Why is evince banned from so many threads

This is a bunch of BS.

The racist white man never wanted Blacks educated. So when the people decided Blacks should be educated and integrate into public schools, the racist white man hated it. It started to demean and demonize the Department of Education, public education, teachers, unions, Black kids and their parents.

The problem is, white American brought into and voted to start defunding public education in "urban" arears.

To make a long story short, once again, it was the racist white man that started and caused the situations we are in now.

That's awesome. Post an article on institutional racism and you call it b.s.
Bill Clinton and a democratic congress passed and signed a crime bill that put more black people in prison that any other legislation. That's looking out for them.

If you're a person of color institutional racism is more than republicans and democrats. Cypress says we're afraid to talk about it, he'll he doesn't even know what it is and I don't know if you do either.

It's about all kinds of events in everyday life that have nothing to do with who you vote for.
Oh trust me. I'm quite aware of endemic institutional racism is in our culture. It's almost as bad as institutional classism. Our nations institutions are designed to protect the privileges of the WASP ruling socio-economic political class.

That's why many white working class people get frustrated and angry at Democrats who label them as racist for railing against public policies that help some but not all and often not them. When you're working and surviving week to week it's pretty hard to see your position as privileged even if you do have some advantages over others even lower down the socio-economic ladder. When life is a constant day to day struggle, as it is for the vast majority of working class people, it's frustrating to see people more privileged and advantaged than you lecturing you about racial privilege. This is why so many working class whites resent the hell out of college educated liberals.
This is why everybody bans you. A question isn't defending anybody. It's a question. You are incapable of conducting any kind of a rational conversation about anything. Go back to your safe room where it's safe.
Or at least go back to your one stupid trick - Trump is president because republicans cheated.

Yes, you were defending the Charlottesville NAZIS.

It's called equivocation.

You were trying to justify the NAZI protestors actions by contrasting them with BLM and antifa protests.
This is a bunch of BS.

The racist white man never wanted Blacks educated. So when the people decided Blacks should be educated and integrate into public schools, the racist white man hated it. It started to demean and demonize the Department of Education, public education, teachers, unions, Black kids and their parents.

The problem is, white American brought into and voted to start defunding public education in "urban" arears.

To make a long story short, once again, it was the racist white man that started and caused the situations we are in now.

Oh trust me. I'm quite aware of endemic institutional racism is in our culture. It's almost as bad as institutional classism. Our nations institutions are designed to protect the privileges of the WASP ruling socio-economic political class.

That's why many white working class people get frustrated and angry at Democrats who label them as racist for railing against public policies that help some but not all and often not them. When you're working and surviving week to week it's pretty hard to see your position as privileged even if you do have some advantages over others even lower down the socio-economic ladder. When life is a constant day to day struggle, as it is for the vast majority of working class people, it's frustrating to see people more privileged and advantaged than you lecturing you about racial privilege. This is why so many working class whites resent the hell out of college educated liberals.

Bill Clinton and a democratic congress passed and signed a crime bill that put more black people in prison that any other legislation. That's looking out for them.

If you're a person of color institutional racism is more than republicans and democrats. Cypress says we're afraid to talk about it, he'll he doesn't even know what it is and I don't know if you do either.

It's about all kinds of events in everyday life that have nothing to do with who you vote for.

A bill drafted by racist white republican men.

The Republicans control the Legislative branch, and the Democrats control the Executive Branch.

White America was on a tough on crime high. They wanted Black folks locked up especially after the Reagan era.
Institutional bias for white males exists in California just like it does in Texas.

Which party has more elected women and people of color? The democrats, of course. I also think California's House of Representatives delegation in DC is about half female, which compares quite well to conservative states. I never cease to amaze that you seemingly expect progressives and liberal states to be more open to women politicians and people of color, while your own party is basically a party of old white men at the elected level

That's because if he keeps the attention focused on Democrats, then he won't have to acknowledge the institutional racism that permeates the GOP.
A bill drafted by racist white republican men.

