Will Trump chicken out?

Looks like Trumppers are trying to back out after Biden accepted Trumps debate challenge.

So, a CNN, likely Trump hating, hack journalist's opinion is reprinted by the Trump hating Huffington Post and you repeat it as gospel. Not much of a basis to start a thread on...
Very likely. Can't have him on stage unscripted now can we? :palm:

Of course, Biden will likely still fuck it up, and all Trump has to do is goad him on an issue, strike a nerve, and Biden will do what he always does in those situations, go full asshole and spout some profanity laced gibberish. Maybe Biden will challenge Trump to a push up contest... :yurtandpoet:
Trump has an issue with babbling ("...like the world has ever seen," etc). If he sticks to the topic when asking Biden why he''s fucked things up, and how he will attempt to fix them and without rambling, Biden will self implode.
And Trump supporters do not give a shit about the state of the country.
The care about the "state" of the Country, they want it to be run by an authoritarian and what to make it the television version of the 1950's. Women with no option but to stay home and cook. Black people in there place, and wealthy people getting more and more wealthy.
You asked...that's my answer...it makes Perfect sense... I'm not fond of the vast majority of Joe's policies... The way he Refuses to put Americans first... And it's a mightmare having to imagine Kamela as president... But the bottom line is, it's either Joe or President Trump in Nov...so there's no question... I'd really like our country back...
Who does Biden put first before Americans- in your mind?

What is so wrong with Kamala- in your mind?

You'd like our country back from what exactly?
How so? Be specific (using common sense reasoning, if that's possible).
I have heard Rightwing pundits suddenly say Biden is "setting a trap" and the debate moderators will be unfair to Trump.

That sounds to me like they are telegraphing to Trump to run away from debating Biden
The care about the "state" of the Country, they want it to be run by an authoritarian and what to make it the television version of the 1950's. Women with no option but to stay home and cook. Black people in there place, and wealthy people getting more and more wealthy.
And Democrats in prison.
Trump has an issue with babbling ("...like the world has ever seen," etc). If he sticks to the topic when asking Biden why he''s fucked things up, and how he will attempt to fix them and without rambling, Biden will self implode.
Biden will be glad to remind Trump and tell the voters how he fixed Trump's FUCK UPS and got the nation back on track!
Looks like Trumppers are trying to back out after Biden accepted Trumps debate challenge.


Huffing Glue...

Bought and Paid for took 7 months to agree to debate Trump. Trump took 16 minutes to accept the absurd terms from Quid Pro.

Will Quid Pro have a telepromter? Notes? Obviously CNN will give the Biden regime the questions in advance, but that won't help Senile Joe if he doesn't have the questions and answers in front of him.

The Biden team demanded that this be with a party propaganda outlet so that they would feed the questions to Quid Pro, AND that there be no audience to video the shit that CNN will pull.

Quid Pro is scared - as he should be. Even with the debate rigged, he has no chance without the questions and answers fed to him. Also, do you have any concern that the Adderall might kill him? As much as they amped him up for the SOTU, it can't be good for his heart.
Do you have a prediction?

Do you think Trump will chicken out of the debates?

16 minutes, Comrade.

I'm sure the Trump team is requiring no teleprompters or notes. So how will you get the script to Quid Pro? He can't even make a 13 second video.
Two obvious things:

First, Trump quickly agreed to doing two debates with Biden. He even accepted Biden's terms (see below) without question.

Second, Biden set some odd terms for this, but I can see why. Biden wants:

Microphones timed and only on when it's the candidate's turn to speak.
No audience
Biden friendly news outlets to moderate.
Only Trump and Biden will be on stage (subject to change if RFK can get 15% in polls or more)

Now, why these terms?

The first two are obviously to allow Biden to avoid any distractions or noise. It's clear from his in-person speaking that he has serious difficulties in a noisy setting where he gets confused and distracted. He clearly has little ability to interact in a setting where he's being talked over or has someone talking back at him. That clearly confuses him.
With the off-mic thing and no audience, those situations are minimized. It is to cover a weakness Biden has due to age.

The friendly news outlet thing is a risk. CNN, if you recall, botched the Romney - Obama debate with Candi Crowley injecting herself into it, as a glaring error. Just because CNN is perceived by the White House to be friendly to Biden doesn't mean that will work out in a debate. A more neutral party would likely be a better choice.

The Biden team also doesn't want third party candidates present because these would only make him look weaker than he already looks. Again, it's a distraction for Biden, while Trump likely doesn't give a shit.

That Biden is pushing for what amounts to a scripted debate says a lot about how weak he is as a candidate.
As I noted above, one day out and the Trump camp is already claiming “rigged,” Trump is the martyr again, predictable, and these days in everything, he is always the victim

Audiences are unnecessary in any debate, usually one side packs it with their hand picked supporters then plays to that crowd looking for reactions to one line zingers

And no matter who did the debate MAGA will complain, unless it is Fox with Hannity moderating, it is fixed
I don't think there is anyone who couldn't beat Joe in a debate... And have a good time doing it...;)

Do you think she could beat him?

