Atheists are so funny!

it has absolutely no relevance to the question at hand and you are well aware of it.....however, since its the only thing you have to hang your hat on you will clutch it tightly.....

It absolutely has more relevance to whether this nation was founded as a Christian nation (i.e., one whose laws are based/dependent on Christian doctrine/dogma and in contrast to a secular Nation which we clearly are) than any of the out of context quotes you will cite. It's not the only thing on which I have to hang my hat. I already referenced Madison's vetoes and the Danbury Baptist letter while mentioning that there are many more statements.
It absolutely has more relevance to whether this nation was founded as a Christian nation (i.e., one whose laws are based/dependent on Christian doctrine/dogma and in contrast to a secular Nation which we clearly are) t.

Must be why we allowed slavery - christians were into it, right? and why we only allowed white, male property owners to vote - that must be SOMEWHERE in that christian bible of yours.

Or, perhaps, we were NOT founded as solely a christian nation; but instead, as a secular nation that took some good ideas from religion, but other good ideas from philosophers, and some very bad ideas from the people with money who were influencing the constitution...
Shame you hate our constitution.
???.....I don't.....I just hate liberals abusing it.....

Equal protection; a majority vote CANNOT remove rights from a minority just because they don't like the minority.

/grins....but apparently a minority can remove rights from the majority if the minority wants their beliefs imposed on everyone else.....

By the way, this reason is NOT a good reason to be against same sex marriage.

obviously not....its about something YOU believe instead of something someone else believes......that means it couldn't possibly be something wrong.....
/grins....but apparently a minority can remove rights from the majority if the minority wants their beliefs imposed on everyone else.....


Really? I missed the part where heterosexual people had their right to marry removed from them.

What right did marriage equality take away from you?

Never mind. 'nuff said. I was bored enough to try to see if I could get any sense from you, but got other things to do now.
Really? I missed the part where heterosexual people had their right to marry removed from them.

who's definition of "marriage"....society's definition or gay pride's definition?........well, to be honest, you didn't really miss it, did just thought we wouldn't notice your argument sucked.....
Marriage to be between ONLY one man and one woman.

Well, that is what marriage happens to mean. Otherwise, can we just go about codifying bogus definitions of each human relationship into law. Can a rock be my brother? Can a dog be my son? Can a guy in the bleachers be my teammate? Can someone in an office down the street be my co-worker?
For me, it's a grammar thing. Sure, the religious element is there for me, too, but I am just such a grammar Nazi. I reject the idea of taking a word that means a very specific man-woman relationship, and just destroying it by adding random stuff onto it. Now you have successfully destroyed marriage, not as some religious institution, but as a word. It no longer means anything at all. It is today's widget.
For me, it's a grammar thing. Sure, the religious element is there for me, too, but I am just such a grammar Nazi. I reject the idea of taking a word that means a very specific man-woman relationship, and just destroying it by adding random stuff onto it. Now you have successfully destroyed marriage, not as some religious institution, but as a word. It no longer means anything at all. It is today's widget.

Marriage does not mean a specific man woman relationship. It means a close union. From a legal context it now means a union of two people.

Citizen was once defined by law to be a white male. Are you still crying over its change?
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words change meaning all the way through history.

pretending the words past definition is more important that the rights of people is pretty silly
What the Prof and evince said!!! Words change. And marriage means "an intimate or close union". And yes, the person in the office down the street might be your co-worker! I have co-workers spread across the globe. Apple used to be a piece of fruit; has the company Apple made that word just a widget, useless?

With marriage equality, marriage STILL means a close union of two people recognized by the law. How does that make the word meaningless?

Never mind. I don't want to strain your brain on a holiday. And I don't want to read your attempts at justification.

words change meaning all the way through history.

pretending the words past definition is more important that the rights of people is pretty silly

actually, pretending you have the right to force a change in the definition is what's pretty silly.....
Well, that is what marriage happens to mean. Otherwise, can we just go about codifying bogus definitions of each human relationship into law. Can a rock be my brother? Can a dog be my son? Can a guy in the bleachers be my teammate? Can someone in an office down the street be my co-worker? you're against gay marriage because you don't think the definitions of words should ever be modified.

I bet if you really put your mind to it, you could come up with another excuse even more lame than that one.