Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

(sigh) ... and now even more declarations of what I supposedly don't know, in lieu of any sort of argument.

@Into the Night, this "preemptive declaration of what others don't know" needs to go on the mantra list if it isn't already there. It could be it's own category. Here, this is Saint Guinefort's entry into the conversation. I would ask you to notice that he doesn't site anything in specific that results in this as a valid conclusion. He just jumped into the conversation declaring what others don't know. Too funny.

There is. Mantra 34. So far he has used Mantras 1a, 1b, 1e, 1h, 2, 4d, 1f, 5, 7, 9a, 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d, 10e, 10f, 10i. 10j, 10k, 11, 12, 16c, 17, 20a1, 10a2, 20a3, 20a4, 20a5, 20b2, 20b5, 20e1, 20e2, 20g, 20h, 20i, 20j, 20k, 20l, 20o, 20q1, 20q2, 20r1, 20r2, 20r3, 20r4, 20t, 20v, 20w1, 20z2, 21b,21d, 22a, 22b, 22c, 22d, 22e, 22f, 22g, 22h, 22j, 23b, 25b, 26c2, 25c3, 28, 29, 30a, 31a, 32, 33a, 33b, 34, 35a, 35d, 36e, 37c, 37d, 37e, 38b, 39a, 39b, 39g, 39h, 39i. 39j, 39n, 39o, 40e.

I usually don't post the numbered mantras here because people here don't have the list (except The Sock) and it would serve little purpose on JPP other than to add to misunderstood inanity here.

On a side note, would you care to guess as to how I know Saint Guinefort is an idiot? ... however, I might have already given away the answer.

Why do you think this? Have you found any of our posts online somewhere else? Have you caught us red-handed plagiarizing from some site? Why do you think this? You well know that you are the scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron, so your inability to understand can't be a valid basis for thinking this. Why do you think this?

He thinks stating a theory of science is 'cut and pasting'. That's lately been his method for denying and discarding theories of science. He also thinks describing the rules of any mathematics, such as in statistical math, is 'cut and pasting', since he it's also his way of denying them.

He's trying to cover up his ignorance and illiteracy by using inversions.
Sampling. Why wouldn't you calculate your error rather than declare it before measurement? Do you just make up error terms and then add them in after the measurements are done?

Math errors: Failure to declare variance. Failure to select by randN. Failure to use published unbiased raw data. Failure to normalize by paired randR. Failure to calculate margin of error value. (Mantras 25c1...25c2...25c3...25d...25e...). There are no measurements of the temperature of the Earth.
Wrong. No one thinks it does that.
Would you mind stating for the record that you believe you speak for everybody?

You have two options: 1. produce a signed letter from everyone authorizing you to speak for them, or 2. acknowledge up front that this is just your personal belief. Until then, I have choice but to dismiss your claim and not seriously consider anything else in your post.

What it does is change the level in the atmosphere at which point the IR photons (heat) re-radiate back out into space.
Would you mind stating for the record that you believe there is a "level" in the atmosphere that "re-radiates" back out to space?

Free Info: There is a saying "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." You should have heeded this advice. Now the world has enough information, provided by you, to realize that you have been incorrigibly indoctrinated into the Climate religion, that you are more than just a science and math denier, that you HATE, and even fear math and science, that you are probably a Marxist who desperately wants to destroy capitalism, and that you view yourself as a Climate superhero who has been called upon by the Climate Justice League to save the planet. This will not necessarily come into play, but when others recognize this about you, you won't be confused and asking "how did they know?"

Increase the presence of greenhouse gases whose bonds absorb in the IR and it takes longer and higher altitude for the re-radiation of the IR photon. The earth is in energy balance.
This is all distracting church material. Are you claiming a global average temperature increase or not?

Nope. S-B just tells us what the black body radiation temperature would be if the earth had NO greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
There is no "atmospheric content" variable in Stefan-Boltzmann. Also, Stefan-Boltzmann doesn't tell you temperature, it tells you radiance for a given temperature. Also, there cannot be any such thing as greenhouse gas until you demonstrate greenhouse effect, which no one has ever done. Please don't tell me that you too were fooled by the parlor trick.

