Why is evince banned from so many threads

I am pretty sure the concept of gender and racial equality does not involve highly qualified men stepping aside for highly qualified women.

I am pretty sure equality under the law means qualified men and qualified women competing on equal terms. Whether that be at work, in the market place, or in a political campaign.

Institutional racism is more than equality under the law. Institutional racism doesn't go away with just legislation. So how can we get rid of the mindset when racist white men are still in power?
I started a rumor she was fabulously wealthy from the real estate business that others helped spread. Poor CaWack about committed suicide. Desh told me to stop it so I did but I had a lot of fun making conservative board members about have a stroke telling them that. :)
so the claims about her being a landlord were a lie?........bastard.....next you'll be claiming you don't fuck sheep and you live in West Viginia....
Out of curiosity, when she says racist white men every post do you think she's somehow not talking about you?

I'm not talking about him.

He doesn't support racism.

Why are you projecting what I think about you onto him? Be specific.
I'm not talking about him.

He doesn't support racism.

Why are you projecting what I think about you onto him? Be specific.

You've said all the white men who were president before Obama were racist. Cypress voted for Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. All racist white men according to you. Yet he doesn't support racism? Be specific.
Institutional racism is more than equality under the law. Institutional racism doesn't go away with just legislation. So how can we get rid of the mindset when racist white men are still in power?

Sorry, the Repubilican party and its members on this forum deny there is institutional racism in this country. I have never seen you call them out for it.

So, the evidence suggests you are actually trolling and not genuinely interested in a mature discussion of institutional racism.

I will have more confidence that you are not just trolling the issue, when I see you contradict all your fellow conservatives when they go into full blown denial of this country's issues with institutionalized gender and racial discrimination
Sorry, the Repubilican party and its members on this forum deny there is institutional racism in this country. I have never seen you call them out for it.

So, the evidence suggests you are actually trolling and not genuinely interested in a mature discussion of institutional racism.

I will have more confidence that you are not just trolling the issue, when I see you contradict all your fellow conservatives when they go into full blown denial of this country's issues with institutionalized gender and racial discrimination

Sorry, the Repubilican party and its members on this forum deny there is institutional racism in this country. I have never seen you call them out for it.

So, the evidence suggests you are actually trolling and not genuinely interested in a mature discussion of institutional racism.

I will have more confidence that you are not just trolling the issue, when I see you contradict all your fellow conservatives when they go into full blown denial of this country's issues with institutionalized gender and racial discrimination

Turning to tribalism isn't a real answer. It's hiding behind a façade that even though I'm white because I'm a Democrat i'm not a racist and contributing to institutional racism. In the "intergeneration injustice" thread I started I responded to you with articles showing the racist history behind our current zoning and land use laws and you haven't responded. That had/has major effects on where minorities were historically allowed to live, the wealth gap and the education gap. Yet look at the white people in the thread, both Democrats and Republicans, supporting it.

Check out this portion of the article below. Rana and Owlwoman are both liberals and parents. Do you think they didn't try and put their kids in the best schools? My guess is they did as would every parent. I know I will with my daughter. Yet that is institutional racism.

10 Signs Of Institutionalized Racism And The Rhetoric Of ‘Greatness’

For instance, folks tend to move to spaces where one might find great schools, great teachers, great neighborhoods and more without ever thinking about what “great” might mean. Ask a realtor what they mean by great schools. Ask different folks what “great” might mean or convey. Good test scores. Good grades. Blue ribbon schools. Where are the “great spaces” located, and who tends to teach, administrate and attend those “great or good” schools? Located in those good schools, one can assume would be good teachers. In fact, one of the leading criteria for assessing those “great schools” is whether a teacher has significant instructional experience. However, if one has had years of experience teaching in “good schools” and those schools tend not to be diverse, I would argue that an institutional racism problem may also reside in those “great schools.” In fact, institutionalized racism is the underbelly of the rhetoric of “greatness”. I mean, who tends to use that vernacular?

You've said all the white men who were president before Obama were racist. Cypress voted for Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. All racist white men according to you. Yet he doesn't support racism? Be specific.

The government has always catered to the racist since it's inception. It's why compromise to give them a voice. This country was built on racism and if you think it's just disappeared into the thin air, your dumber than I thought.

You have always had a way of trying to connect the dots to fit your narrative.

If Cypress voted for those Presidents in the past, sounds to me like he's evolving........

Taking responsibility is to acknowledge wrong doing. Perhaps he is seeing the errors of voting for the racist right and it's destroying our nation.

YOU STILL support institutional racism and everything that comes from the racist right.

