Why don't you Libtard/ Progressives/ Democrats just say it?

Bullshit. You declare victory whenever you lose. :)

Whenever I lose? More like whenever you start dancing around and not discussing the topic.

Soc posts a link that confirmed what we were saying. You just tried to make up facts from that to fit your own agenda.
So, back to the OP...

Actually, since your own arguments against gay marriage and gay adoption rely on your own christian faith, you are trashing the US Constitution when you demand that gays not be allowed to marry and be treated differently concerning adoption.

That speaks directly to the OP. :pke:
You continue to misrepresent my position, proving that you can't support your own. Now back to the OP...

In this very thread you spoke of the morality you were using as being from the bible.

The rest of the nonsense is either ignorance, has been refuted, or doesn't apply.
Marriage isn't in the Constitution, neither is anal sex, yet you refuse to discuss anything else...

I have been discussing the fact that some conservatives want to use christian dogma as a basis for laws that effect everyone.

You are the one who keeps bringing up anal sex. :good4u:
"Queer marriage, gay rights, anal sex for everyone..." Sick freaks. :321:


Except we have never said anything about anal sex for anyone who doesn't want it. Again, you project your ideas into my posts.

Want to confess something?
"...blow jobs, porn, Catholic priests buggering boys..." Blah, blah, blah.

The OP is about you fucking libtards/ progressives/ Democrats trashing the fuck out of the Constitution and lying that you ain't. And all you can talk about is demented sexual practices and how many people have shot their wad into someone else bowels...
Sodomy to "many people" means anal sex.

That you have all day long to spend on a computer to substantiate splitting hairs just tells me you need a life.

It means he cracks a book occasionally...like maybe a little book I like to call The DICTIONARY:

Main Entry: sod·omy
Pronunciation: \ˈsä-də-mē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Gen 19:1–11
Date: 13th century

: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal
It means he cracks a book occasionally...like maybe a little book I like to call The DICTIONARY:

Main Entry: sod·omy
Pronunciation: \ˈsä-də-mē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Gen 19:1–11
Date: 13th century

: anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also : copulation with an animal

Hi'ya Zap! How are you this fine afternoon?

Talking about it gets you carried away, huh bunky?

Remember: Put a string around it and attach it to your wrist! :good4u:
Using your logic about what is the norm, you a the deviant when it comes to oral sex. While not performed by a majority of those surveyed, it appears there is a large minority of heterosexuals that engage in anal sex. Not something ONLY perverted people do.

LOL, SM is more sexually abnormal than those he attacks as perverts.
Hi'ya Zap! How are you this fine afternoon?

Talking about it gets you carried away, huh bunky?

Remember: Put a string around it and attach it to your wrist! :good4u

Why, I'm doin fine, thanks!

Did ya hear the news?

There's this little book out there and according to it, you've got the definition of sodomy incorrect.

It's more of a niche publication, maybe you've never heard of it...it's called the Dictionary.

Anyway, according to it, you are wrong once again.

Sorry, don't hate the messenger just because he brings news you don't like.
Why, I'm doin fine, thanks!

Did ya hear the news?

There's this little book out there and according to it, you've got the definition of sodomy incorrect.

It's more of a niche publication, maybe you've never heard of it...it's called the Dictionary.

Anyway, according to it, you are wrong once again.

Sorry, don't hate the messenger just because he brings news you don't like.

No Zap. I didn't get it wrong. I know you're practically orgasmic over the thought. I simply believe in my personal opinion, that anal sex is more often associated with sodomy. It is my opinion many folks think that as well. I also believe what solitary was offended by was SM was asking if he had anal sex (sodomy) with his wife.

Now please continue yanking the string around your wrist. I love it when you get in a lather on a public message board.


Would you consider THAT sodomy, or masturbation?
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You said you weren't bothered by insults.

You lied.

I know you were Solitary, Solitary. When you tell certain people, and certain people tell other people...

Well you know.

I am not bothered by insults. Yeah, I am sure someone told you that they were told by someone who was told by someone......ect ect
"...blow jobs, porn, Catholic priests buggering boys..." Blah, blah, blah.

The OP is about you fucking libtards/ progressives/ Democrats trashing the fuck out of the Constitution and lying that you ain't. And all you can talk about is demented sexual practices and how many people have shot their wad into someone else bowels...

Oh I am sure you wanted this to be a bashfest of everything left of your views. But, like many threads on here, it didn't work out like you planned.

If anyone has spent time talking about demented sexual practices and people shooting wads into bowels, it has been you.

The rest of us have been discussing how the homosexual population is being discriminated against. And how unfair that is.