The fact that the surface temp of the earth is about 30degC higher than blackbody temp
This is gibberish. All of it. You don't know anything about blackbody science. You don't even know what "the surface of the earth" is within the context of blackbody science. You really should hang it up.

This is the greenhouse effect.
So you finally acknowledge that greenhouse effect is a bunch of gibberish that nonetheless mandates belief in physics violations. Thank you.

You have proven to be very disappointing. Dismissed. Everything you have mentioned has already been destroyed previously within this thread. You should have performed your due diligence.
Wrong. No one thinks it does that.
You do. Are you a 'nobody'?
What it does is change the level in the atmosphere at which point the IR photons (heat) re-radiate back out into space.
Light is not heat. You cannot trap light. The Stefan-Boltzmann law does not change when something radiates. There is no sequence. (Mantra 20b3).
Increase the presence of greenhouse gases whose bonds absorb in the IR and it takes longer and higher altitude for the re-radiation of the IR photon.
There is no 're-radiation of a photon'. An absorbed photon is utterly DESTROYED. It cannot be 're-radiated'.
The earth is in energy balance.
Paradox. Irrational. You describe an out of balance condition and call it a balanced condition.
Nope. S-B just tells us what the black body radiation temperature would be if the earth had NO greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Mantra 20b. The Stefan-Boltzmann law does not calculate temperature. There is no 'substance' term in the Stefan-Boltzmann law. ALL substances radiate equally.
The fact that the surface temp of the earth is about 30degC higher than blackbody temp indicates something is holding the temperature higher at the surface.
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making up numbers again. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
This is the greenhouse effect.
This is the denial of the Stefan-Boltzmann law and the 2nd law of thermodynamics and mathematics.
Not even close to correct.
Honestly where do you get this shit? YOu don't understand it, so why do you post it?
You. It is YOU posting this shit. You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
I dismantled your sig list of stupidity. that should be enough. Even for a dimbulb like you.

Attempted proof by void. Assumption of victory fallacy.
You have dismantled nothing. You cannot make the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics just go away. You cannot make the Stefan-Boltzmann law just go away. You cannot just make up numbers and call it 'statistics'.
Would you mind stating for the record that you believe you speak for everybody?

You have two options: 1. produce a signed letter from everyone authorizing you to speak for them, or 2. acknowledge up front that this is just your personal belief. Until then, I have choice but to dismiss your claim and not seriously consider anything else in your post.

Would you mind stating for the record that you believe there is a "level" in the atmosphere that "re-radiates" back out to space?

Free Info: There is a saying "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." You should have heeded this advice. Now the world has enough information, provided by you, to realize that you have been incorrigibly indoctrinated into the Climate religion, that you are more than just a science and math denier, that you HATE, and even fear math and science, that you are probably a Marxist who desperately wants to destroy capitalism, and that you view yourself as a Climate superhero who has been called upon by the Climate Justice League to save the planet. This will not necessarily come into play, but when others recognize this about you, you won't be confused and asking "how did they know?"

This is all distracting church material. Are you claiming a global average temperature increase or not?

There is no "atmospheric content" variable in Stefan-Boltzmann. Also, Stefan-Boltzmann doesn't tell you temperature, it tells you radiance for a given temperature. Also, there cannot be any such thing as greenhouse gas until you demonstrate greenhouse effect, which no one has ever done. Please don't tell me that you too were fooled by the parlor trick.

This is gibberish. All of it. You don't know anything about blackbody science. You don't even know what "the surface of the earth" is within the context of blackbody science. You really should hang it up.

So you finally acknowledge that greenhouse effect is a bunch of gibberish that nonetheless mandates belief in physics violations. Thank you.

You have proven to be very disappointing. Dismissed. Everything you have mentioned has already been destroyed previously within this thread. You should have performed your due diligence.

You're a special kind of dumbass.
There was a question about Venus? I'm guessing that this is a lie because if there had been, the question could have been specified.

It has been asked three times. Do not pretend you haven't seen it.

Now please answer. If you can't, just say so.