APP - censure

i don't believe that is accurate....he says he won't be muzzled and hasn't backed off his criticism of the plan....i believe he solely apologized for the outburst

...and he remains in the pockets of the for-profit healthcare industry. No hero he.
and the Hugo Obama is in the pocket of the Unions, Lawyers, Acorn, the middle east etc etc etc..

hope we make it through 3 more years..
i don't believe that is accurate....he says he won't be muzzled and hasn't backed off his criticism of the plan....i believe he solely apologized for the outburst

I belive he backed down from the word "lie" and the manor it was conveyed. He clearly did NOT back down from his opposition to the bill and his belife that it will include illegal aliens.
"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill, While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."

His comments were "...inappropriate and regrettable..." Not the way he made his comments... but his comments themselves!
"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill, While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."

His comments were "...inappropriate and regrettable..." Not the way he made his comments... but his comments themselves!
He apologized for the lack of civility, not the comments.
He apologized for the lack of civility, not the comments.

Not true, he appologised for his comments by saying they were inappropriate and regrettable.

"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill, While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."
Not true, he appologised for his comments by saying they were inappropriate and regrettable.

"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill, While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."
"While I disagree with the President's statement....