Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

There are stronger/longer than average heat waves
There is no such thing as a "heat wave". You still don't know what heat is.

and more severe than average flooding.
Oh no! Weather is happening!! RUN!!!!!!

There has also been a measured increase in average temperature.
Average temperature of what? Obviously not Earth.....

Again, the question isn't whether or not climate change is a deathly urgent issue
... or even an issue at all... as Church members can't even define the term in any meaningful way...

that needs economy-destroying measures to address.
What good does destroying an economy accomplish?

The question is whether or not the very basic theory of increased CO2 in the atmosphere impacts overall temperatures.
It doesn't. In fact, it can't.

"Global atmospheric CO2 content" is an unknown value (attempting to measure it runs into the same issues that measuring "global temperature" runs into).

You are laughably stupid to believe in such a religion. IBD is absolutely right about who constitutes Believers in The Faith...
There is zero desperation.
Your desperation is thick enough to cut with a steak knife.

None of you explained how the theory on how climate change works violates any of the three laws referenced.
Are you telling me that you decided to just skip over all of the posts that repeated the thorough explanations multiple times? Well, then go back and read them.

The most discussed is your (x3) claim of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics being violated.
Nope. The central violation is of the 1st law. I detailed this violation several times. Please read at least one of them and let me know what questions you still have.

... and no, I have no idea what you are gibbering and babbling. I can piece together the physics violations, but you don't even know what you are saying, which is why you never use the correct words. And you still don't know what "heat" or "science" is. Get back to me when you have learned a few of the fundamentals.

I'm saying the earth's atmosphere, which is colder than the Earth's surface (which is warmed by the sun), acts like a blanket in that it slows the energy transfer from the earth.
Now explain what all of this is supposed to mean. We all agree that there is no blanket, and when asked what the fuck you mean by "acting like a blanket", you start talking about light being slowed, which cannot happen but you refuse to explain any further. In summary, you spew incomprehensible, stupid crap and declare that everyone somehow knows exactly what you are talking about, even though you, yourself don't have the slightest clue. On top of that, you refuse to learn the proper terms that are brought to your attention. You are the stupidest mother fucker who somehow needs to pretend to teach those from whom he should be learning. You leave mockery and derision as the only response options to your gibberish.

Your religion violates the 1st law of thermodynamics. You claim a magical increase in thermal energy in the form of a temperature increase. You claim that greenhouse gas causes this magical increase in thermal energy. Full stop. You may attempt to explain this if you wish, but I'm not planning on entertaining any more of your distractions. Light cannot be slowed; it always travels at the speed of light. As such, it cannot be trapped/contained/held/whatever ... Heat cannot be trapped/contained/held/whatever either, and you don't understand this because you don't know what heat is. All of your problems point back to you not knowing anything. Your best course of action would be to learn something, yet you refuse to do so every hour of every day. It sucks to be you.

Unless something changes, we are done.

p.s. - Let me know when you finally figure out that there is a daytime side of the moon that has essentially no atmosphere (and no greenhouse gas) ... that is so much hotter than the daytime side of the earth which has an atmosphere with alarmingly catastrophic levels of greenhouse gas. Perhaps we should refer to CO2 as the industrial refrigerant that it is. After all, it keep the oceans cool-cold-freezing when they would otherwise be instantly boiling away.

This is a Zero Zone CO2 refrigeration system. Yes, CO2 is an industrial refrigerant. Always remember the daytime side of the moon.
To go to the moon and launch weather satellites.
I don’t think they’ve launched any climate satellites to date. :laugh:
Think again.

The observatory follows recommendations from the 2017 Earth Science Decadal Survey by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, which lays out ambitious but critically necessary research and observation guidance.

Areas of focus for the observatory include:

  • Aerosols: Answering the critical question of how aerosols affect the global energy balance, a key source of uncertainty in predicting climate change.
  • Cloud, Convection, and Precipitation: Tackling the largest sources of uncertainty in future projections of climate change, air quality forecasting, and prediction of severe weather.
  • Mass Change: Providing drought assessment and forecasting, associated planning for water use for agriculture, as well as supporting natural hazard response.
  • Surface Biology and Geology: Understanding climate changes that impact food and agriculture, habitation, and natural resources, by answering open questions about the fluxes of carbon, water, nutrients, and energy within and between ecosystems and the atmosphere, the ocean, and the Earth.
  • Surface Deformation and Change: Quantifying models of sea-level and landscape change driven by climate change, hazard forecasts, and disaster impact assessments, including dynamics of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, glaciers, groundwater, and Earth’s interior.
If you're going to misuse government propaganda as a "science" source, instead of properly using the theories of science themselves, then HELL YES I'm going to attack your hilariously STUPID source.

Exactly. You don't have anything of substance to actually support your beliefs, you just know you can't trust ANY of the actual scientists.

This is the nature of the far right. They basically seek out, and believe, anything that opposes what they want to believe or what any entity viewed as "big government" says.

Enjoy your life of being wrong.