You simply don't believe that human caused, earth debilitating climate change is taking place.
Right. Why should any rational adult believe that an undefined buzzword is of any concern? Why should any rational adult believe that 'anthropogenic climate change' is anything different than 'weather'?
Nah. What's psychotic is adopting a religion that requires its adherents to reject not only logic, not only science, but mathematics as well.
I accept that as a given.
That you do, ergo, your belief that the Earth's temperature is increasing is a faith based belief. All I'm asking is that you be honest about this rather than dishonestly attempting to redefine your faith as "the thettled thienth".
The climate scientists have said so.
Indeed... as you allow the pastors of your church to do your thinking FOR you...
The brain dead reichnuts deny,
Indeed... as your pastors tell you that anyone who doesn't accept your church literature is a heretic...
which adds yet more evidence that's it's got to be true.
Splendid! You keep telling yourself what your pastors keep telling you...
I accept the fact because it's pretty obviously true.
A -> A ... Ergo, a faith based belief... ergo, NOT science.
I just don't know know if it's reversible or of we're done.
What does your pastor say is the case?
I don't really give a fat flying fuck one way or the other,
... yet you've made this same comment in numerous posts now, so obviously it is something that you care about, otherwise you wouldn't be incessantly mentioning it.
but younger people might want to have a last big fling if it's truly over for humanity.
"We" only have about twelve more years until "the second coming of Christ". Therefore, all of us might want to start having a last big fling if there's truly only twelve more years left before Christ returns.
It would be a shame to waste the last few generations of humanity trying to reverse something that's now irreversible.
It would be a shame to waste the last few years of humanity living frugally when in twelve years that frugalness won't matter anyway.
Religion is quite fun, ain't it?