4 kids killed outside Atlanta.

Now you're back peddling with your stupidity?

What did I say again?

I'll stick with my first answer. Enough to know you're a shit piping idiot.

But I am married to a third world country woman. She loves me for my money and my big pink dick in some kind of order. 17 years on down the road she's earned her gold by now.
So you haven't been to a third world country, but you're married to a woman from a third world country. You could have just said that in the first place, liar.
So you haven't been to a third world country, but you're married to a woman from a third world country. You could have just said that in the first place, liar.
Been there many times. Married her on a K1 visa. If you know what that is you know I've been there.
That's not what I said, shit for brains. I said that guns can't protect against tanks and aircraft carriers.
implying that they'd be used against us, moron. words mean things, so if you bring them up like that, you imply that you'd want them used against Americans you don't like.
So you haven't been to a third world country, but you're married to a woman from a third world country. You could have just said that in the first place, liar.
MAGAts bitch about immigrants from Third World Shitholes then import mail-order brides because no American woman would have them. Sad.
It will be a civil matter filed right here in PA. He shows up or loses.
He has posted about shooting Trump supporters as a national pastime, shooting people in the head and many other posts about killing people the feds might be interested in.
And not only here...
1. wrong. the problem is people, not guns.
2. propose how you would do that that doesn't violate the Constitution.
3. how many bodies are you willing to pile up to get rid of the guns?
Japan has people. Australia has people. Great Britain has people. South Korea has people. Only in America do we have a mass shooting every day. The problem is the guns.
Japan has people. Australia has people. Great Britain has people. South Korea has people. Only in America do we have a mass shooting every day. The problem is the guns.
Notice that America is the only nation out of all those mentioned who threw out their monarchy. :)
Japan has people. Australia has people. Great Britain has people. South Korea has people. Only in America do we have a mass shooting every day. The problem is the guns.
wrong. that problem is lack of freedom in those countries. you want freedom, this is the price. If you don't like freedom, feel free to move to one of those other countries. I will help you pack.
wrong. that problem is lack of freedom in those countries. you want freedom, this is the price. If you don't like freedom, feel free to move to one of those other countries. I will help you pack.
Horseshit. All those countries I listed are free countries. What they don't have are more guns than people.
implying that they'd be used against us, moron. words mean things, so if you bring them up like that, you imply that you'd want them used against Americans you don't like.
That is not an implication. That is an assumption that you pulled out of your ass and now won't let go of because you're beginning to realize how stupid you sound.

I'll try one last time with you. The claim was that American civilians need guns to protect themselves from the federal government. That claim is absurd and held by abject idiots such as yourself because guns cannot protect against the mightiest and largest 21st century military on the planet.

I do not want the military used against Americans, you lying pile of delusional shit. My point was and remains simply that "a well-regulated militia" doesn't have shit to do with defending against a federal government that could obliterate the citizenry if it so chose.
MAGAts bitch about immigrants from Third World Shitholes then import mail-order brides because no American woman would have them. Sad.
It is charming to hear them talk about wooing foreign women with their "money" and "pink dicks". Apparently $400 in a checking account and a pig's micropenis doesn't get them very far in the US.
wrong. that problem is lack of freedom in those countries. you want freedom, this is the price. If you don't like freedom, feel free to move to one of those other countries. I will help you pack.
The price of freedom is stacking up dead bodies covered with bullet holes multiple times a week. You are a sick fuck and a typical cult freak. You should be sterilized and prevented from driving and voting.
That is not an implication. That is an assumption that you pulled out of your ass and now won't let go of because you're beginning to realize how stupid you sound.

I'll try one last time with you. The claim was that American civilians need guns to protect themselves from the federal government. That claim is absurd and held by abject idiots such as yourself because guns cannot protect against the mightiest and largest 21st century military on the planet.

I do not want the military used against Americans, you lying pile of delusional shit. My point was and remains simply that "a well-regulated militia" doesn't have shit to do with defending against a federal government that could obliterate the citizenry if it so chose.
why did you bring it up? don't fucking lie about it. just be fucking honest for once.
The price of freedom is stacking up dead bodies covered with bullet holes multiple times a week. You are a sick fuck and a typical cult freak. You should be sterilized and prevented from driving and voting.
cry harder, bitch. the founders would have exiled you back to england, fucking slave minded moron.
It is charming to hear them talk about wooing foreign women with their "money" and "pink dicks". Apparently $400 in a checking account and a pig's micropenis doesn't get them very far in the US.
MAGAts often have insecurity issues.

While it's true that some men use guns, cars and their wallet to compensate for those issues, the solution is the same one I've been pushing for years: better mental health care.

People who are psychologically secure are reasonable and easy to deal with since they are logical.
that's pretty misogynistic, don't you think? why do you hate foreign women?
No. I don't, but it's interesting to see you support importing immigrants from shithole countries over American women.

Dude, you just undermined every argument of yours against immigrants.

Sorry if I offended you and your mail-order bride.