Why is evince banned from so many threads

Would those be the ones who spit in a Black man's face and then later say it was because of his actions; because that's what you did, when being chastised for behaving like that.

take your maga hat off for awhile

I think its fusing with your brain
But when she says racist white men have ruled this country for 400 years is she not actually referencing people you supported and voted for?
take your maga hat off for awhile

I think its fusing with your brain

But I'm not the one who seems to forget that after bragging about spitting in a Black man's face, you never mentioned his supposed "behavior" until AFTER you started being shown as a racist.
Other than white men, who has been in charge of this country for the past 400 years?
Most anthropologists recognize 3 or 4 basic races of man in existence today. These races can be further subdivided into as many as 30 subgroups.
Ethnographic division into races from Meyers Konversationslexikon of 1885-90 is listing:
Caucasian races (Aryans, Hamites, Semites)
Mongolian races (northern Mongolian, Chinese and Indo-Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo, American Indian),
Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua, “Negrito”, Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese)

Another popular division recognizes 4 major races
The world population can be divided into 4 major races, namely white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid. This is based on a racial classification made by Carleton S. Coon in 1962. There is no universally accepted classification for “race”, however, and its use has been under fire over the last few decades.

Based on Meyers Konversationslexikon and the biological anthropologist Carleton S. Coon I'd say mongoloid in general. But as a democracy there is no one race or person "in charge of" the country. Why?
Talking about the state of institutional racism in this country is neither stupid, trollish, nor a proxy for whining about alleged poor choices in life.

There is nothing about TT64 that even remotely strikes me as conveying stupidity, entitlement, or insipid whining.

Talking about institutional racism is a more salient and relevant topic to discuss on message boards than the girlish gossip, libel, and insipid bigotry that accounts for the majority of discussions on this forum.

Since we're Californians we can discuss this. California has never had a woman or a P.O.C. as Governor. Gavin Newsom is the current favorite and comes from immense privilege. In the Democratic Primary there is a woman running as well as an Hispanic male. Why doesn't Newsom step aside and let history finally be made?

I understand his goal is eventually the White House and CA Governor is a necessary step so it would be asking a lot of him to do so. But to whom much is given much is asked right? What do you think?
Since we're Californians we can discuss this. California has never had a woman or a P.O.C. as Governor. Gavin Newsom is the current favorite and comes from immense privilege. In the Democratic Primary there is a woman running as well as an Hispanic male. Why doesn't Newsom step aside and let history finally be made?

I understand his goal is eventually the White House and CA Governor is a necessary step so it would be asking a lot of him to do so. But to whom much is given much is asked right? What do you think?

I am pretty sure the concept of gender and racial equality does not involve highly qualified men stepping aside for highly qualified women.

I am pretty sure equality under the law means qualified men and qualified women competing on equal terms. Whether that be at work, in the market place, or in a political campaign.
I am pretty sure the concept of gender and racial equality does not involve highly qualified men stepping aside for highly qualified women.

I am pretty sure equality under the law means qualified men and qualified women competing on equal terms. Whether that be at work, in the market place, or in a political campaign.

For the sake of discussion look at the privilege Newsom has had compared to Viragosa (sp). I don't think stepping aside is the answer either but if we're trying to attack institutional racism isn't that a way to do it? We may fancy ourselves progressive in California but we've only elected white males as governor? No woman or P.O.C. has ever been qualified enough?
For the sake of discussion look at the privilege Newsom has had compared to Viragosa (sp). I don't think stepping aside is the answer either but if we're trying to attack institutional racism isn't that a way to do it? We may fancy ourselves progressive in California but we've only elected white males as governor? No woman or P.O.C. has ever been qualified enough?

Institutional bias for white males exists in California just like it does in Texas.

Which party has more elected women and people of color? The democrats, of course. I also think California's House of Representatives delegation in DC is about half female, which compares quite well to conservative states. I never cease to amaze that you seemingly expect progressives and liberal states to be more open to women politicians and people of color, while your own party is basically a party of old white men at the elected level
Of course not.
Go to his/her profile page and look at all the posts. There's almost never one that doesn't mention "white racist" or the equivalent on any topic. 2. You twist every post, every topic into racism when it has nothing to do with racism. E.g., WTF does waterboarding have to do with racism? :doh:

That's exactly what you are doing now. :rolleyes:
Institutional bias for white males exists in California just like it does in Texas.

Which party has more elected women and people of color? The democrats, of course. I also think California's House of Representatives delegation in DC is about half female, which compares quite well to conservative states. I never cease to amaze that you seemingly expect progressives and liberal states to be more open to women politicians and people of color, while your own party is basically a party of old white men at the elected level

I brought up Cali because we're both from here. And if Gavin steps down a Dem will win so I wasn't being partisan.

When she says racist white men and this country has been run for 400 years by racist white men do you think she was excluding democrats? Would Gavin be the first non racist white male to be in power? So if you really believe what she's saying, which many here do, then who is willing to actually change it?

Racist white men in power is more than just the president but a reminder that the last white democratic president, along with a democratic congress, signed a crime bill that put more black people in prison that any other legislation. So again it's not about party labels it's about less white people in power.
I am pretty sure the concept of gender and racial equality does not involve highly qualified men stepping aside for highly qualified women.

I am pretty sure equality under the law means qualified men and qualified women competing on equal terms. Whether that be at work, in the market place, or in a political campaign.
Exactly, thank you
I am pretty sure the concept of gender and racial equality does not involve highly qualified men stepping aside for highly qualified women.

I am pretty sure equality under the law means qualified men and qualified women competing on equal terms. Whether that be at work, in the market place, or in a political campaign.

Awesome post right here.
thanks for the info. It's really hard to tell gender here. there should be an icon to identify it like some forums do. Vent away, ma'am, I'll watch out for the ankle biters who hate you for speaking truth.

I started a rumor she was fabulously wealthy from the real estate business that others helped spread. Poor CaWack about committed suicide. Desh told me to stop it so I did but I had a lot of fun making conservative board members about have a stroke telling them that. :)