Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

A red blood cell is a red blood cell, a zygote is a human organism. While we may argue philosophically that it isn't a "person" yet but not that it isn't a human organism, ignoring what it is shows only deliberate ignorance.

A zygote is merely two joined gamete cells. Calling it a "human cell" is as confusing as saying my shoe is an extension of my human foot. The zygote is a potential human but it possess none of the characteristics of a fetus and neither does it possess the characteristics of an infant child. It is neither sentient nor conscious of its own existence. It is rather a potential human. I don't see why its difficult to accept that during the early stages of fetal gestation that a zygote is in the process of developing into a "full human being." This is why I made the comparison with the red blood cell. They are both living organisms and so I see no distinction between a zygote and a red blood cell or a sperm cell. The only difference is the fusion between two gamete cells that is it.
I already have....a sperm cell is not a human....its a sperm cell.....a zygote is a human.....that isn't opinion....that is biology......

Sperm cells, living red blood cells are living organisms, similarly a zygote is a living organism, the fusion between two gamete cells. Tell me since a zygote is a human, before we get into the specifics what are the characteristics of a human? What makes a human, a human?
The fact you would suggest something like that definitely defines your mentality. First off before you start mentioning liberals perhaps you'd like to know what individual liberals think because frankly I do not share those sentiments.
dude....you were the one who suggested it.....I was the one mocking you for doing it......so, I guess you just defined your own mentality.......
Speaking or murder if a woman's life is at risk due to the fetus you'd rather let her die and save the fetus?

society permitted abortions to save the life of the mother long before Roe v Wade.......faux defense fails....we're talking about the right to kill your unborn child for no reason whatsover.......
Sorry - I don't buy the arguments of fools who still defend the Iraq war against the "tragedy" of abortion.

Sanctity of life & all.

You know who you are.
living, as in the sense of the opposite of dead......

lol, no it isn't.....

of course it does...every one of its characteristics is already fixed in place by its DNA.....

Did you just say a sperm cell is not a living organism?

Dude just type the phrase is a sperm cell a living organism...lmao I cannot believe you said that and you just said I don't know science...

You also said that a zygote has the same characteristics as an infant. Having the DNA blueprint within a cell is not the same as having the external characteristics as a full formed human baby...For christ sake you are bad at this