A woman's basic right over her body doesn't "belong w/ the states"

Most OBGYNs Say Pregnancy-Related Mortality Worsened After Roe V. Wade Was Reversed, Poll Finds​

I think the folks on the Anti-Choice side always forget that childbirth is always a serious health topic and women ALL OVER THE EARTH die every day in childbirth.

The fact that the Right thinks that this isn't a serious concern for any woman, especially if she doesn't WANT to be pregnant, is fascinating. They seem to think it will be just a minor inconvenience and they are aghast at why someone would choose abortion over a "minor inconvencience".

And further that "eliminating" abortion will somehow stop abortion. No, it will drive it into the back alleys and lead to the death of even MORE women.

Most OBGYNs Say Pregnancy-Related Mortality Worsened After Roe V. Wade Was Reversed, Poll Finds​

No doubt. This isn't about saving women's lives nor babies. This is about controlling women.

I think the folks on the Anti-Choice side always forget that childbirth is always a serious health topic and women ALL OVER THE EARTH die every day in childbirth.

The fact that the Right thinks that this isn't a serious concern for any woman, especially if she doesn't WANT to be pregnant, is fascinating. They seem to think it will be just a minor inconvenience and they are aghast at why someone would choose abortion over a "minor inconvencience".


It always mystifies me.
If abortion had not been legalized there would be about twice as many Black Americans as there are today.

stop....Truth be told, few women get abortions these days...with so much advance medical measures in play to prevent pregnancies. Black women having babies have decreased significantly over the years, ain't no black men left, cause Barbie has taken the all. The biggest baby making machines today are immigrants​

From money grubbing abortionists.

Ummm, not sure where you live but here in REALITY abortionists don't go around like the Child Catcher on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. What you are ACTUALLY doing is saving black women from the rights to their own bodies.

Which, ironically, isn't very far from how black women were treated throughout most of American history: as property of the white man.

Bravo. You've come full circle.
And you have ZERO sympathy for the tiniest most defenseless humans.

Actually this is where you guys in the Anti-Bodily Autonomy movement go wrong. There's almost NO ONE who likes abortion. Yet for the fiction to continue that you "care" about the unborn (which would be strange for someone who doesn't care about the BORN living in those parts of the city) is if you can paint it as if the opposition loves to kill babies. As if that's the goal.

No, you see, MOST of us on the Pro-Choice side actually DON'T like abortion. It's kind of why we almost always vote for MORE WELFARE and a BETTER SOCIAL SAFETY NET. And we campion early sex ed so kids have the facts.

In other words: we are doing the stuff you SHOULD be doing but instead all you REALLY wind up doing is hanging out on the sidewalk screaming at women in crisis and you are mentally polishing all the gold crowns God will give you for the duty.
That's what the thread is about though - that it should NOT be with the states.

I don't have to get used to it, but many women who will be put into dire circumstances due only to the fact that they live in a certain state will. It's a big step backward for women, and for freedom.
So is it a big step backward for the life of the unborn and is it also a big step backward for the freedom of life itself for the unborn? My GOD, and our fetuses GOD should have the law of the land, be it from the states or from the government to
have any pregnant woman be guilty of murder by abortion, unless giving birth would be a detriment to her health.
Have you ever met anyone who mourned ten or twenty hears later?
Yes many. It damages a woman in ways that are irreparable. Some just don't realize it soon.

Just because no woman has trusted you enough to talk to doesn't mean you know jack shit.
Libtarded Democrats who want to slide the chains of slavery back on them......

Interesting theory, there Cletus. How do you figure it leads to "slavery" if a black woman is allowed autonomy over her own body?

Don't worry, I don't expect you to have a thought formed. I'll just accept that you don't actually care about black people.