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The bolded and underlined is simply pure bullshit. If you want to be one of the nutjobs, spouting of nonsensical talking points is a great way to start.

I should added it was taken down by people who saw it it as a way to get at Obama and hated the very idea of poor black and Hispanic people being helped by government money. I never had you down as a right wing firebrand but that is how you are coming across on this issue.
Again... countless was an EXAGGERATION. In terms of convictions of employees of one organization, the point was to emphasize the large number that had been convicted of actions while working for said employer in one friggin year.

Right, roughly 1/3 of the amount of members of the Bush administration who were convicted.
I should added it was taken down by people who saw it it as a way to get at Obama and hated the very idea of poor black and Hispanic people being helped by government money. I never had you down as a right wing firebrand but that is how you are coming across on this issue.

Yeah. Kind of what Darla was getting at.
I should added it was taken down by people who saw it it as a way to get at Obama and hated the very idea of poor black and Hispanic people being helped by government money. I never had you down as a right wing firebrand but that is how you are coming across on this issue.

Right wing firebrand? LMAO... why is that? Because I don't like fraud? Especially when it comes to our elections?

The fact that you are trying to bring Obama into it shows that it is you that is being driven by partisanship.

But I do wonder... if ACORN was so valuable... why did the left let it go under? The federal funding was only a small part of their revenue stream. Why did the liberals/Democrats let it fail if it was providing such value to the poor?

You and others cling to the 'well, if we just call the Dems spineless, we can pretend that is why they voted en masse to defund ACORN'. Bottom line... they were defunded with a Supermajority led Dem Senate, a Dem led House and a Dem President. Yet many on the left want to re-elect those 'spineless' Dems.
Right, roughly 1/3 of the amount of members of the Bush administration who were convicted.

LOL... really?

that is how you wish to spin this? Even if 100% of the Bush admin were convicted, it would not change my position on fraud. No group... none... regardless of party affiliation should get any tax payer funding if they are found to have numerous convictions within their organization for fraud.
LOL... really?

that is how you wish to spin this? Even if 100% of the Bush admin were convicted, it would not change my position on fraud. No group... none... regardless of party affiliation should get any tax payer funding if they are found to have numerous convictions within their organization for fraud.

Yet several financial institutions which were up to their necks in fraud, graft and good old fashioned deceit amounting to "countless" billions of dollars have received less of your ire than ACORN which had a few rogue employees.
LOL... really?

that is how you wish to spin this? Even if 100% of the Bush admin were convicted, it would not change my position on fraud. No group... none... regardless of party affiliation should get any tax payer funding if they are found to have numerous convictions within their organization for fraud.

Yeah, because 15 out of half a million is certainly statistically significant, right Superhack?
Yet several financial institutions which were up to their necks in fraud, graft and good old fashioned deceit amounting to "countless" billions of dollars have received less of your ire than ACORN which had a few rogue employees.

The above is 100% bullshit. I have ranted against Wall Street as much, if not more, than the vast majority of this site. I have continuously complained of the incestuous relationship triangle of Wall St, the Ivy Leagues and DC.

The thread in question started talking about ACORN. The fact that it was more recent than threads on Wall St doesn't change the fact that I have stated time and again that they should jail (or just shoot) the bastards on Wall St. If you talk about ACORN, I am going to state my opinion on ACORN. If you want to discuss Wall St, I will discuss Wall St.

Like Dune's dumbass attempt to compare corruption with Bush to ACORN... your comparison of Wall St. to ACORN is equally pathetic. I don't like it... regardless of who does it. I don't want a dime of tax payer money going to any of those that commit fraud. Whether you want to pretend it was 'just a few rogue employees' or not. Fraud is fraud.
Umm, no it isn't. In fact, it is so insignificant as to be not representative at all. Dipshit.

So you think as long as an organization doesn't have a statistically significant amount of convictions based on its employee count, that it is no big deal?

That would mean you thought the Enron scandal didn't matter either???

15 convictions in multiple states is a lot relative to every other organization out there.
So you think as long as an organization doesn't have a statistically significant amount of convictions based on its employee count, that it is no big deal?

That would mean you thought the Enron scandal didn't matter either???

15 convictions in multiple states is a lot relative to every other organization out there.

ACORN, 15 cases of fraudulent voter registration (by independent contractors acting on their own), actual damage zero.

ENRON, 70 billion dollars stolen from investors by the top executives, plus over 2 billion stolen from employees (again, by top management).

Yeah, Superfreak, those are comparable. LMFAO. Idiot.
ACORN, 15 cases of fraudulent voter registration (by independent contractors acting on their own), actual damage zero.

ENRON, 70 billion dollars stolen from investors by the top executives, plus over 2 billion stolen from employees (again, by top management).

Yeah, Superfreak, those are comparable. LMFAO. Idiot.

LMAO... so now you wish to decree it is about the amount of economic damage, not the number of employees convicted as a percentage of the overall work force?

Are you going to stick to one standard or are you going to continue to flail around changing the rules every time you make yourself look foolish?
LMAO... so now you wish to decree it is about the amount of economic damage, not the number of employees convicted as a percentage of the overall work force?

Are you going to stick to one standard or are you going to continue to flail around changing the rules every time you make yourself look foolish?

You tried to compare ENRON to ACORN, moron, I am just pointing out how foolish that was on your part.
ACORN had over 500,000 members at its height, as far as I can see it did a lot of good and was taken down by people who hated the very idea of poor people being helped. True, it didn't help itself by not being diligent enough but the correct course of action should have been to root out the offenders, who were only low level personnel anyway. The reason Democrats voted for its demise is simple enough, spinelessness when faced with a virulent orchestrated campaign by the media.

So, a half-million members and 15 convictions for registration fraud? I'm not sure what's meant by members but on a strict number basis we're talking
[h=2]15 / 500 000 = 3.0 × 10[SUP]-5[/SUP][/h]
LMAO... so now you wish to decree it is about the amount of economic damage, not the number of employees convicted as a percentage of the overall work force?

Are you going to stick to one standard or are you going to continue to flail around changing the rules every time you make yourself look foolish?

I recommend this article from HuffPo from 2009, it is very fair minded recognising that ACORN was poorly run yet also pointing out that there was a witchhunt to get it for allegedly getting Obama elected. I was also fascinated to find out the huge sums that ACORN was supposedly getting from government amounts to just $53 million over the last 15 years over around $3.5 million a year!! Holy shit, they wasted more than that on military toilet seats during the Reagan era.
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You tried to compare ENRON to ACORN, moron, I am just pointing out how foolish that was on your part.

Not in the manner you switched to. I compared them statistically as you keep trying to do with ACORN. In terms of number of employees convicted/total employees. Then you switched to talking about the economic impact of the two and pretending that I tried to equate them in that manner, which is complete bullshit on your part.