12-year-old Rhode Island boy suspended for bringing 2-inch gun keychain

One of us is most certainly insane. Its just not the one you think it is.

your the one who hates it when people help each other.

You sir have long ago proved you will lie when caught being wrong.

You never admit when your wrong and are often wrong.

you don't like people helping others and money is far more important to you than human lives.

You are the sociopath bud.

I am the person who merely allows you the framwork on which to out yourself
Petty cheap shots in response to my reasonable post...typical Damo.

Of course I never once claimed the school board was her boss, but Damo never let a little thing like facts get in the way when he's getting his hate on!

Not really, they were pretty reasonable responses to your supposedly reasonable, but absolutely ignorant, post. She asked them specific questions, it's in the story. I know you don't let little things like facts get in your way, nor do you let what you infer stop you from making later claims of the opposite. None of that changes the reality of the fact that she asked the school board, whose answer was "the principal is responsible for punishment".
your the one who hates it when people help each other.

You sir have long ago proved you will lie when caught being wrong.

You never admit when your wrong and are often wrong.

you don't like people helping others and money is far more important to you than human lives.

You are the sociopath bud.

I am the person who merely allows you the framwork on which to out yourself

all of those are lies... seriously, take your meds Desh... you are fucking insane.
and you just ignored all the facts I gave and insulted me.

I bring facts and then insult you waffle brains for ignoring them

You just did the complete opposite. You ignored the FACT that it is not legal to buy that gun in the US or bring it to the US.

You also ignore the FACT that this is about common fucking sense. It is a fucking key chain you lunatic.
You don't think actually HIGHLIGHTING THE LINK a second time will get USF to admit he's wrong, now do you?

He'll just make another bullshit excuse so he, Damo and SF can continue their little assault.

1) We have recognized the fact and discussed the existence of the Swiss mini...

2) Desh refuses to accept the fact that they are illegal in the US... that way she can keep pretending this key chain had a chance of being a real gun.
its not legal to have pot either but that is found on kids at school all the time

Don't get sidetracked with this, SF. The Swiss mini is larger than a quarter (larger than this keychain) and isn't flat (like the keychain). This is an obvious keychain and isn't going to be mistaken for anything other than a silly cast keychain.

That you, Desh, are willing to do or say anything as an excuse to make stupid rules that make it so our educators are not allowed to think doesn't change that this is full on professional government enforced moronism.

Continue on your path of "Follow the orders of public servants above all else," Desh. It's obscene to me that people like you, who can't imagine just simply questioning a stupid rule, exist at all and "just following orders" is as obscene to me as using "because it is a law" as an excuse for stupidity or racism.
Zero Tolerance was initially pushed by Conservatives out to get them dirty hippies and their drugs out of our schools...now that the same ZERO TOLERANCE policy has started to round up some gun nuts they have problems with the policy.

It's applied to many things, including what kids can wear on their clothes (in schools). It applies all across our society to other things, like drugs.

A statement about the stupidity of zero tolerance policies is a statement about exactly that...not relevant to what it applies to.
dear idiot ,

this gun could have been a real weapon.

that is why they have these plain to understand rules.

NOTHING that even LOOKS like a weapon can be brought to school.

what the fuck do you gain by changing that rule?
Don't get sidetracked with this, SF. The Swiss mini is larger than a quarter (larger than this keychain) and isn't flat (like the keychain). This is an obvious keychain and isn't going to be mistaken for anything other than a silly cast keychain.

That you are willing to do or say anything as an excuse to make stupid rules that make it so our educators are not allowed to think doesn't change that this is full on professional moronism.

Well, she is a professional moron. Never before has a moron of her caliber been found. She makes the other morons look like Einstein.
heres a thought for you fools.

some kids don't know what real guns look like.

they could mistake a fake for a real or visa versa.

You can threaten a child with a fake gun no matte how fake.

this is to protect kids