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So we are going to resort to mob rule. But this post wasn't a question about who is in or out of the mainstream. It is about the NRA and the type of people who make it up.

Cop killer bullets are a myth. Any type of bullet can kill a cop and many bullets besides the type you are referring to can penetrate "bullet-proof" vests. was 5, not 3. And it is not whether "most Americans" are for or against it or not. The question is, is it constitutional. I oppose it. In today's age, background checks should be and are immediate.

Not all of them have "caved" and some are still pushing quite a bit of stuff I oppose. As to the victims, as always is the case when there is a tragedy of this magnitude, I have nothing but sorrow for them and their families. But banning guns simply wouldn't have stopped what happened. On a given day there are more alcohol/drunk driving related deaths in this country than there are gun related deaths. Using your logic we might as well ban drinking and ban driving an automobile (sober or drunk) while we are at it.

It's a myth that certain kind of bullets with teflon coating can penetrate armor vests? Why would any sane person be against banning these? Do you feel you need the added advantage when you kill deer?

I felt that you implied with your original post about "yellow dog dems" (which I am not, though moreso than I would ever be the "bluedog" variety you also referenced) that I was out of the mainstream. I think you were. I think we all have a tendancy to use majority opinion when it favors us, and call it "mob rule" when it does not, and your'e no exception.

As for the constitution, it needs to be revisited. We do that from time to time. If we did not, we could well have Dixie here arguing that blacks being legally 3/5ths of a person was a constitutional thing, and just because the majority was against it, and thought they should be a whole person, he wasn't going to be bound by mob rule.
But I do have a problem with extremists who fight against any legislation, even against bullest designed to go through bullet proof vests! Whose sole purpose is to kill a human being. Mostly cops. To me, those people would greatly benefit from a bullet up the ass, but that is just my opinion, and I don't want to offend anybody.

I know I am an extremist when it comes to guns. (Funny thing is I don't know any.) But I want to address this issue since Darla you have come to know me as at the very least human. :)

So called cop killer bullets are a terrible thing when turned against our police who protect us. I know this sounds crazy but I 100% truthfully can say that I think there can be a situation where usage of these kinds of ammunition is warranted and recent events convince me even more.

One day perhaps soon we may have to fight our government and the soldiers of that government will be wearing body armor. Without that ammunition we will be at a disadvantage.

I know this sounds crazy but is it really that unreasonable when we have a leader who doesn't respect our constitutional rights and puts himself above the law and congressional and judicial checks on his power.

To me it isn't.

Ok, but even if that scenerio played out where we needed to overthrow our government (and it could happen) do you honestly believe that even an armed citizenry stands any chance? We don't have tanks, we don't have bunker busting nuclear weapons and the like. You know, I just don't see violent revolution as having much of a chance these days.
btw, CK is a little turd, and I consider him to be a racist, after seeing the remarks he had made to tianna. I've yet to see you make any racist remarks.

I don't know why you even talk to the little shit!
Ok, but even if that scenerio played out where we needed to overthrow our government (and it could happen) do you honestly believe that even an armed citizenry stands any chance? We don't have tanks, we don't have bunker busting nuclear weapons and the like. You know, I just don't see violent revolution as having much of a chance these days.

Ask the viet cong or the Iraqi insurgents. We could hold our own with us much as they've got. Inferiorly equipped armies can prevail. The Chaco war is an example in which Paraquayan guerillas defeated a superiorly equipped Bolivian army.

The mujahedeen are another.

And even if I was 100% wrong which I'm not it would only mean I was wrong. Not a callous asshole who thinks cop killer bullets are a great thing.
btw, CK is a little turd, and I consider him to be a racist, after seeing the remarks he had made to tianna. I've yet to see you make any racist remarks.

I don't know why you even talk to the little shit!

Its my biggest flaw on these boards. I can't seem to ignore the trolls.
Ok, but even if that scenerio played out where we needed to overthrow our government (and it could happen) do you honestly believe that even an armed citizenry stands any chance? We don't have tanks, we don't have bunker busting nuclear weapons and the like. You know, I just don't see violent revolution as having much of a chance these days.
You have to remember that the military is comprised of those citizens as well. We would have tanks, etc if it ever came to that.
You have to remember that the military is comprised of those citizens as well. We would have tanks, etc if it ever came to that.

Good! Then they can bring their assault rifles and their armor-piercing bullets with them too! lol

I got a meeting guys, see ya later.
Good! Then they can bring their assault rifles and their armor-piercing bullets with them too! lol

I got a meeting guys, see ya later.
They can, but will it be enough? If it comes to such a place which side do you want to win?
Ok turns out we can't throw out the cultural issue for this case. The guy has been here since 1992 apparently.

Really? Huh. Well, if he's only 23, then he pretty much grew up here, so no, we can't. And I was rubbing that in some smug, English guys' face, who is always claiming that only America is violent and all of this other stuff.

