Atheists are so funny!


U.S. divorce rates for various faith groups, age groups, & geographic areas

Divorce rates in the U.S.
Divorce rates among Christian groups:

Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significantly higher than for other faith groups, and much higher than Atheists and Agnostics experience.

"While it may be alarming to discover that born again Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, that pattern has been in place for quite some time."

Now that is really funny. :0)

U.S. divorce rates for various faith groups, age groups, & geographic areas

Divorce rates in the U.S.
Divorce rates among Christian groups:

Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significantly higher than for other faith groups, and much higher than Atheists and Agnostics experience.

"While it may be alarming to discover that born again Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, that pattern has been in place for quite some time."

Now that is really funny. :0)

I have been with my husband since 1974, married since '78. My conservative Christian brother is divorced, my conservative Christian sister is on her second marriage and my other conservative Christians sisters husband had an affair.

I believe this article from my first hand experience. Lol
I have been with my husband since 1974, married since '78. My conservative Christian brother is divorced, my conservative Christian sister is on her second marriage and my other conservative Christians sisters husband had an affair.

I believe this article from my first hand experience. Lol

:0) It seems that we've hit upon the 'funny' part about atheists .. they understand the 'God' in marriage better than conservative (small c)hristians do.

My wife is a Christian, I'm not .. we've been married for almost 20 years.

:0) That's 'funny'
I would imagine that "shit happens" would be the description of Nature by people who believe in fairy-tales .. but it's far more than that .. and it's all provable.

Please explain how Nature is not the giver of ALL life.
provable? did she give the first life?.....did she wave a magic wand?....
Or, the obvious ..

"... the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"

"... the following treaty was sent to the floor of the Senate, June 7, 1797, where it was read aloud in its entirety and unanimously approved"

This is called a FACT, not a belief .. something most 'believers' have difficulty with.

Too bad they don't 'believe' in facts.

well, lets see.....we have all the statements ever made by anyone involved with starting the country on one hand, and what was said in a single instance during diplomatic negotiations with a Muslim government to end a war on the other......hmmm, I wonder which is more indicative of their true beliefs......
doesn't mean they weren't loving someone of the sames sex; living with someone of the same sex;

oh but omigorsh, it does prove what we are talking about doesn't it.....that marriage being a relationship between a man and a woman has never had anything to do with religion.....gosh its fun when idiots finally realize they've been idiots......
oh but omigorsh, it does prove what we are talking about doesn't it.....that marriage being a relationship between a man and a woman has never had anything to do with religion.....gosh its fun when idiots finally realize they've been idiots......

So you realize that your position is ridiculous? that a religious definition of marriage should not influence the govt definition of it? Sure, in the last couple hundred years, our govt has allowed the religious definition to set the law. Luckily, we've finally become enlightened enough to not do that anymore.
well, lets see.....we have all the statements ever made by anyone involved with starting the country on one hand, and what was said in a single instance during diplomatic negotiations with a Muslim government to end a war on the other......hmmm, I wonder which is more indicative of their true beliefs......

Only one of them has the force of law. You also have Madison's vetoes.

There are plenty of statements by the founders showing their intent to create a separation of church and state, including the source of that phrase. Patriot666 whines all the time about how it is not in the constitution and he is right that it cannot be used anymore than the out of context quotes that you will cite.
So you realize that your position is ridiculous? that a religious definition of marriage should not influence the govt definition of it? Sure, in the last couple hundred years, our govt has allowed the religious definition to set the law. Luckily, we've finally become enlightened enough to not do that anymore.

why would my position be ridiculous.....I have merely pointed out than in reality, marriage being a relationship between a man and a woman is not a religious principle, its a societal principle.....just because you believe your position is "enlightened" doesn't actually carry any water.......we don't have to change the law to conform to your beliefs.....the law is based on what society believes.....
Only one of them has the force of law.

and if you are the sultan of Tripoli you can rely on that......nobody else cares.....

There are plenty of statements by the founders showing their intent to create a separation of church and state

and the free exercise thereof, though you aren't as concerned with that part as they were......

the out of context quotes that you will cite cite a treaty with a Muslim nation and you're concerned about MY out of context cites?......
why would my position be ridiculous.....I have merely pointed out than in reality, marriage being a relationship between a man and a woman is not a religious principle, its a societal principle.....just because you believe your position is "enlightened" doesn't actually carry any water.......we don't have to change the law to conform to your beliefs.....the law is based on what society believes.....

That so called "principle" runs afoul of society's principle of "equality before or under the law." One of those principles is referenced multiple times in our Constitution and in the DofI, the other is not.

Further, the idea that such a principle exists is weakened by the many states that allow marriage between members of the same sex.
and if you are the sultan of Tripoli you can rely on that......nobody else cares..... cite a treaty with a Muslim nation and you're concerned about MY out of context cites?......

You are so incredibly ignorant, DitzyDeuce.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

It absolutely has more relevance than any out of context quote you will cite.

and the free exercise thereof, though you aren't as concerned with that part as they were......

Sure I am.
why would my position be ridiculous.....I have merely pointed out than in reality, marriage being a relationship between a man and a woman is not a religious principle, its a societal principle.....just because you believe your position is "enlightened" doesn't actually carry any water.......we don't have to change the law to conform to your beliefs.....the law is based on what society believes.....

I don't care if marriage is based on religion or not. I don't care if it's jumping over a broom. What I care about is that all too often the arguments against it are "my religion doesn't allow it therefore it shouldn't be legal".

Did you read any of the Prop 8 court testimony? Even those AGAINST same sex marriage agreed that allowing it would be good for our country, for the children, and would be more in tune with our country's principles.

Do we have to change the law to match what I believe? no. But my support of marriage equality is based on the fundamentals our country was founded on - equality for all ; fair treatment for all. And there is NOTHING about marriage equality that is going to hurt our society.

Do you have ANY reason for being against same sex marriage aside from your religious beliefs? If not, YOUR belief would enshrine YOUR religion in our laws.

MY belief - based on reason, knowledge, fair play, etc - would expand the rights to a group that doesn't currently have them. Luckily, it turns out, most of society is moving in my direction, and we are getting same sex marriage in more and more states.
Further, the idea that such a principle exists is weakened by the many states that allow marriage between members of the same sex.

yes, including at least one where the voters rejected it, but its elected officials refuse to defend that decision in court.....society held victim to the beliefs of the minority.....
yes, I don't like asshole liberals redefining reality to conform to what they want us to believe......

Shame you hate our constitution.

Equal protection; a majority vote CANNOT remove rights from a minority just because they don't like the minority.

But you hate the constitution; you want the bible to rule. Or so it seems from your posts.

By the way, this reason is NOT a good reason to be against same sex marriage.