Leftist Vermin
Even with a record turnout of 66.7%, I think the answer is found in the third of Americans who didn't bother to vote.
Off hand one thing that Trump emphasized but didn't invent government sleaze. He one-upped Hillary on cronyism, filling the swamp with more gators and sowing government distrust among voters.
Politicians have spent decades telling voters their own government is screwing them. It appears at least a third of them believe nothing can be done about it.
"A Republic... if you can keep it" is a good title.
A lot of us DO want reform and that's why so many voted for the Toadstool the first time, believing the TV game show host/circus barker's promises. But instead they got an incompetent and corrupt fool who merely kicked the Lego castle over and stomped on the pieces. He built nothing new or better, he merely destroyed like Godzilla in Tokyo. I have a feeling that the second time around, the number of voters that voted for him again were voting more against a mediocre (D) candidate than they were in support of all the non-existent policies of #LOSER45.