Luckily I hardly ever post there, so i can avoid my comeuppance! And I will.
I honestly found it hard to believe an immigrant right from SK would do that. This confirms my earlier suspicions. Home grown natural born killer.
I honestly found it hard to believe an immigrant right from SK would do that. This confirms my earlier suspicions. Home grown natural born killer.
It makes the cultural thing far more likely. I hate stuff like this where information comes in fits and starts and is so often wrong. It is hard to determine where my opinion lies here.

Still. I do think taking a look at how Israel stopped the terrorists from attacking schools is a good idea. Even if we made a law totally outlaw all guns, there are so many here that such attacks could easily continue for decades... Looking at the reality of the issue and looking to places where such attacks used to take place and how they stopped them seems more of a solution than looking to the tool.
Its true full gun bans would still have people guns lying around for years. Might be better to look for a more immediate solution.
It makes the cultural thing far more likely. I hate stuff like this where information comes in fits and starts and is so often wrong. It is hard to determine where my opinion lies here.

Still. I do think taking a look at how Israel stopped the terrorists from attacking schools is a good idea. Even if we made a law totally outlaw all guns, there are so many here that such attacks could easily continue for decades... Looking at the reality of the issue and looking to places where such attacks used to take place and how they stopped them seems more of a solution than looking to the tool.

I just read that he was in the creative writing curriculum and some of his writings were so disturbing that he was referred to counseling. So if that turns out to be true, there is going to be a lot of second guessing going on.

What a shame that he was reconized as a problem though, and nothing was able to be done about it. But we can't go around institutionalizing people because of what they write.
I just read that he was in the creative writing curriculum and some of his writings were so disturbing that he was referred to counseling. So if that turns out to be true, there is going to be a lot of second guessing going on.

What a shame that he was reconized as a problem though, and nothing was able to be done about it. But we can't go around institutionalizing people because of what they write.

So true. I have been teaching [math/physics] for over 20 years now. On a couple of occasions I have been asked to review some kid's writings to try to help determine if he/she is a problem in the making. You simply cannot determine that from a kid's writings. And if you could, you can't watch him/her 24/7. I don't know the answer at all. I just know that guidance counselors and creative writing instructors have a tough time. How would you think it would be to have Stephen King as a student?
I wrote all kinds of dark shit and drew fucked up pictures when I was a kid. Today I'm a pacifist who won't kill spiders go figure.
So true. I have been teaching [math/physics] for over 20 years now. On a couple of occasions I have been asked to review some kid's writings to try to help determine if he/she is a problem in the making. You simply cannot determine that from a kid's writings. And if you could, you can't watch him/her 24/7. I don't know the answer at all. I just know that guidance counselors and creative writing instructors have a tough time. How would you think it would be to have Stephen King as a student?

LOL. That is funny.
He was trying to voice the NRA's position and getting the wording all mucked up because of ephasia. Watch the movie again with you current knowledge of Heston's alzheimers. You'll see what I am talking about.

Whether Moore knew about it at the time of the debate, the knowledge was certainly out before he decided to include that scene of his great victory over the alzheimer patient and put it on the wide screen.

When he announced I had already begun wondering why he had less appearances in public, that all we were seeing were those commercials. I found out. So did Moore.

I'll bet even you could out-argue an alzheimer patient, Cypress. Certainly using that argument to "prove" a point is silly.

More confirmation that you didn't really see the movie ;)

Moore wasn't arguing with him. Moore was asking him pointed, yet legitimate questions. In a relatively respectful way I might add. He wasn't dogging him.

The only thing that was embarrassing was Heston's assertion that crime in america is the fault of blacks. I don't care whether he had alzheimers or not. He almost immediately knew what he said was wrong, because he stormed out of the interview 30 seconds after that.
Canada has a significant amount of minorities. They're an immigrant nation just like us. Also, with a significant Native American population.

Canada doesn't have a history of segregation in the aftermath of slavery and the creation of ghettoes like we do either.

Are you familiar with how Canada treats its Native Americans? The reservations are not the best places to visit there.

IHG, you can't blame it on the institution of slavery.

Gun violence amongst american whites alone, is higher than all other developed nations.

Let's be honest, instead of tap dancing around the real reasons. This isn't rocket science. The reason we have more gun violence, is largely because of these two elements:

1) We have more guns, particularly handguns, than anywhere else.

2) Of all the developed nations, we have the largest degree of institutionalized social and economic injustice - and all the inherent social problems that creates, which include but are not limited to, crime, drugs, education, and economic opportunity.
More confirmation that you didn't really see the movie ;)

Moore wasn't arguing with him. Moore was asking him pointed, yet legitimate questions. In a relatively respectful way I might add. He wasn't dogging him.

The only thing that was embarrassing was Heston's assertion that crime in america is the fault of blacks. I don't care whether he had alzheimers or not. He almost immediately knew what he said was wrong, because he stormed out of the interview 30 seconds after that.

Wow, I am going to have to watch the movie again. I"ve seen it twice, but back when it first came out, which is years ago now. I don't recall the details that much.