The Republicans control the Legislative branch, and the Democrats control the Executive Branch.

White America was on a tough on crime high. They wanted Black folks locked up especially after the Reagan era.

Once again you lie female Trump. Congress was controlled by the Democrats when the legislation was written and passed. In fact it was initially written by Joe Biden. The CBC largely voted in favor of it.

So you can lie all you want but the facts are the facts.
Once again you lie female Trump. Congress was controlled by the Democrats when the legislation was written and passed. In fact it was initially written by Joe Biden. The CBC largely voted in favor of it.

So you can lie all you want but the facts are the facts.

A bill drafted by racist white republican men.

The Republicans control the Legislative branch, and the Democrats control the Executive Branch.

White America was on a tough on crime high. They wanted Black folks locked up especially after the Reagan era.


and the gang violence was high do to horrible police tactics which targeted black areas to make sure black people could not vote
That's because if he keeps the attention focused on Democrats, then he won't have to acknowledge the institutional racism that permeates the GOP.

Nice try Zap. Just another white make who thinks because he's a democrat he's protected from being a racist or contributing to institutional racism. See Zap, you don't see me saying there's no racism in the Republican Party nor do you see me saying I can't be a racist because I'm a republican. But people like you do for democrats.

And you just show your ignorance of what institutional racism is by thinking it only involves politics. But that's because at the core you don't care about it other than using it for perceived partisan political advantage.
Once again you lie female Trump. Congress was controlled by the Democrats when the legislation was written and passed. In fact it was initially written by Joe Biden. The CBC largely voted in favor of it.

So you can lie all you want but the facts are the facts.

LOL. It's only online for the world to see.

If it makes you feel happy, you can continue to believe Democrats put more Black men in jail than any one.

History proves you wrong.
Bill Clinton and a democratic congress passed and signed a crime bill that put more black people in prison that any other legislation. That's looking out for them?

If you're a person of color institutional racism is more than republicans and democrats. Cypress says we're afraid to talk about it, he'll he doesn't even know what it is and I don't know if you do either.

It's about all kinds of events in everyday life that have nothing to do with who you vote for.

Nice try Zap. Just another white make who thinks because he's a democrat he's protected from being a racist or contributing to institutional racism. See Zap, you don't see me saying there's no racism in the Republican Party nor do you see me saying I can't be a racist because I'm a republican. But people like you do for democrats.

And you just show your ignorance of what institutional racism is by thinking it only involves politics. But that's because at the core you don't care about it other than using it for perceived partisan political advantage.

HUH? what other institutional racism is there?

I think you are confusing just plain ole white racism with institutional racism. Institution Racism IS politics. You don't want it to be, but it is.
Nice try Zap. Just another white make who thinks because he's a democrat he's protected from being a racist or contributing to institutional racism. See Zap, you don't see me saying there's no racism in the Republican Party nor do you see me saying I can't be a racist because I'm a republican. But people like you do for democrats.

And you just show your ignorance of what institutional racism is by thinking it only involves politics. But that's because at the core you don't care about it other than using it for perceived partisan political advantage.

Cite even a single time I've said there's no Racism in the Democrat party or that I can't be a racist because I'm a Democrat.

Talk about a couple of bullshit lies!
That's right it is female Trump. You are flat out lying. And lying about something as basic as who was in control of congress and people voted on a piece of legislation.

It's interesting that the Democratic Party is like your God you can't even aacknowledge basic facts
Nice try Zap. Just another white make who thinks because he's a democrat he's protected from being a racist or contributing to institutional racism. See Zap, you don't see me saying there's no racism in the Republican Party nor do you see me saying I can't be a racist because I'm a republican. But people like you do for democrats.

And you just show your ignorance of what institutional racism is by thinking it only involves politics. But that's because at the core you don't care about it other than using it for perceived partisan political advantage.

you hate white people who fight racism huh