Will Trump chicken out?

Why would he? I think it's hilarious that Joe thinks he's in charge or even has a chance... I imagine That President Trump does as well...

Quid Pro demanded that it be hosted by the DNC propaganda corps. His team told him he'll have the questions and answers in front of him.

I GUARANTEE that CNN will NOT stream the debate live - they need to edit it before the public sees it. It's why team Bought and Paid for demanded no live audience.
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As I noted above, one day out and the Trump camp is already claiming “rigged,” Trump is the martyr again, predictable, and these days in everything, he is always the victim

Audiences are unnecessary in any debate, usually one side packs it with their hand picked supporters then plays to that crowd looking for reactions to one line zingers

And no matter who did the debate MAGA will complain, unless it is Fox with Hannity moderating, it is fixed
Well, CNN has a history of rigging debates. They've been caught handing the questions to be asked to the Democrat candidate in the past. Then there's Candi Crowley, the worst moderator of a Presidential debate EVER.

Audiences are a distraction, as I noted. For Biden, that distraction is something he can't work with.
You have to remember, the never-Trumpers would saw their own leg off, chew a hand off, to keep Trump out of office. They don't give a shit about the state of the country, only keeping Trump out of office.
Well, if it was just Democrats.....

....But, do you think Liz Cheney and the long list of Republicans that are not supporting Trump do not give a shit about the country?

So in your words, one has to support Donald Trump for president, OR THEY JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE COUNTRY?

Sir, you are so eat up with the dumbass, you'll never come out of it!
I have heard Rightwing pundits suddenly say Biden is "setting a trap" and the debate moderators will be unfair to Trump.

That sounds to me like they are telegraphing to Trump to run away from debating Biden
Link to this fantasy of yours?
Well, if it was just Democrats.....

....But, do you think Liz Cheney and the long list of Republicans that are not supporting Trump do not give a shit about the country?

So in your words, one has to support Donald Trump for president, OR THEY JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE COUNTRY?

Sir, you are so eat up with the dumbass, you'll never come out of it!
Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are two of many examples of Republicans who should be Democrats except the Democrats have moved too far Left to accept them because Cheney and Romney would be the moderate wing of the Democrat party that no longer exists.
Biden is a coward, afraid to hold a news conference with journalists like Peter Doocy asking him embarrassing questions.

He knows that Trump will ask him even more embarrassing questions.

Yes, but he'll have CNN - he's hoping Trump hater Fake Jake Crapper - to protect him.

One of the "rules" the Stalinists demanded is that the mic's be shut off so Trump can't call Quid Pro out on his lies; will the mic to the DNC stooge asking the questions of the candidates be shut off so they can't interfere the way that pig Chris Wallace did? Obviously the Biden cartel is counting on the "moderator" interfering like they did in 2020 and 2012 - which is why they demanded ONLY DNC controlled propaganda outlets can host.
Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are two of many examples of Republicans who should be Democrats except the Democrats have moved too far Left to accept them because Cheney and Romney would be the moderate wing of the Democrat party that no longer exists.
I don't know about Cheney, she'd probably fit in with the far left and they'd accept her.
Do you think she could beat him?


That would be hilarious to watch today... She did agree to nice presidential debate.That's going to be priceless.... Fibroids and the f word...
Perhaps Biden could sit on Obama’s lap.

Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy..

Ohh, what if one of the Trump team smuggles in a jammer, so that they can't feed answers to Quid Pro through his earbuds?

CNN plans to erase the earbuds from the video in post production, but what if the signal was disrupted?
Yes, but he'll have CNN - he's hoping Trump hater Fake Jake Crapper - to protect him.

One of the "rules" the Stalinists demanded is that the mic's be shut off so Trump can't call Quid Pro out on his lies; will the mic to the DNC stooge asking the questions of the candidates be shut off so they can't interfere the way that pig Chris Wallace did? Obviously the Biden cartel is counting on the "moderator" interfering like they did in 2020 and 2012 - which is why they demanded ONLY DNC controlled propaganda outlets can host.
No one can save Joe... Is without a teleprompter or an ear piece He's doomed... Doesn’t matter how much the deck is stacked...
Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are two of many examples of Republicans who should be Democrats except the Democrats have moved too far Left to accept them because Cheney and Romney would be the moderate wing of the Democrat party that no longer exists.
You Trumptarded idiots are going to slice and dice, till it's just you, Donald Trump, Tim Scott, and Lyndsey Graham left standing! [Geeko Sportivo]
I surprise the orange turd agreed to no audience and especially to have to the mics cut off when your speaking time is up?!! If Trump tries to yell after his mic is cut off, then the moderator needs to end the debate?!!

Does that surprise you? I'm sure they'll be discussion about the logistics as there should be...but the big question remains...What is Joe going do without a teleprompter or an earpiece?

The demand for the DNC to host is for a reason. They fully intend for Quid Pro to have an earpiece, then to alter the video after the fact to remove it (them). This is part of the reason the Stalinists will not allow a live audience. They don't want any witnesses.
Biden will be glad to remind Trump and tell the voters how he fixed Trump's FUCK UPS and got the nation back on track!
What did Biden fix? The Afghanistan withdrawal? Inflation? Energy prices? Peace in the Middle East and Ukraine? The border? Crime? Drugs? World respect? Support for Israel?

Yeah, OK...
No one can save Joe... Is without a teleprompter or an ear piece He's doomed... Doesn’t matter how much the deck is stacked...

True, but what makes us think he won't have an earbud? It's simple enough to delete it from the video after the fact, and they'll just call Trump a liar if he points it out.