Black Pill Wrongness: Getting yours and letting it burn is wrong.

Why is the short little fat guy Dutchie ALWAYS talking about sucking other mens dicks or taking it up the ass? Its one thing to mention it in passing as a vile joke,...but with him it is almost nonstop. There is something to this and it might explain his constant need to play the role of asshole online. Strong chance he is both sexually confused AND sexually frustrated. Poor poor little Dutchie..... :laugh:
Bullshit, Fredo. You're just too big of a fucking gutless idiot to do it yourself so you goad others to do it. Fuck you, you little cocksucker.

Just admit you're gay and start sucking dick and taking it up the ass. At least you'll be getting laid.

The black pill is a general nihilistic and negative view...

Many simps are actually black pill and are just committed to their own suffering because they can't upset their stockholm syndrome relationship.

they lash out at people well enough to speak of freedom.
Dutch....... voted THE LAST FUCKING PERSON ON EARTH you would want to sit down and have a beer with. :laugh: Anyone disagree? Nope,...not if they are honest.
I'm not the one obsessed with sucking cock and taking it up the ass. That is you who brings it up in every other post...:laugh:

Bullshit as proved by the fact you keep bringing it up. Fuck you and your little incel friends, RB, like this idiot authoritarian:
Do what you want.

it's just advice.

why do you keep lying?
You're a hater, douchebag. Do everyone a favor and fix it or at least have the balls to admit you're a fucking authoritarian asshat who seeks to subjugate women and everyone with whom you disagree. Fuck both you and RB.
Dutch claims to have been married for many years. Anyone ever see him speak of any children? Nope. Hmmmmm,....the plot thickens. ;)
Dutch....... voted THE LAST FUCKING PERSON ON EARTH you would want to sit down and have a beer with. Anyone disagree? Nope,...not if they are honest.

Fine with me, fat boy. Why would I want to sit and have a beer with a goddamn traitorous, lying piece of shit like you?
The black pill is a general nihilistic and negative view...

Many simps are actually black pill and are just committed to their own suffering because they can't upset their stockholm syndrome relationship.

they lash out at people well enough to speak of freedom.
No shit, idiot. Negative views are hate views. Fuck you, dipshit.

Go ahead and encourage your little circle jerk friends to hate others and see if one becomes another mass murderer to your applause.
Elliot Rodger: How misogynist killer became 'incel hero'
Why is the short little fat guy Dutchie ALWAYS talking about sucking other mens dicks or taking it up the ass? Its one thing to mention it in passing as a vile joke,...but with him it is almost nonstop. There is something to this and it might explain his constant need to play the role of asshole online. Strong chance he is both sexually confused AND sexually frustrated. Poor poor little Dutchie..... :laugh:

Let us pray.

Dear lord, jesus, holy spirit and buddha.

please relieve dutch uncle of his spirit of negativity and angry cock sucking.

send love rays directly to his heart and lift him up.

Bullshit as proved by the fact you keep bringing it up. Fuck you and your little incel friends, RB, like this idiot authoritarian:
You're a hater, douchebag. Do everyone a favor and fix it or at least have the balls to admit you're a fucking authoritarian asshat who seeks to subjugate women and everyone with whom you disagree. Fuck both you and RB.

It's not me who's obsessed with cock sucking, that is obviously you :laugh:
Fine with me, fat boy. Why would I want to sit and have a beer with a goddamn traitorous, lying piece of shit like you?

You dont understand, you are an odd duck, ugly duckling, the leper with no place at the party. Its not just me, or us,...its NOBODY would want to sit down with you.
No shit, idiot. Negative views are hate views. Fuck you, dipshit.

Go ahead and encourage your little circle jerk friends to hate others and see if one becomes another mass murderer to your applause.
Elliot Rodger: How misogynist killer became 'incel hero'

elliot rodger was a sick criminal who needed more good friends.

Tragic for sure.

Comparing notes about women and relatonships isn't hate ya dumb fuck.

You seem to be nearly a will smith level simp retard, seek help.

Toxic masculinity comes from the enraged simp trying to please his dark queen.
You dont understand, you are an odd duck, ugly duckling, the leper with no place at the party. Its not just me, or us,...its NOBODY would want to sit down with you.
Fat boy, you're massive ego is compensated for by your fat head. Why the fuck would I want to even be at the same fucking table with a lying loser like you? You're a fucking spineless weasel who talks big on the Internet then, when pressed, wimps out and always effectively says "I was just joking".

You're clearly the spoiled brat in your family and you'll still be the spoiled brat when you're old and your brothers are dead. Fuck you, idiot.
^^^ Irony noted. :rofl2: ^^^

Again, it's not me who's obsessed with cock sucking, that is you. We all read your constant references to it. Is it something you enjoy? Or is it something you wish you could, if you could get your fat perverted ass out of bed without the help of others or a crane??
Dutch= No wife, no children, no real life of any kind. If ANYONE here is an Incel,...its Dutch. Not only that,......but it is painfully obvious. Dutch and I have been here about the same amount of Time. Dutch has 75,000 posts :whoa:,...I have 18,000. Dutch= Angry, frustrated INCEL. EVERY SINGLE THING about him points to EXACTLY that.
Again, it's not me who's obsessed with cock sucking, that is you. We all read your constant references to it. Is it something you enjoy? Or is it something you wish you could, if you could get your fat perverted ass out of bed without the help of others or a crane??

^^^ Irony noted. :rofl2: ^^^
Again, it's not me who's obsessed with cock sucking, that is you. We all read your constant references to it. Is it something you enjoy? Or is it something you wish you could, if you could get your fat perverted ass out of bed without the help of others or a crane??

^^^ Irony noted. :rofl2: ^^^

Fat boy, you're massive ego is compensated for by your fat head. Why the fuck would I want to even be at the same fucking table with a lying loser like you? You're a fucking spineless weasel who talks big on the Internet then, when pressed, wimps out and always effectively says "I was just joking".

You're clearly the spoiled brat in your family and you'll still be the spoiled brat when you're old and your brothers are dead. Fuck you, idiot.


Poor, fat coward...