Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

You're stupid and....Bulverism!!!!!!
While you, on the other hand, are so clever and brilliant and geniuth. Allow me a moment to bask in the glow of your impressiveness. If only there were a way to harness your cognitive dynamism, we'd be able to walk through open doors.
While you, on the other hand, are so clever and brilliant and geniuth. Allow me a moment to bask in the glow of your impressiveness. If only there were a way to harness your cognitive dynamism, we'd be able to walk through open doors.

Probable WOKE Fuck is one trick pony.
While you, on the other hand, are so clever and brilliant and geniuth. Allow me a moment to bask in the glow of your impressiveness. If only there were a way to harness your cognitive dynamism, we'd be able to walk through open doors.

I think you're a pussy.
Like I said, you know exactly what I mean when I say "jackets work" in the context of this discussion.

Disagreed. I doubt delusional people can know anything that is contrary to their own delusions. Notice he never admits error....except to his own socks on occasion.* Notice he keeps repeating the same argument over and over and over again.

*a fascinating aspect about Sybil is how he treats everyone except his own socks where he takes on an air of civility. There is never any serious disagreement between them since they all think with one mind.
You aren't saying anything.
Lol..... I could probably write your incoherent responses for you:

"The atmosphere isn't a blanket." (Really? Thank you so much! I had no idea!)

"The atmosphere isn't the Earth's climate." ( Such insight!)

"You can't heat the earth with colder gas." (Got any more brain busters, Einstein?)


You have nothing to of ANY use to add to an intelligent conversation.
Your desperation is pegging the needle, but the only tools you have available are your bandwidth-wasting declarations of what others supposedly don't know. I really thought you'd have given up on that but I imagine that you believe there is somebody you are fooling somewhere.

The discussion ended. You couldn't explain why any rational adult should believe in Global Warming. You violated many areas of physics and tried to declare that others didn't know what they knew. Your religion violates the 1st law of thermodynamics and you were given ample opportunity to explain the violation, and you could not. Despite your voluminous posting, this thread remains devoid of any Global Warming science.

Seriously, let me know when something changes. I'll be more than happy to entertain your argument then, but for the time being, your religion is stupid and your scientific illiteracy causes you to not come off well.

Have a great day and a great weekend.

There is zero desperation. None of you explained how the theory on how climate change works violates any of the three laws referenced. You just keep saying they DO violate them. The most discussed is your (x3) claim of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics being violated.

So, right here, right now explain the reason that is the case. Explain it like I'm a 10 year old WITHOUT knit-picking words, because we both know exactly what I'm referencing when I say "heat".

I'm saying the earth's atmosphere, which is colder than the Earth's surface (which is warmed by the sun), acts like a blanket in that it slows the energy transfer from the earth. That is why the earth doesn't have the huge temperature swings of other planets with lesser atmospheres. IF that belief violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, then explain how you can walk into a 70 degree room, cover yourself with a 75 degree blanket and feel warmer (or at the veryeast delay feeling cold) because that should violate the 2nd Law in EXACTLY the same way as the atmosphere "warming" the Earth.

Again, explain that like I'm a 10 year old 'cause, you know, I'm just not very sharp first thing in the morning.

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You'd think an expert on thermodynamics would understand why the sunny side of the Moon can be 250F while the night side can drop to below -200F.

You'd think an expert on thermodynamics would understand why the sunny side of the Moon (having no appreciable atmosphere "containing "greenhouse gas") is sooooooo much WARMER than the sunny side of the Earth (with an appreciable atmosphere "containing greenhouse gas").

Apparently the "presence of greenhouse gas" isn't actually doing what physics deniers are claiming the "presence of greenhouse gas" does, eh?
Jackets are not work. It is YOU playing word games. Inversion fallacy. Projecting YOUR problems on others doesn't work.

^^^Same challenge to you as was presented to IBDaMann above.^^^^

No pointless one-liners. No knit-picking word usage because you know what I'm asking.


Earth's core? Yes. I thought about bringing that up previously, but decided against it. There's already enough confusion about fairly simple thermodynamics laws. No need to throw anything else into the equation.
Yes, you're already confused about everything else that you've brought up, so it would be a good idea for you to learn about that stuff first before moving on.
See? You persist in the notion that I do not understand your point.
As far as I am concerned, I believe that you wholly understand what you are being told re: this topic, but you also know that honestly addressing it would require you to walk away from your physics-denying religion, so instead of being honest you are purposely adopting the "lie by omission" position in order to continue the façade of your physics-denying religion...

I am aware that the Earth is in a state of equilibrium.
So why aren't you "aware" that Earth's temperature, as you are "aware" with your pizza example, stopped rising (due to reaching equilibrium)?

Here's a question for you: what do you think will happen if the Earth doesn't rotate?
Why does this question matter? The Earth rotates, and I see no reason to believe that Earth is going to stop rotating anytime soon.

If the oven door is open and the CO2 surrounds it like a blanket, it will get hotter with no way of heat escaping.
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