Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?


Because I work in a hospital where a lot of young kids are giving birth let me give you the following scenario I want you to answer.

Suppose you have an 12 year-old daughter who is walking to class and on one fateful day a stranger in a vehicle drives up quickly, snatches her up (assuming she is walking by herself) and kidnapped her. Then afterwards takes her to a remote area where she is abused and raped then drops her off. Then you get that call from police on what happened and as you arrive at the hospital you see her badly injured and broken screaming out for you. Let's also assume for the sake of argument her vaginal canal (cervix etc) were miraculously intact. Almost a couple months goes by your daughter complains of abdominal pain. You think it's the flu but you take her to the hospital anyway. doctors run test and they conclude she is pregnant.

What do you do? Obviously her pregnancy is the result of any extremely abusive and psychologically traumatic event, and your daughter has yet to begin her life but is now 2 months pregnant and if she takes the fetus to term she carries the burden of adult responsibilities and you as well since your the parent. Options are available and doctors say the risk of your daughter giving birth could be traumatic on her body, the result could be severe hinternal bleeding which could lead to death, or a risk of not having anymore kids or do you abort? Oh in case you're wondering, 12 year olds even as young as 10 can menstrate and get pregnant so I encourage you to think about your answer.

/shrugs....if you aren't one of the liberals I've blamed for fifty million dead children why are you complaining?.....I've only accused those who believe killing unborn children is a constitutional right which should be protected.....

Like those who believe one has a constitutional right to be an atheist? According to your idiot logic you either promote atheism or you believe such a constitutional right does not exist. Well there is a third option where you show your intellectual dishonesty and cowardice while pretending it does not lead to such a conclusion.

Because I work in a hospital where a lot of young kids are giving birth let me give you the following scenario I want you to answer.

Suppose you have an 12 year-old daughter who is walking to class and on one fateful day a stranger in a vehicle drives up quickly, snatches her up (assuming she is walking by herself) and kidnapped her. Then afterwards takes her to a remote area where she is abused and raped then drops her off. Then you get that call from police on what happened and as you arrive at the hospital you see her badly injured and broken screaming out for you. Let's also assume for the sake of argument her vaginal canal (cervix etc) were miraculously intact. Almost a couple months goes by your daughter complains of abdominal pain. You think it's the flu but you take her to the hospital anyway. doctors run test and they conclude she is pregnant.

What do you do? Obviously her pregnancy is the result of any extremely abusive and psychologically traumatic event, and your daughter has yet to begin her life but is now 2 months pregnant and if she takes the fetus to term she carries the burden of adult responsibilities and you as well since your the parent. Options are available and doctors say the risk of your daughter giving birth could be traumatic on her body, the result could be severe hinternal bleeding which could lead to death, or a risk of not having anymore kids or do you abort? Oh in case you're wondering, 12 year olds even as young as 10 can menstrate and get pregnant so I encourage you to think about your answer.

gosh, nobody has ever asked me if I'm willing to permit abortions in the event of rape before.....whatever shall I do......

how about I give you the same answer I've given the last fifty fuckheads who asked me that......I'll agree to abortions in the event of rape and you agree to no abortions in cases which don't involve rape.....stop trying to justify fifty million deaths on the basis of 1% of abortions......
Like those who believe one has a constitutional right to be an atheist? According to your idiot logic you either promote atheism or you believe such a constitutional right does not exist. Well there is a third option where you show your intellectual dishonesty and cowardice while pretending it does not lead to such a conclusion.

it really sucks that the board liberals are so fucking stupid......page up and reread so I don't have to keep typing the same thing over and over....
gosh, nobody has ever asked me if I'm willing to permit abortions in the event of rape before.....whatever shall I do......

how about I give you the same answer I've given the last fifty fuckheads who asked me that......I'll agree to abortions in the event of rape and you agree to no abortions in cases which don't involve rape.....stop trying to justify fifty million deaths on the basis of 1% of abortions......

Nope didn't even read whether or not you permit abortions in the event of rape. Ok what about abortions in the event of an ectopic pregnancy?
Nope didn't even read whether or not you permit abortions in the event of rape. Ok what about abortions in the event of an ectopic pregnancy?

hey dumbfuck.....what about your average, run of the mill "I need to kill my baby because I never wanted to be pregnant".......the 99% of abortions sitting on your shoulder while you play games?.........
Abortion is murder, and other things are other things.

