Cancel 2016.11
Kidding on the last one to a degree. I think the fact is that the books are obviously filled with material that this board would love.
1) Big Government control over their lives, their food supplies, where they go etc...
2) Big Government scared of the independents (in a certain sector that shall be named later)
3) Independents said fuck the sheep, everyone on their own
4) One gesture can spark a revolution
5) Use of children as human shields
6) Politicians should just be shot
It's interesting how you read it. I read it as a terrible indictment of greed - the Capital being the 1 percent and all of the others starving in order to feed them. I've read interviews with the author, she states she is making a statement on world poverty and war. However...that is what art is all about. Regardless of how the artist means it, it will always mean different things to different people, and that's a good thing.