Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

I'm still waiting on that link, or an admission that you misspoke.
You'll be waiting a VERY long time then. :)

Mantra 50 Public Masturbation

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
As far as I am concerned, I believe that you wholly understand what you are being told re: this topic, but you also know that honestly addressing it would require you to walk away from your physics-denying religion, so instead of being honest you are purposely adopting the "lie by omission" position in order to continue the façade of your physics-denying religion...

So why aren't you "aware" that Earth's temperature, as you are "aware" with your pizza example, stopped rising (due to reaching equilibrium)?

Why does this question matter? The Earth rotates, and I see no reason to believe that Earth is going to stop rotating anytime soon.


As far as I am concerned, I believe that you wholly understand what you are being told re: this topic, but you also know that honestly addressing it would require you to walk away from your physics-denying religion, so instead of being honest you are purposely adopting the "lie by omission" position in order to continue the façade of your physics-denying religion...

It is you who is denying physics.

So why aren't you "aware" that Earth's temperature, as you are "aware" with your pizza example, stopped rising (due to reaching equilibrium)?

Um see? You persist with the notion that I am missing the point or are not aware. Why? Is it because you want to be correct?

I am aware that under current conditions, it will stop rising. (Actually it's more accurate to say that it fluctuate due to the axis and the orbit.)

Why does this question matter? The Earth rotates, and I see no reason to believe that Earth is going to stop rotating anytime soon.


It is what is called a thought experiment. It is designed for Y O U to understand what would happen if Earth stopped rotating. Will one side of the Earth continue to rise in temperature beyond what is normal for Earth?

Look up "though experiment" for further study.

To be honest I think I am making a progress with you and your buddies. That's good!
You'd think an expert on thermodynamics would understand why the sunny side of the Moon (having no appreciable atmosphere "containing "greenhouse gas") is sooooooo much WARMER than the sunny side of the Earth (with an appreciable atmosphere "containing greenhouse gas").

Apparently the "presence of greenhouse gas" isn't actually doing what physics deniers are claiming the "presence of greenhouse gas" does, eh?

If you actually had a thorough, and not just one-sided, understanding of how the atmosphere works, you'd know that part of how it regulates temperatures is by reflecting a portion of the suns energy away from earth and back into space. Air pollution particles actually help cool the earth by reflecting energy away from the earth.

Again, that's IF you had a thorough understanding.

The Warming Effect of Greenhouse Gases Is Larger Than the Cooling Effect of Air Pollution

If not for aerosol pollution, Earth would be even warmer than it already is. Aerosol air pollution has made the planet about 0.7° F (0.4 °C) cooler than it otherwise would be, according to the 2021 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For comparison, greenhouse gas emissions have added 2.7°F (1.5°C) of warming.

This makes for an interesting predicament. It might seem that air pollution is oddly helpful to counteract climate change. But that doesn’t mean we need air pollution to keep the world slightly cooler. As people and economies shift to energy forms that emit less particulate pollution, there will be a gradual reduction in air pollution aerosols, which could cause a temporary warming effect. Because these changes will occur gradually over several decades, it’s unlikely to cause much of a temperature rise.

Over the long haul, reducing emissions of heat-trapping gases will more than make up for any temporary warming. Plus, cleaner air will save millions of lives.

https://climate.nasa.gov/explore/as...has made,makes for an interesting predicament.
So we stand thus:
A pretty good summation of current events within this thread.

IBDaMann seems put out that he is rated in '2nd place' by some of these idiots. To that I say, don't sweat it. The quality of your posts is very high. Don't take numbers from these idiots as useful 'data'. I still learn a lot from your posts!
DEFINITELY very high quality posts from him. I also especially appreciate the high quality of humor that he so often and cleverly weaves within them.

gfm7175 has managed to call out some paradoxes and fallacies that I missed. Keep that keen sharp eye at the ready! All I can say is you are a better shot than I am from time to time! You have learned a lot from when I first met you on the forums! Congratulations!
I think the most appropriate response here is to, once again, take a page from you ---> **humble bow**

You're a good teacher... So is IBDaMann, as I've learned quite a lot from him as well.

Oh...and I've taken a liking to that Wisconsin cheese! Our own Tillamook cheese is pretty good, but they have nothing like the weird varieties of cheese out of Wisconsin!
HA! Can't blame ya... We do make 'em very good here, and we're more than happy to keep up with the dairy farming that the Climate Justice League of California (per Newsom's approval of course), doesn't wish to allow their citizens to do anymore. (never mind their self-inflicted water supply issues)

There are also plenty of specialty cheese shops scattered across Wisconsin which sport all sorts of interesting varieties (along with the tried and true classics, of course). For example, our "chocolate cheese" is quite the treat! (it actually tastes a lot like fudge, for any fudge lovers out there)

If you can imagine it, we probably got it (and then some). Very good cheese is definitely one of the perks of living here. :)
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There are no paradoxes.

I have stated over and over again that I understood your and your socks' points.

Nobody claimed that you can create energy out of nothing. That is on you. Grow up.

Also, you can trap heat.
Keep preachin' that sermon!

It gets you nowhere with rational folks.
A pretty good summation of current events within this thread.

DEFINITELY very high quality posts from him. I also especially appreciate the high quality of humor that he so often and cleverly weaves within them.

I think the most appropriate response here is to, once again, take a page from you ---> **humble bow**

You're a good teacher... So is IBDaMann, as I've learned quite a lot from him as well.

HA! Can't blame ya... We do make 'em very good here, and we're more than happy to keep up with the dairy farming that the Climate Justice League of California (per Newsom's approval of course), doesn't wish to allow their citizens to do anymore. (never mind their self-inflicted water supply issues)

There are also plenty of specialty cheese shops scattered across Wisconsin which sport all sorts of interesting varieties (along with the tried and true classics, of course). For example, our "chocolate cheese" is quite the treat! (it actually tastes a lot like fudge, for any fudge lovers out there)

If you can imagine it, we probably got it (and then some). Very good cheese is definitely one of the perks of living here. :)

Socks praising each other. :rofl2: :laugh:
A thermometer, which sticks far up your ass, measures your body temperature.
Actually, the thermometer is measuring the temperature of a specific location far up your ass. Heck, you might even hit your head if you shove the thermometer deep enough.
Yes. He just talks I'm circles.


Says the person who is quite literally cycling through (and recycling) the same three sermons (2a-2c) over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again...


"You have been wrong on the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and Stefan-Boltzmann"

Lol. It's clear that none of the 3 amigos has any understanding of the laws of Thermodynamics, so there's absolutely no reason to believe you have an understanding of the 3rf law. You deflect to avoid answering simple questions because you know you have no honest response that wouldn't make you look ridiculous.

@IBDaMann --- Yup, you were right... yet ANOTHER evasion of your question asked.

@ZenMode --- * What climate are you claiming has changed during the last century?
Per usual, you avoid responding to what I said ... because you know you can't. Yawn.
It's funny that you made this post literally one single post after the post in which YOU avoid[ed] responding to what [IBDaMann] [asked you]. Yawn.

Wait, "yawn"? You aren't Swan, are you?

I don't think you are Swan, but he likes to end stupidity laden sentences with 'yawn'.