Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

A zygote is not a human being. Just because it contains DNA does not mean a zygote contains the characteristics of a human. How many times should we tell you this? A zygote does not possess a brain to think, nor arms, fingers, feet, toes, sentience. These are formed characteristics that make up the external and internal aspects of a human. Your position is continually flawed and in retrospect, speaking about biology 101 you are really failing miserably in your anti-abortion science stance.

The zygote is fully human. You mistake stage of development with it being fully human. The zygote is not fully developed any more than the infant, child, or adolescent is.
Not true. It is possible to take the dna from a liver and make a unique human. The potential to become human does not make something human.

I did not say implantation was the true benchmark. I said it's a more defensible position. It is quite absurd to argue that life begins at conception when the majority will fail to ever even implant. For some women implantation is not possible while conception is. Even many of the blastocyst that implant will quickly be aborted naturally, either because they are not fit or due to bad signaling.

Frankly, I don't see how the religious square the idea that life begins at conception with the notion of a just God. That's why the Catholic church used to argue that it begins with the quickening and many other religions still do.

No, it is not. A cloned human from liver DNA has never happened. It certainly could never happen on its own, which means the argument you are attempting has no baring on the abortion argument.

Again no argument with regards to implantation vs conception. Though quickening being the benchmark was merely due to a lack of scientific tools to confirm pregnancy. We do not lack those tools any longer.
No, it is not. A cloned human from liver DNA has never happened. It certainly could never happen on its own, which means the argument you are attempting has no baring on the abortion argument.

Again no argument with regards to implantation vs conception. Though quickening being the benchmark was merely due to a lack of scientific tools to confirm pregnancy. We do not lack those tools any longer.

Moving the goalpost. You said it would not happen no matter the conditions provided. Now you are saying it can't do it on its own which incorrectly pretends the zygote can develop without aid of the mother.

No, it was not because they lacked a means to determine pregnancy. In most cases, there are many other signs well before the quickening.
Moving the goalpost. You said it would not happen no matter the conditions provided. Now you are saying it can't do it on its own which incorrectly pretends the zygote can develop without aid of the mother.

No, it was not because they lacked a means to determine pregnancy. In most cases, there are many other signs well before the quickening.

No, in ancient times they had no early means to confirm pregnancy, and quickening was one way that was relied upon. That religions used a similar benchmark is no surprise.

No, I am saying that there is no naturally occurring process that would make a liver become a unique human being.

Until age 3 or 4 it is unlikely any human could develop without the aid of an adult.
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Exactly, it was sign of viability.

Viability? The unborn child has been viable since implantation. By viable I mean within in its natural environment.

So, would you, in the very least, allow for laws protecting the unborn from the point of quickening? Quickening merely indicates the fetus is large enough for the mother to feel movement. The baby has always been moving.
Presumptive Evidence of pregnancy in ancient and modern times before the advent of modern testing were:

A woman suspects she is pregnant based upon the following perceptions:

Lack of menstruation: Other things can cause this, but pregnancy and menopause top the list of possibilities.
Breast changes: Breasts are tender early on; later the nipples become darkened and enlarged. Later still, there is colostrum discharge (a precursor to milk).
Chadwick’s sign: This old-fashioned term refers to a bluish discoloration of the vaginal tissue, caused by venous congestion in the area.
Abdominal striae: Or, what you may know as stretch marks.
Increased pigmentation: The linea nigra, or black line, runs up the center of the woman’s abdomen and usually fades after pregnancy.
Increase in urination: Usually due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder.
Quickening: An elegant and old-fashioned term associated with the thrilling perception of movement between 16 and 20 weeks.
I get a 100,000 annually in tax breaks!
I love the government
That's 10,000 annually, you leech, and it's comprised of food stamps, SSI and other forms of government assistance.
You actually hate the government but you love how your big screen TV spans the entire space of your single wide.
That's 10,000 annually, you leech, and it's comprised of food stamps, SSI and other forms of government assistance.
You actually hate the government but you love how your big screen TV spans the entire space of your single wide.
Haha I underestimated on purpose jr programmer
I've gotten 3000,000 in breaks in less than two years of retirement.
Keep working and don't invest. Dumbass
Bad idea. Basically enslaving a whole gender.

But weren't you part of the pro-slavery crew on the "12 Year a Slave" thread? Makes sense.

Of course it is just like making drugs illegal - doesn't stop the drugs, just ensures that more people die, to keep the bullyboys happy. Ach a fi!/Ugh!