Why do liberals crave confusion?

How does that change anything about my point. If you make murder legal, that does not necessarily mean you are encouraging it.

I am simply pointing out the logical fallacy in the argument.
/shrugs....if you aren't one of the liberals I've blamed for fifty million dead children why are you complaining?.....I've only accused those who believe killing unborn children is a constitutional right which should be protected.....

I believe that early abortion is a fundamental freedom protected by our Constitution.

Your use of falsehoods weakens your argument and while it might make you feel tough, it does not advance your cause, in fact it weakens it.

Saying that there are 50 million is a lie.
Saying that they are children is a lie.
/shrugs....if you aren't one of the liberals I've blamed for fifty million dead children why are you complaining?.....I've only accused those who believe killing unborn children is a constitutional right which should be protected.....

That takes in a helluva lot of conservative presidents and congress people along with millions of the rank and file.
hey dumbfuck.....what about your average, run of the mill "I need to kill my baby because I never wanted to be pregnant".......the 99% of abortions sitting on your shoulder while you play games?.........

Its not a baby, you lie.
Its not on anyone's shoulders but the women/girl who chose to do it, you lie.
Where do you get your stats about it being 99%?
Conservatives want to expand the Constitution to allow you to have the tools to murder people, but want to shrink it to prohibit you from the freedom to make your own medical choices (if you are a woman).
it really sucks that the board liberals are so fucking stupid......page up and reread so I don't have to keep typing the same thing over and over....

You took option three, which is usual for you, as you lack principles and/or a backbone.

You claimed that supporting the legality of an act was the same as promoting it. You don't seem to really believe that or you are lying about what it is you truly believe. My guess, is that you are just responding emotionally and are too immature to acknowledge that you overreacted.
hey dumbfuck.....what about your average, run of the mill "I need to kill my baby because I never wanted to be pregnant".......the 99% of abortions sitting on your shoulder while you play games?.........

If we are only supposed to talk about the majority of abortions then we should stay in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. But you guys constantly bring up aborting a fetus a day before it is due, which has probably never happened. Of course, I am sure you will rationalize your hypocrisy again.
You took option three, which is usual for you, as you lack principles and/or a backbone.

You claimed that supporting the legality of an act was the same as promoting it. You don't seem to really believe that or you are lying about what it is you truly believe. My guess, is that you are just responding emotionally and are too immature to acknowledge that you overreacted.

See, now he is doing the Texas two step.... he is trying to say that the principal he espoused only works with abortion.

Because I work in a uhospital where a lot of young kids are giving birth let me give you the following scenario I want you to answer.

Suppose you have an 12 year-old daughter who is walking to class and on one fateful day a stranger in a vehicle drives up quickly, snatches her up (assuming she is walking by herself) and kidnapped her. Then afterwards takes her to a remote area where she is abused and raped then drops her off. Then you get that call from police on what happened and as you arrive at the hospital you see her badly injured and broken screaming out for you. Let's also assume for the sake of argument her vaginal canal (cervix etc) were miraculously intact. Almost a couple months goes by your daughter complains of abdominal pain. You think it's the flu but you take her to the hospital anyway. doctors run test and they conclude she is pregnant.

What do you do? Obviously her pregnancy is the result of any extremely abusive and psychologically traumatic event, and your daughter has yet to begin her life but is now 2 months pregnant and if she takes the fetus to term she carries the burden of adult responsibilities and you as well since your the parent. Options are available and doctors say the risk of your daughter giving birth could be traumatic on her body, the result could be severe hinternal bleeding which could lead to death, or a risk of not having anymore kids or do you abort? Oh in case you're wondering, 12 year olds even as young as 10 can menstrate and get pregnant so I encourage you to think about your answer.

Yes, let's set up an example of horror in the to justify the 98% of abortions that are performed for convenience.

Most pro life advocates make concessions for threat to lice and for rape. Understanding that in the case of each true choices exist that could not be forseen.

But working at a hospital you must be aware of the likely protocol and use of a rape kit that would have been employed in the snenario you painted?