This is about YOU not Cypress.
Turning to tribalism isn't a real answer. It's hiding behind a façade that even though I'm white because I'm a Democrat i'm not a racist and contributing to institutional racism. In the "intergeneration injustice" thread I started I responded to you with articles showing the racist history behind our current zoning and land use laws and you haven't responded. That had/has major effects on where minorities were historically allowed to live, the wealth gap and the education gap. Yet look at the white people in the thread, both Democrats and Republicans, supporting it.

Check out this portion of the article below. Rana and Owlwoman are both liberals and parents. Do you think they didn't try and put their kids in the best schools? My guess is they did as would every parent. I know I will with my daughter. Yet that is institutional racism.

10 Signs Of Institutionalized Racism And The Rhetoric Of ‘Greatness’

For instance, folks tend to move to spaces where one might find great schools, great teachers, great neighborhoods and more without ever thinking about what “great” might mean. Ask a realtor what they mean by great schools. Ask different folks what “great” might mean or convey. Good test scores. Good grades. Blue ribbon schools. Where are the “great spaces” located, and who tends to teach, administrate and attend those “great or good” schools? Located in those good schools, one can assume would be good teachers. In fact, one of the leading criteria for assessing those “great schools” is whether a teacher has significant instructional experience. However, if one has had years of experience teaching in “good schools” and those schools tend not to be diverse, I would argue that an institutional racism problem may also reside in those “great schools.” In fact, institutionalized racism is the underbelly of the rhetoric of “greatness”. I mean, who tends to use that vernacular?


You belong to a party that is in full blown denial of institutionalized race and gender based discrimination.

I belong to a party that is far from perfect, but at least acknowledges there is institutionalized discrimination and at least works at legal and legislative responses to it.

Any discussion between you and I needs to be framed with crystal clear clarity in that context.
Sorry, the Repubilican party and its members on this forum deny there is institutional racism in this country. I have never seen you call them out for it.

So, the evidence suggests you are actually trolling and not genuinely interested in a mature discussion of institutional racism.

I will have more confidence that you are not just trolling the issue, when I see you contradict all your fellow conservatives when they go into full blown denial of this country's issues with institutionalized gender and racial discrimination

As rodney dangerfield once said, "that was very observatory of you". (your reply to the racist)
Turning to tribalism isn't a real answer. It's hiding behind a façade that even though I'm white because I'm a Democrat i'm not a racist and contributing to institutional racism. In the "intergeneration injustice" thread I started I responded to you with articles showing the racist history behind our current zoning and land use laws and you haven't responded. That had/has major effects on where minorities were historically allowed to live, the wealth gap and the education gap. Yet look at the white people in the thread, both Democrats and Republicans, supporting it.

Check out this portion of the article below. Rana and Owlwoman are both liberals and parents. Do you think they didn't try and put their kids in the best schools? My guess is they did as would every parent. I know I will with my daughter. Yet that is institutional racism.

10 Signs Of Institutionalized Racism And The Rhetoric Of ‘Greatness’

For instance, folks tend to move to spaces where one might find great schools, great teachers, great neighborhoods and more without ever thinking about what “great” might mean. Ask a realtor what they mean by great schools. Ask different folks what “great” might mean or convey. Good test scores. Good grades. Blue ribbon schools. Where are the “great spaces” located, and who tends to teach, administrate and attend those “great or good” schools? Located in those good schools, one can assume would be good teachers. In fact, one of the leading criteria for assessing those “great schools” is whether a teacher has significant instructional experience. However, if one has had years of experience teaching in “good schools” and those schools tend not to be diverse, I would argue that an institutional racism problem may also reside in those “great schools.” In fact, institutionalized racism is the underbelly of the rhetoric of “greatness”. I mean, who tends to use that vernacular?


Do you not know your history? Let me rephrase, do you know any history besides white America public school history?

Redlining, sundown towns, first and last month security deposits, high rents, slum lords......etc. The list goes on of discriminatory acts by racist whites to which we had to enact the Federal Fair Housing Act. (which racist republicans want to do away with).

This has been happening for ever. It's not, nor has it ever been limited to zoning laws in CA.

Sorry, the Repubilican party and its members on this forum deny there is institutional racism in this country. I have never seen you call them out for it.

So, the evidence suggests you are actually trolling and not genuinely interested in a mature discussion of institutional racism.

I will have more confidence that you are not just trolling the issue, when I see you contradict all your fellow conservatives when they go into full blown denial of this country's issues with institutionalized gender and racial discrimination
I have to agree with Cypress. Granted the Democrats have their own problems with that issue. Often it's soft racism that they don't perceive as racism as it's not overt racism.

