Nemo me impune lacessit
Excuse me it should be consensus MY bad.
I magnanimously accept your apology.
Excuse me it should be consensus MY bad.
First, getting rid of the EC will not prevent a single person from voting.
We could have 4 layers of EC and not one person would be disenfranchised by it.
People in "various states" vote how they vote. Without an EC, there are no states, there are just people.
It's the same way that voting for governor works in individual states where there are counties. Imaginary lines (aka counties) are irrelevant in states voting for governor and, without an EC, imaginary lines (aka states) would be irrelevant when voting for President.
No four states would determine the president UNLESS they all conspired to vote for the same candidate.
HELLO FUCK FACE the fucking DMV is over 15 miles from at least from where I live and there are people that live a lot farther away then that , 15 MILES can be a hardship for a lot of people.
Make it easier put places where they can get an ID closer to where people live, not 15 MILES away.
With the electoral college, some people's votes count more than others. For example, a vote in Wyoming counts twice that of a vote in CaliforniaThey can vote, it's just that their vote won't count/
To take away the EC would deny people in Montana any voice in presidential elections. You know this - and it is the reason you want to end the EC.
Without fences, there are no families - just people. The greatest number of people will dictate to all what to do. You suggest mob rule with those on distant places ruled by the cities that have no concept of their lives - all so you can have one party rule.
If we had an EC in California, it would not be the shithole it is today.
False. I explained the math in another post.
Without the electoral college, everyone's vote counts equally. It's one vote. With the electoral college, a vote in Wyoming counts double that of a vote in California.They can vote, it's just that their vote won't count/
To take away the EC would deny people in Montana any voice in presidential elections. You know this - and it is the reason you want to end the EC.
Without fences, there are no families - just people. The greatest number of people will dictate to all what to do. You suggest mob rule with those on distant places ruled by the cities that have no concept of their lives - all so you can have one party rule.
If we had an EC in California, it would not be the shithole it is today.
False. I explained the math in another post.
With the electoral college, some people's votes count more than others. For example, a vote in Wyoming counts twice that of a vote in California
The salient part:
“Harris lost in all seven of the presidential battleground states, including the three states that made up the “blue wall”: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.”
The far left Democratic Socialist loons just lost the popular vote and now want to go to a popular vote.
Someone has no grasp of ratios and statistical grouping...
Without the EC - 4 states, California, New York, Texas, and Florida would decide every presidential election going forward. The only time other states would have any voice at all is if there were significant conflict among dominant states.
The REASON democrats hate the electoral college is that it gives a voice to "flyover country," and you want to silence that voice. You want to disenfranchise the voters in 46 states. You, like all leftists, seek raw power and will do anything to ensure your party has it.
Your brain is a lost cause.OH when did Trump come out and change his mind about wanting to have complete control and be a dictator?
With the electoral college, some people's votes count more than others.
For example, a vote in Wyoming counts twice that of a vote in California
Without the electoral college, everyone's vote counts equally.
It's one vote. With the electoral college, a vote in Wyoming counts double that of a vote in California.
Without the electoral college, imaginary state lines are irrelevant, just as county lines are relevant in state elections. Every person who wants to vote can vote and their votes all count equally as one. Where are you live becomes irrelevant.
"Simply not true. A vote in Wyoming has meaning only in Wyoming. When the STATES elect the president - then Wyoming only has two votes, while California has 53 votes."Communist propaganda.
The Constitution was written with the states electing the president. It was never a popular vote, If it had been the people of Rhode Island would have never joined the union - to be utterly voiceless and no different than they were under the crown.
Simply not true. A vote in Wyoming has meaning only in Wyoming. When the STATES elect the president - then Wyoming only has two votes, while California has 53 votes.
False - the concerns of those who raise our food and drill our oil are ignored with only the densely populated cities having a voice.
Kamaltoe already ignored anything that wasn't a mass population center - imagine the reaction if the voters in Wyoming were swamped by just Compton or Watts in LA? The concerns and wishes of those that you seek to disenfranchise would be of no concern at all.
Not a true statement.
Yes, one big collective ruled by the central authority. I've read Marx - I know what you seek.
I don't get snap for one thing and I got my ID hell over 60 years ago and I do drive and I can get to the DMV but there are people that do not drive and when the DMV is 20 miles away and that is where you have to go to get an ID it can be very difficult for some people to get there.How do you buy liquor? How do you get your SNAP card? How do you use your EBT card?
See, you're a liar. ID is needed for everything. Low lifes like you need ID every single day. You don't want ID used in voting because it stops voter fraud - period.
Do you even have one?Your brain is a lost cause.
Look you scroungy little nitwit. You constantly yap on and on about shit that isn't real. Your mind is like an LP skipping.Do you even have one?
the way you post on here it SURE doesn't seem like it.
How does making it a straight up fight "disenfranchise voters"?Free and fair elections are the bane of the democratic party. When elections are held without tampering, democrats lose. The Election Integrity laws passed by 11 resulted in democrats having 18 million less votes in 2024 than they did in 2020.
In a naked bid to seize power and a show of contempt for voting rights, the democrat party has moved to disenfranchise voters in the majority of American states. democrats seek to limit voting for president to the 4 most populous states, shutting out voters from the process in what democrats and their press call "fly over country." democrats want California and New York to appoint the president - avoiding the risk of losing elections.
The electoral college is a constitutional provision, meaning that this idiocy by Schumer and his fellow thugs is just posturing, it would require a Constitutional Amendment. But democrats are nothing if not stupid - and evil.
GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE.Look you scroungy little nitwit. You constantly yap on and on about shit that isn't real. Your mind is like an LP skipping.
Will you ever take a moment and realize you're being a fool about your president?
Get mental health care. Something is really fucked up with you.GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE.
WHY the popular vote is not used to select presidents!GO FUCK YOURSELF ASSHOLE.
they are actually.yet they are NOT the ones backing a want to be Dictator are they?
Well people think smaller states won't get their say on who they want to be President.WHY the popular vote is not used to select presidents!