Why do Christians believe in Jesus when He's NOWHERE in the Hebrew Bible?

No! I was Chosen! I wasn't searching for God! God came to my house as the Holy Spirit and Chose me for a Job.

Did God tell you that "organized religion" got it all wrong and you should just go your own way and you don't need to know any of the details about things like the Nicene Creed or anything like that?

Well, This whole question is kind of inane. The messianic prophecies exist in the Hebrew Bible. That the Jews don't believe Jesus is the one, the Christians do, because of the messianic prophecies referenced in the New Testament to "prove" the point.

What I find most interesting is the original language of the bible (in Isaiah) calls the woman to bear him "almah" which means in Hebrew "maiden" but translates as a young woman of child bearing age but does not specifically mean "virgin", while in the New Testament they use the Greek word "parthenos" which does mean "virgin". To be fair, that is the only equivalent word in the Greek used at that time.

BTW: The word in Hebrew, at that time, for "virgin" would be "bethulah" it is not mentioned in the Old Testament at any time.
Jesus and Paul, the two most important people in Christianity, strongly believed in ministry, organization, churches and communities of the faithful.

I don't think they meant for people to sit at home on their couch thinking about the holy spirit.

The Nicene Creed or the Apostle's Creed is the most fundamental and important declaration of what a Christian believes in. It is shocking that anyone who claims to be Christian would be unaware of it.

My situation is different,and don't put Paul on Jesus level.
Of course it is,you brought up "morality"!

Nope, you did. You implied only people with the holy spirit can have conflict over doing right and wrong within themselves.

It's OK, MOST "Christians" think they are the only moral people on earth because an invisible man told them what is right and wrong.
Well, This whole question is kind of inane. The messianic prophecies exist in the Hebrew Bible. That the Jews don't believe Jesus is the one, the Christians do, because of the messianic prophecies referenced in the New Testament to "prove" the point.

What I find most interesting is the original language of the bible (in Isaiah) calls the woman to bear him "almah" which means in Hebrew "maiden" but translates as a young woman of child bearing age but does not specifically mean "virgin", while in the New Testament they use the Greek word "parthenos" which does mean "virgin". To be fair, that is the only equivalent word in the Greek used at that time.

BTW: The word in Hebrew, at that time, for "virgin" would be "bethulah" it is not mentioned in the Old Testament at any time.

Doesn't matter, Mary was either exactly what claimed or not!
Same with Jesus!He either was God incarnated in the flesh or he wasn't.
Nope, you did. You implied only people with the holy spirit can have conflict over doing right and wrong within themselves.

It's OK, MOST "Christians" think they are the only moral people on earth because an invisible man told them what is right and wrong.

I said having the Holy Spirit starts an internal battle between flesh and Spirit!
Any true Christian knows we are immoral sinners saved by the Grace purchased at the cross.
I said having the Holy Spirit starts an internal battle between flesh and Spirit!
Any true Christian knows we are immoral sinners saved by the Grace purchased at the cross.

Ahh, but YOU claimed only with the Holy Spirit can there be this "battle". That, of course, is total bullshit. Many of us, even those of us who DON'T BELIEVE GOD EXISTS can have this and DO have this same battle between our DESIRES and our DUTIES. Between "RIght" and "Wrong".

No Holy SPirit needed for morality.
Ahh, but YOU claimed only with the Holy Spirit can there be this "battle". That, of course, is total bullshit. Many of us, even those of us who DON'T BELIEVE GOD EXISTS can have this and DO have this same battle between our DESIRES and our DUTIES. Between "RIght" and "Wrong".

No Holy SPirit needed for morality.

Apples and oranges