Will Harris chicken out?

Proof Trump is a yellow-bellied coward. What a fucking chickenshit he continues to prove himself to be. What kind of fucking morons would support such a loser?
Why are the leftists on the forum such potty mouths? It must mean they lack an actual logical message. So instead, they call those they disagree with foul names. These are very small people.
Oh, man! I just love it when people who worship the "Grab them by the pussy" guy pretend to pearl clutch when others engage in profanity! You DO realize you're constantly owning yourself? If not, you're even less intelligent than originally thought.

Now, go find a bidet and take care or your problem, beeeyach!
Right, "Civil War II" with its more riled up version of losers from the ones who rampaged the Capitol after Trump's first failure to "reelect" himself.
And you and your horde of determined fellow Trumpers will be right there with them...on your cell phones, Ipads and the heavy artillery of your desktops.
If 1/6 had you shitting your pants, imagine that x1500% with armed Americans that give zero fucks about negotiating.
You know, for once you're right. Trump has had much more "experience in a courtroom" than Kamala has!

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That might be one of the truer things you've ever posted. :awesome:

Odd how you and "Diesel" are always gone and show up at the same times, huh?

LOL yah, sure. I'm sure your keyboard trolling has her terrified. Keep dreamin'!
English comprehension is not your strength. I see why you prefer to stick with just giving people the finger. Of course, when you do, everybody has to wonder if you really meant a "thumbs-up".

Has anyone ever called you "black toner" on account of you not being very bright?
Yes, and he’s not happy at having an aggressive, verbally skilled woman in his place.
Did you just reveal that you consider Kamooola to be "verbally skilled"? I don't mean to imply that your bar is low, but it's about to dig up some buried cables. The entire planet minus Biden meets your criteria for being "verbally skilled."
Should report for doxxing attempt? Decisions, decisions..

STFU n00b, you don't fuckin' know.
Only if you believe Legion is brave enough to actually PM me his address or stupid enough to post it publicly, Matt....not that it would stop you from reporting me as you've done so many times before. :)

NHB does know since she's a lot smarter than any three JPP MAGAts put together.
Because he agreed to that with Joe. The Dems set the rules for one debate now it is the Republicans turn.

NakeHunterBiden ... But Why Fox News ==> :sadbaby:
No, you moron, the Democrats did not set the rules. The two campaigns agreed to them. Now your pussy ass crush and messiah is terrified of Harris so he wants thousands of his braindead cult to be in the room to fluff his ego and laugh at his word salads.