a bully, two wrongs never make a right.

He regularly accuses me of attacking his mother but he can never produce the post. I don't know if he's intentionally lying or simply a little wacky by misremembering. Yes, I mention mother's in posts, but the comments are usually along the lines of "your mother would disapprove of a little cocksucker like you" or some other personal insult against the JPP member, not the parent.

Clearly RB 60 has self-esteem issues. I don't know why. The circumstances of his birth are no more his fault than those of anyone else. It's how people conduct themselves as adults that matter. Not who or what their birth parents were.
But you would gleefully violate Christ's commandments because, let's be honest, you're not really a Christian.

You're exactly what I claimed you were: a spiteful, angry, violent person who uses Christianity as a mask to hide your true self.

I really don't give a shit what you think.

Attack my family, and yes, I could become angry. But you're exactly what I claimed you were; a lying, disrespectful, bedridden, bloviating coward.

Wrong. I never claimed that

What is it like being so wrong on just about everything you say?
Awesome. Okay, let me rephrase: you act like a 30something idiot. You're consistently angry, which I put down to over stressed from work. That usually indicates someone not well established in their career.

Then what are your degrees? You've refused to say yet claim to work in environmental engineering in some capacity. Are you an accountant?
Awesome. Okay, let me rephrase: you act like a 30something idiot. You're consistently angry, which I put down to over stressed from work. That usually indicates someone not well established in their career.

You act like a general prick. I may be stressed but at least I'm not a jackass.

Then what are your degrees?

Honestly you wouldn't understand it if I explained it to you. You lack the proper level of education.

You've refused to say yet claim to work in environmental engineering in some capacity.


Is there literally ANYTHING you are right about????
It's because the haters claiming to be Christian are liars. Perhaps mainly lying to themselves. They are too stupid and/or irrational to recognize their own hypocrisy.
I doubt if even ten percent of the posters who strut around with the cross and wear Christianity on their sleeve ever read the entire bible, attend church in any consistent way, nor take to heart the moral imperatives of the Sermon on the Mount.
I really don't give a shit what you think.

Attack my family, and yes, I could become angry. But you're exactly what I claimed you were; a lying, disrespectful, bedridden, bloviating coward.
That's clearly a lie. Otherwise why would you want to assault or murder me?

Produce a post where I attacked your family, Arbie. Please prove me wrong that you aren't a simple-minded, angry loon.
You act like a general prick. I may be stressed but at least I'm not a jackass.

Honestly you wouldn't understand it if I explained it to you. You lack the proper level of education.


Is there literally ANYTHING you are right about????
There's no "may be" about it, Perry PhD. You and I can agree to disagree about your jackassery.:)

The fact you can't put it in layman's terms shows the limits of your expertise, Perry PhD. If you ever hope to move into management, you'll need to work on that part of your resume.

As for your work and education, why are you so paranoid about keeping it secret? You claim I'm wrong but don't correct. You make posts like those below then deny it's your field.

For some reason Conservatives HATE EV's. I mean I understand that EV's are still improving and there ARE real problems with safety and environmental impact of Li batteries but as you noted and as I noted, there's new battery tech on the horizon.

Eons ago I was doing a postdoc on H2 storage for fuel cell vehicles. I went to a conference on transportation fuels in Norway and it was clear at that point that if H2 storage was "solved" it would mean fuel cells would become the standard for vehicles, but if it didn't get "solved" then it would always be a small segment. The intervening couple decades have shown that the solution to safe storage of H2 is yet to be achieved.

But EV's are improving and getting more popular. We got a Chevy Bolt with 300 miles on a charge and it is a FANTASTIC vehicle. We have solar on our house so we don't even pay for the fuel for the car! It's amazing.

Do I wish Li ion batteries were safer or less environmentally impactful? Sure! 100%. And I would GLADLY put my money to seeing that improve as opposed to our non-stop subsidizing of the petroleum industry.