Can anyone produce a single example of WHITE PRIVILEGE??

Sure we do, lets see, for example, Bush's SAT scores were 1206, far below what Yale would even consider, and we all know about Trump's SAT scores, them and a whole lot of other white guys from prominent or money families were extended "white privilege"

What about the Kenyan Baboon?? He won't tell us his SAT scores which means they were like 950 while the average at harvard is 1400.
Right-wingers have no problem "hating on the Poor and less fortunate" and are willing to try to criminalize poverty at every opportunity.

bull·shit (bo͝ol′shĭt′) Vulgar Slang
1. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.
2. Something worthless, deceptive, or insincere.

Why are a high percentage of right-wingers white, expecting privilege for simply being on the right-wing, instead actually being Right?