Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Just because you have no expertise in any of these fields does not make others who do "omnipotent".
You are the one making the affirmative claim, i.e. the declaration of what I somehow don't know. You bear the full burden to support that claim unless you wish to acknowledge that it is merely your irrational and baseless belief.
TGlobal Warming violates the 1st LoT by claiming the magical increase in thermal energy out of nothing, in the form of a temperature increase, which is somehow caused by a magical substance.

Wrong. No one thinks it does that. What it does is change the level in the atmosphere at which point the IR photons (heat) re-radiate back out into space. Increase the presence of greenhouse gases whose bonds absorb in the IR and it takes longer and higher altitude for the re-radiation of the IR photon. The earth is in energy balance.

Greenhouse Effect violates Stefan-Boltzmann and black body science by claiming that an increase in earth's temperature is somehow caused by a decrease in earth's radiance.

Nope. S-B just tells us what the black body radiation temperature would be if the earth had NO greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The fact that the surface temp of the earth is about 30degC higher than blackbody temp indicates something is holding the temperature higher at the surface. This is the greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse Effect violates the 2nd LoT by claiming that the cooler atmosphere somehow heats the warmer earth's surface.

Not even close to correct.

Honestly where do you get this shit? YOu don't understand it, so why do you post it?
The topic was your inability to generate an original thought, not what you unsuccessfully attempted in your post. Remaining on topic without pivoting is another inability of yours that you should address.

Shouldn't you be claiming to have a degree in Originality with a minor in Pivot-Avoidance right about now?

The topic is of your own making, not mine. It is your attempt to pivot away.

Here's a question for you: How hot is Venus and why? No more pivoting. You are not an ice skater.
Sampling. Why wouldn't you calculate your error rather than declare it before measurement?
Well, the first thing one would want to do is ensure one can read. In your illiteracy, you fail to comprehend the word "target" and thus are completely lost in the discussion.

I suggest you study up a bit, join a "word of the day" club and perhaps store some links to dictionaries in your "Favorites."

You could also be somewhat more polite if you would actually like to learn something. Of course, this is purely optional.
You are the one making the affirmative claim, i.e. the declaration of what I somehow don't know. You bear the full burden to support that claim unless you wish to acknowledge that it is merely your irrational and baseless belief.

It is an observation. Your own words indicate that you lack understanding of thermodynamics.
You are the one making the affirmative claim, i.e. the declaration of what I somehow don't know. You bear the full burden to support that claim unless you wish to acknowledge that it is merely your irrational and baseless belief.

Your sig list is all I need to see to know you lack any real scientific expertise. You were so wrong on every single one of them it was not even funny.
Well, the first thing one would want to do is ensure one can read. In your illiteracy, you fail to comprehend the word "target" and thus are completely lost in the discussion.

I suggest you study up a bit, join a "word of the day" club and perhaps store some links to dictionaries in your "Favorites."

You could also be somewhat more polite if you would actually like to learn something. Of course, this is purely optional.

I KNEW you didn't know statistics. Now you have confirmed it further.
It is an observation. Your own words indicate that you lack understanding of thermodynamics.
Great, then all he needs to do to support his claim is quote my exact words in context and show how they demonstrate a lack of understanding. Easy-Peezy-Lemon-Squeasy. He sounds like he is just one step away ... except that he just revealed that his confusion, or his "observation" as you put it, is based on his lack of reading comprehension, so he might have to search further for some other "observation."

Perhaps you can help him out. Explain to him where I have erred on this topic in the past. Just make sure to actually quote me instead of claiming that I wrote something that I did not (as you are inclined to do).
Great, then all he needs to do to support his claim is quote my exact words in context and show how they demonstrate a lack of understanding. Easy-Peezy-Lemon-Squeasy. He sounds like he is just one step away ... except that he just revealed that his confusion, or his "observation" as you put it, is based on his lack of reading comprehension, so he might have to search further for some other "observation."

Perhaps you can help him out. Explain to him where I have erred on this topic in the past. Just make sure to actually quote me instead of claiming that I wrote something that I did not (as you are inclined to do).

I dismantled your sig list of stupidity. that should be enough. Even for a dimbulb like you.
I KNEW you didn't know statistics. Now you have confirmed it further.
I see your declarations and your insistence. Were you planning on being specific? You look exactly like a pretender who doesn't know anything about statistical math himself. I'm afraid that will have to be my assumption until you offer something more concrete.

Pro Tip: "confirmation" is binary, i.e. something either has been confirmed or it has not. Once something is confirmed, it cannot be confirmed further. Don't worry, though, a good "word of the day" club will help you a great deal in this regard.
Your sig list is all I need to see to know you lack any real scientific expertise. You were so wrong on every single one of them it was not even funny.
You are a pretender! You are scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent while pretending to be a conthumate geniuth in both areas. Hmmmm. We will never see anything specific from you, will we? Hmmmm.

Too funny.