However there is a significant minority of the GOP that are overtly racist. I did call them out when I was a Republican. I opposed the Southern Strategy in that manipulating peoples racial resentments to gain votes violated my principles. In the short term it has gained them votes. In the long term it has done them more harm than good as moderates have fled the party.
I have to agree with Cypress. Granted the Democrats have their own problems with that issue. Often it's soft racism that they don't perceive as racism as it's not overt racism.

However there is a significant minority of the GOP that are overtly racist. I did call them out when I was a Republican. I opposed the Southern Strategy in that manipulating peoples racial resentments to gain votes violated my principles. In the short term it has gained them votes. In the long term it has done them more harm than good as moderates have fled the party.

Nice work, chap, and top of the morning to you.

I mean, FDR and the Democratic Party made a deal with the devil to keep the southern Dixiecrats in the party for decades.
It's just that the situation is reversed now, and the Republican party is willfully providing safe harbor to racists...both on this message board and on the electoral battle field.
Do you not know your history? Let me rephrase, do you know any history besides white America public school history?

Redlining, sundown towns, first and last month security deposits, high rents, slum lords......etc. The list goes on of discriminatory acts by racist whites to which we had to enact the Federal Fair Housing Act. (which racist republicans want to do away with).

This has been happening for ever. It's not, nor has it ever been limited to zoning laws in CA.

LOL, do I know any history when I'm talking about the racist history of zoning and land use laws? Ok.

I have NEVER ever said the zoning and land use laws are exclusive to California. NEVER. You lie. You lie repeatedly and you lie often. You are a liar
Sorry, the Repubilican party and its members on this forum deny there is institutional racism in this country. I have never seen you call them out for it.

Yep; without the race hustling claim of institutional racism, the Democratic Party of the Jackass wouldn't have much to run on.
Turning to tribalism isn't a real answer. It's hiding behind a façade that even though I'm white because I'm a Democrat i'm not a racist and contributing to institutional racism. In the "intergeneration injustice" thread I started I responded to you with articles showing the racist history behind our current zoning and land use laws and you haven't responded. That had/has major effects on where minorities were historically allowed to live, the wealth gap and the education gap. Yet look at the white people in the thread, both Democrats and Republicans, supporting it.

Check out this portion of the article below. Rana and Owlwoman are both liberals and parents. Do you think they didn't try and put their kids in the best schools? My guess is they did as would every parent. I know I will with my daughter. Yet that is institutional racism.

10 Signs Of Institutionalized Racism And The Rhetoric Of ‘Greatness’

For instance, folks tend to move to spaces where one might find great schools, great teachers, great neighborhoods and more without ever thinking about what “great” might mean. Ask a realtor what they mean by great schools. Ask different folks what “great” might mean or convey. Good test scores. Good grades. Blue ribbon schools. Where are the “great spaces” located, and who tends to teach, administrate and attend those “great or good” schools? Located in those good schools, one can assume would be good teachers. In fact, one of the leading criteria for assessing those “great schools” is whether a teacher has significant instructional experience. However, if one has had years of experience teaching in “good schools” and those schools tend not to be diverse, I would argue that an institutional racism problem may also reside in those “great schools.” In fact, institutionalized racism is the underbelly of the rhetoric of “greatness”. I mean, who tends to use that vernacular?


This is a bunch of BS.

The racist white man never wanted Blacks educated. So when the people decided Blacks should be educated and integrate into public schools, the racist white man hated it. It started to demean and demonize the Department of Education, public education, teachers, unions, Black kids and their parents.

The problem is, white American brought into and voted to start defunding public education in "urban" arears.

To make a long story short, once again, it was the racist white man that started and caused the situations we are in now.
I have to agree with Cypress. Granted the Democrats have their own problems with that issue. Often it's soft racism that they don't perceive as racism as it's not overt racism.

However there is a significant minority of the GOP that are overtly racist. I did call them out when I was a Republican. I opposed the Southern Strategy in that manipulating peoples racial resentments to gain votes violated my principles. In the short term it has gained them votes. In the long term it has done them more harm than good as moderates have fled the party.

Bill Clinton and a democratic congress passed and signed a crime bill that put more black people in prison that any other legislation. That's looking out for them?

If you're a person of color institutional racism is more than republicans and democrats. Cypress says we're afraid to talk about it, he'll he doesn't even know what it is and I don't know if you do either.

It's about all kinds of events in everyday life that have nothing to do with who you vote for.
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