Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

But you're talking about experimenting with children.

No, you are talking about experimenting on children. In fact, you are condemning the research because it does not have control groups or other scientific standards, and so you want children to be used in experiments.
Common sense is a nonsense justification. It is really just an appeal to emotion as it really refers to what people feel without reference to any real data. At best, it's basically a commonly held hunch or gut feeling.

Sense data alone is not always reliable. How could some vague concept of "common sense" be reliable.

It is a circular argument, as well. If it is all you have then you are arguing for your belief in some claim because you believe it or for the common belief in some claim because it is the common belief.
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So back to the OP:

You Lib-Tards hate the Constitution, treat it like a joke, ignore it when you can and want to dump it in the trash heap. Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats be honest for once and just say it?

Are you ready to admit you're a homophobe yet?

You can't be honest...why should anyone else?
Where has anyone allowed homosexuals to adopt for the purpose of studying the effect on kids?

It's been pointed out to you numerous times that studies on this issue are necessarily imperfect. It's not something that can be done in a controlled and observable environment.

No one is attacking the researcher. He apparently has an agenda and we do not have their data. In any court, the bias of witnesses are open to question. Bias can certainly distort research. For this reason, until the results can be reviewed and replicated, no one study can be conclusive, especially not one where the researcher has a pretty clear bias.

So, you don't have any verifiable proof for your claim. In essence, all you have is someone else making the same claim.
And you have no proof of your claim. In fact you have flawed claims: lies.
Common sense is a nonsense justification. It is really just an appeal to emotion as it really refers to what people feel without reference to any real data. At best, it's basically a commonly held hunch or gut feeling.

Sense data alone is not always reliable. How could some vague concept of "common sense" be reliable.

It is a circular argument, as well. If it is all you have then you are arguing for your belief in some claim because you believe it or for the common belief in some claim because it is the common belief.

Not at all. Centuries of trial and error have found two normal parents to be the best way to raise kids, so stop messing with the formula.
And you have no proof of your claim. In fact you have flawed claims: lies.

No, I have no proof (well, unless you count anecdotal proof) that heterosexuals are capable of being good parents. But I am not arguing that they be prohibited from being parents or adopting.
No, I have no proof (well, unless you count anecdotal proof) that heterosexuals are capable of being good parents. But I am not arguing that they be prohibited from being parents or adopting.
I'm simply arguing that they be put in the line behind normal parents until long-term studies prove them at least as capable.
Not at all. Centuries of trial and error have found two normal parents to be the best way to raise kids, so stop messing with the formula.

What trial and error? If this were so, you'd have another study to reference and would not rely on the unavailable research of the homo-healer. But, all you have is your claim backed by your obvious bias.
I'm simply arguing that they be put in the line behind normal parents until long-term studies prove them at least as capable.

Yes, I know. You want to experiment with kids, but only the unwanted ones. I find that repulsive.

I wonder if you will then compare apples to apples. My guess is no. The fact is, they are likely to be put in line behind heteros. Which means they will adopt more of the hard cases. Any study would have to control for the fact that they may be more apt to adopt children with problems that preexisted adoption.

How far in back of the line do you want them? That is, is this more important than any other factor? Let's say the heteros had some significant blemish, but not one that disqualifies them, would they still be ahead of a seemingly ideal homosexual couple?

You seem to think the hard cases do not deserve the same quality of parents as the more desired children. It's like they are used cars and you will give the customers with a bad credit score one of the clunkers, but nothing else. Kind of sick and pretty obvious that this is meant to punish homosexuals rather than any legitimate concern for the kids.
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Honestly, if any of the kids need to be placed with special consideration concerning the skills of the parent(s), it's the hard cases. Unfortunately, that makes them even harder to place. But, you don't want some handicapped kid going to home that is just barely capable of filling the needs of a healthy baby.

Further, what sort of impact is such a system going to have on the child if/when he/she becomes aware of this system. That is, kids who learn that they were placed with homosexuals only because they were considered less desirable or broken is some way are likely to feel some resentment. Many adopted kids already struggle with feelings of being unwanted. This just adds insult to injury.
What trial and error? If this were so, you'd have another study to reference and would not rely on the unavailable research of the homo-healer. But, all you have is your claim backed by your obvious bias.
How ironic, since if I cited another study you'd simply attack those researchers as well.
Honestly, if any of the kids need to be placed with special consideration concerning the skills of the parent(s), it's the hard cases. Unfortunately, that makes them even harder to place. But, you don't want some handicapped kid going to home that is just barely capable of filling the needs of a healthy baby.

Further, what sort of impact is such a system going to have on the child if/when he/she becomes aware of this system. That is, kids who learn that they were placed with homosexuals only because they were considered less desirable or broken is some way are likely to feel some resentment. Many adopted kids already struggle with feelings of being unwanted. This just adds insult to injury.

Well its about time you were honest. (j/k)

This is quite funny though, since here you are admitting that children will have a certain stigma because of queer parents which could effect them negatively, yet earlier you said that would not happen.