Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
"I am like a leaf on the how I soar"!
I still miss Wash!
LMAO... just watched Serenity last night...
"I am like a leaf on the how I soar"!
I still miss Wash!
"I am like a leaf on the how I soar"!
I still miss Wash!
LMAO... just watched Serenity last night...
OMG man, you will LOVE the's filled with typical Whendonisms!
The Hulk has THREE very specific scenes that will have you cheering!
And you should also check out Whedon's Cabin in the is the funniest Horror movie I've ever seen...even funnier than Evil Dead II.
Charleze Theron... enough said... love her.
LOL I wasn't going to take away your man card! I thought it was really cool.
I just don't want to give you compliments, they go to your head and God knows it's big enough as it is.
Did you see Alan Tudyk in Dollhouse? He was so freaking awesome. his character could not possibly be more different than Wash.
broke the office record for opening weekend.
I don't usually like comicbook movies. Last year x-men first class was rated like an 8.5/10 on imdb (for anyone not familiar with imdb, anything above an 8 is usually awesome, and even mid 7's are good. There are no movies ranked 9 or 10).
I was bored, so I went to go see it. It was mediocre to blah. But all the fanboys were raving about it.
And that's what you have to take away from this. Fanboys have absolute nerdgasm's over movies like this, and it massively inflates it's public standing.
I swore to myself last year, I said "grind, next year there is going to be another comic book movie, and it's going to get majorly overhyped, DO NOT SEE IT. DO NOT. GO. NO MATTER WHAT, YOU WONT LIKE IT"
But once again, everyone is now saying "oh, well I don't usually like comic book movies, but this looks AWESOME"
Maybe this time, it actually is the "Actually good" elusive comic book/superhero movie. Peer pressure/boredom/and advertising will likely trick me into seeing a decent, albiet massively overrated film, again, against my better judgement.
ok this might piss some people off, but the hunger games isn't some chick movie right? For whatever reason I keep hearing how a lot of girls liked it
ok this might piss some people off, but the hunger games isn't some chick movie right? For whatever reason I keep hearing how a lot of girls liked it
Can't wait to see The Avengers. Especially Scarlett Johansson.
BTW, speaking of other coming attractions like Snow White and the Huntsman. Please, no one see Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter when it comes out. I want that movie to bomb horribly so that Hollywood never attempts to do anything this stupid ever again. I won't even be going to see it for free, which I can do, because I have a friend who works in the business.